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Comments 77

shittysoup September 19 2019, 08:28:18 UTC
This should be submitted for a Pullitzer. This is the kind of deep dive investigative journalism into our broken society that we need.


aleksie September 19 2019, 14:17:41 UTC
I second this.


lloydsgurl September 19 2019, 08:31:24 UTC
Before tumblr banned all porn, I accidentally stumbled upon incineroar furry fanart and it was... traumatizing.

So, knowing that ducks irl have corkscrew-shaped dicks, I can only say THANK GOD there’s no more porn on tumblr!!!! I’m sure this fancy duck will inspire some real doozies.


lefaineant September 19 2019, 08:59:19 UTC
When I first saw Sirfetch’d, I was like ‘Oh cool, Farfetch’d evolves to an actual (spring) onion knight’ just not this. Lol though


helliosx September 19 2019, 09:34:32 UTC
So glad I'm hatching so many non shiny Farfetch'd in Go right now, I'm sure they'll bring it in Go as a cross promo for SW&SH just like they did Meltan.


caitiecait September 19 2019, 13:51:18 UTC
If I hatch another regular schmegular Farfetch’d, I’m gonna use his onion to baste his little bird ass.


helliosx September 19 2019, 15:04:53 UTC
This is me with every Mr. Mime I hatch.

They're a plague in the wild and now they're stealing my egg hatches as well tf


caitiecait September 19 2019, 17:55:54 UTC
It’s super annoying to hatch the same thing that you can regularly find!


adam_pally September 19 2019, 10:08:33 UTC
Is it too late to delete the internet?


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