Part: 28/?
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of previous torture and rape
Genre: Angst, AU
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Owen, Tosh, Gwen
Summary: AU. The Torchwood team discover the truth about what happened on the Valiant and search for Jack. A dark fic.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Hidden Behind Our Appearances now has fanart! I'm so pleased.
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I think his risking everything to help Jack would put him more in the light of savior than persecutor, since he was never one of those who abused Jack, but instead someone who made sure he had food and water during his captivity. He was a soldier Jack met and dealt with previous to his whole horrible ordeal. Also, in the state Jack is in, and thinking back to his reaction when the team saved him from those three Unit goons who were going to dump him in the bay, I think anyone he can see is actually trying to help him would gain favor in his eyes.
Jack trusts the team now and knows they're doing everything in their power to help him, whether he can get as far as forgiving them or not. Peterson has never hurt him in any way, ever, and he was really in no position to do much to help him at the prison. As long as he wasn't running around in a Unit uniform, I don't see that Jack would hold his former employment against him.
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