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Comments 245

travk May 14 2016, 04:24:01 UTC
It seems he finds twink offensive based on how he personally feels about it and attached his own negative associations with it. I just always associated twink with being a really skinny, younger gay guy. It's all about context and intent.


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stuffedpanda May 14 2016, 04:38:13 UTC
thats literally being homophobic why do you think its okay?

That's because we have real live homophobes here. Simple.


cakesoft May 14 2016, 05:20:45 UTC
It's Azealia Banks syndrome where people think that if they can claim the homophobia is only being aimed at the most privileged subgroup of gay people, that somehow means they aren't being targeted and so they can let the straight person off the hook. But I've yet to meet a straight person who was homophobic to a white gay man that didn't turn around and end up being homophobic to a gay or bi person of color whenever they were in the wrong mood.


kindalingers May 14 2016, 11:41:27 UTC
Which indeed Azaelia did just the other day being horrible to MNEK (and Zayn but he's not actually gay)


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swissbeauty23 May 14 2016, 04:26:20 UTC
ia because it's objectifying/comparing to the feminine in a negative way. It's not always negative, but I can see how it could be.


stuffedpanda May 14 2016, 04:58:48 UTC
You're absolutely right. When used as an insult, it's plain misogyny.


pacehim May 14 2016, 13:50:46 UTC
on the opposite side, would saying a woman looks/acts like a dude be bashing masculinity? no, because really it's about taking a jab at the individual


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slinkydinks May 14 2016, 04:48:59 UTC
Definitely agree. But with "queer" I feel like it can be its own identity or like a catch-all for anyone under the rainbow alphabet. I think it all depends on the tone you use, straight or not.


la_petite_singe May 14 2016, 05:01:49 UTC
Somehow I feel like f*g is considerably worse than "queer" or "queen" or any other words like that, idk. It's hard to define, but none of my gay friends use it (and nor do I); to me it just always sounds entirely hateful and never lighthearted or playful.


primeling May 15 2016, 06:45:34 UTC
Same. I am comfortable under the queer umbrella but the f* word is just enough to make me flinch no matter whose mouth if is coming from. Queer feels softer tbh.


swissbeauty23 May 14 2016, 04:25:40 UTC
I'm not a gay man so I can't really speak to this. I can see how some people would find it offensive, but I do know there's a whole lexicon of gay terminology (otters, bears, etc.)


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