Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Everest

Jun 24, 2019 14:14

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Climbing Mount Everest has become dangerously popular. John Oliver explains why.

Do you think this is just natural selection at its finest, ONTD?

television - hbo, fail, last week tonight (hbo)

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Comments 46

soulhades June 24 2019, 14:21:27 UTC
Did anyone was disturbed by how long and frequent where the interruptions when John was making jokes ? Between the AT & T, the fake but true mountain, the rick and rolling...The point he was trying to make was diluted in those jokes. It's like they didn't have enough material to make it last long enough so they just stretched it with jokes. He usually does them to a more discreet extent...


water_water June 24 2019, 14:45:05 UTC
YES. it's gotten worse. The show has always been more about the entertainment than the serious topics but this segment was weirdly paced with the jokes


aleksie June 24 2019, 15:02:37 UTC
I was disturbed, but I'm not sure why. It's not like this is first time I've seen this show or anything.


sophistiquated June 24 2019, 15:13:57 UTC
Yeah it seemed more unfocused than usual


__nocturna June 24 2019, 14:25:40 UTC
i like to hike and climb, the best part is getting to the summit and just sitting there looking at the beauty around me. it feels very zen and peaceful.

you can't do that with Everest obviously. its just a race against time to get to the top, then immediately turn around. and they leave trash everywhere. and the sherpas do all the work. its not about appreciating nature anymore, its about status and being able to brag that you did it, which just seems hollow to me.


co_lo June 24 2019, 14:30:32 UTC
There's this silly French movie on Netflix about a real man with not experience that climbed the Everest and for me it reinforced the idea that the job is done mostly by locals and some climbers are just assholes that are there for the glory.


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ellaellaeheheh June 24 2019, 14:36:33 UTC
I DID IT. It was hard.

[Spoiler (click to open)]

... )


trendsnational June 24 2019, 14:40:38 UTC
Lmao omg!!

Nossa parabéns mana! 😂😂😂


ellaellaeheheh June 24 2019, 14:44:17 UTC
obrigada, foi muito dificil


babs June 25 2019, 05:55:46 UTC
im fucking screaming omg


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