Part: 28/?
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of previous torture and rape
Genre: Angst, AU
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Owen, Tosh, Gwen
Summary: AU. The Torchwood team discover the truth about what happened on the Valiant and search for Jack. A dark fic.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Hidden Behind Our Appearances now has fanart! I'm so pleased.
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Comments 15
I should mention, I am reading your other story, but I probably won't comment on it. It is really too dark for me, especially since you indicated that it won't have a happy ending. I get too deeply into stories, it is why I can't watch horror movies. But you are a great writer, and I don't want you to think we don't appreciate your efforts. And please, if you write any more fics with no happy ending, do continue to warn us up front. I need to brace myself for things like that.
On the plus side the taxman owes me money!!
I am working on the next chapter though, as of today.
Anyhow, I'm glad you liked the latest therapy session. Listing everything the team had done, did make me wonder why on Earth Jack didn't just up and leave Torchwood after Abaddon. He would have been far better off without them. Of course then we wouldn't have had a Series 2.
Thank you for reading the other story. I know that it will be too dark for a lot of people. Chapter 2 was the darkest part of it. There was a time when I wouldn't have been able to read Lacrimis, never mind write it.
Looking forward for more!
I like that you have Charlotte reacting to what she's hearing. I can't even begin to imagine how any therapist does what they do, having to listen to all of the anguish and pain people go through in order to find a way to help them. It makes her seem so much more real and human. I also like that you have her holding on, granted with difficulty, to her professionalism and not letting her feelings show to the rest of the team. I think for my part, I'd have to go home and rage, scream, break and throw things just to vent my
Reply I was saying, I'd have to go home and vent all of my frustration and anger on Jack's behalf, since he's in no fit state to do it himself, for fear of being tipped over the edge and not being able to recover. He still has some serious guilt issues to deal with along with the betrayals suffered from others. It's really amazing he's still functioning at all.
I'm very eager to see the capture of Oduya and Stamford. As for new team members, I think Owen should consider Peterson, as he's proven himself to be honorable and trustworthy, and may not be in such a good place with Unit when this all hits the fan.
The reason - because it seems to me as time goes on that Ianto at least will need to talk to someone about his tangled emotions/thoughts. In spite of the fact, like Jack, he is a typical man who would rather stay mute about the whole thing. I think that usually he'd talk to Tosh but in this case that would be more or less impossible. Also it might be interesting to see Charlotte's reaction to the tangled, conflicted mess that was Jack & Ianto's relationship. Why you ask? Because your OCs become so real that it makes me want to know more about what THEY are thinking & feeling about things. And I can see this (counseling Ianto) as adding an extra dimension by getting into his head. Of course this is just me hoping & speculating.
Thanks for continuing to write this & I can't wait for the next update.
Charlotte is probably not feeling as benign to the other team members now as she initially did though, after finding out their behaviour towards Jack.
Thanks for commenting, I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to respond, and such a long time to start working on the next chapter. I am working on it now.
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