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Comments 38

neyne September 26 2008, 12:03:38 UTC
What was your favorite bro-ment tonight? The pie. Definitely the pie.
Which character sobbed when reading Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret (Dean, Sam, Bobby, Ruby, or John) Both Sammy and Ruby. Sam cause it's, well, Sam - and Ruby cause she's afraid of angels.
Please rate the episode on a scale of 5 Impalas 42. And not just because I'm wearing my hitchhiker-shirt today.

I just love this show.


(The comment has been removed)

scarlett_savage September 26 2008, 19:42:10 UTC
You mean in the context of, if Sam is sleeping with Ruby and Ruby is possessing a human host then it's not consensual? [Blushes] I'm sorry about asking for clarification; I just want to make sure I'm on the same page given the sensitivity of the topic and also, you know, generally!

If you mean the above and I've interpreted correctly, then I have a speculation: is Sam sleeping with Ruby? It's possible that the demon known as Ruby possessed the girl who was Chrissy before in the motel room AFTER she and Sam had sex and she was still Chrissy then. When Chrissy appeared in the diner after Sam took out the other demons, and she was already Ruby, Sam may have recognized her due to how she made her presence known because the demon is still the demon even if the human form has changed. In this case, it wouldn't be rape because then, Sam didn't sleep with Ruby i.e a demon possessing a human, but with Chrissy herself, which would be consensual, of course.

Feel free to throw holy water at me if I'm entirely off-track [blushes]!


mosaic September 26 2008, 20:58:07 UTC
I must admit, I hope your explanation is right, because I HATE the idea of Sam sleeping with Ruby. Not just because she's a demon, but because he says at the end of the episode that he doesn't entirely trust her, and my Sammy wouldn't do that. Of course, I guess I need to accept that Sammy is different now that he's dealt with Dean's death and all that, but I'm still in denial.


scarlett_savage September 26 2008, 22:09:05 UTC
I know Sam's arc towards the development and use of powers (and in the context of their origin) and his character development point to a toughening up, to the shedding of certain ideas and ideals, but I don't think it is or ever would be to the point where Sam would do something like that. He knows a demon possessing a person means that that person is trapped inside and every action and word is the demon, so I truly don't think Sam would do something like that. He's not evil nor is he deliberately cruel. His powers and experiences haven't lessened his humanity; in the context of Dean's death for example, maybe he went numb, maybe he became cold, maybe he went into denial, maybe he hardened, maybe he accepted it in that always-constant ache kind of way that happens sometimes - but those are all very human reactions. I think Sam is very much and all human. I don't think his personality changes are directly correlated to his powers or the development to his powers (not saying there's no correlation, but that there's not a cause and ( ... )


siriusslash September 26 2008, 14:24:41 UTC
What was your favorite bro-ment tonight?Dean having to do research and angrily sending Sam for pie.

Which character sobbed when reading Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret (Dean, Sam, Bobby, Ruby, or John)Duh, Sam!

Please rate the episode on a scale of 5 ImpalasOff the Impala chart.


spankulert September 26 2008, 14:42:53 UTC
What was your favorite bro-ment tonight? Pie. Considering what usually happens when someone goes for pie, Dean should be glad Sam forgot it.

Also, Bobby's panick room is love &hearts%

Which character sobbed when reading Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret (Dean, Sam, Bobby, Ruby, or John) Sam. Maybe John back in the day.

Please rate the episode on a scale of 5 Impalas 5 Impalas' worth of awesome would breach the fabric of this reality, but I'm giving it five fifths of an Impala ;)
(Meg is worth one fifth of an Impala all by her stellar self!)


scarlett_savage September 26 2008, 22:12:55 UTC
Hey all ( ... )


trinipedia November 15 2008, 00:27:06 UTC
you rock so hard.


scarlett_savage November 15 2008, 16:49:06 UTC
[Turns red] Aw! Thank you! That was me being most ramble-y ;)!


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