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swissbeauty23 May 14 2016, 04:26:20 UTC
ia because it's objectifying/comparing to the feminine in a negative way. It's not always negative, but I can see how it could be.


stuffedpanda May 14 2016, 04:58:48 UTC
You're absolutely right. When used as an insult, it's plain misogyny.


pacehim May 14 2016, 13:50:46 UTC
on the opposite side, would saying a woman looks/acts like a dude be bashing masculinity? no, because really it's about taking a jab at the individual


bag_of_ice May 14 2016, 15:51:09 UTC
That's an example of bashing someone for not being feminine enough as a woman, so there's still misogyny in there.


pacehim May 14 2016, 16:23:00 UTC
so bashing a dude for being feminine is misogyny and bashing a woman for being masculine is also misogyny? doesn't seem accurate, but ok


bellwetherr May 14 2016, 19:11:16 UTC
well both situations stem from society's inability to move away from heteronormative culture so yes, it's accurate


rolt_me May 15 2016, 00:13:20 UTC
lol it really doesn't. I've heard feminists say homophobia is just a form of misogyny. you get the most reductive, unnuanced form of discourse that is just say everything is because of the patriarchy/misogyny with some feminists.


sintitulo May 14 2016, 16:53:19 UTC


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