Fic or treat!

Oct 31, 2015 11:01

Gimme a pairing (and a prompt of you're feeling nasty) and I'll give you a treat (porn) or a trick (crack) in the form of a drabble.

Happy Halloween!

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Comments 12

doreyg October 31 2015, 16:10:16 UTC
Thaal Sinestro/Bruce Wayne, biting AND/OR Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, table AND/OR Hal Jordan/Thaal Sinestro, bruising? :D


hal/bruce oh_mcgee October 31 2015, 20:13:15 UTC
"You can read my mind ( ... )


RE: hal/bruce doreyg November 1 2015, 08:58:33 UTC
Haha! This is hilarious and hot and so very in character for the both of them. XD Thank you so much!

Favourite lines:

"Yep," Hal said, sounding somehow even more smug than usual. "Touched some alien in the naughty parts or something


"In the meeting earlier when I was calling you an arrogant son of a bitch you were thinking about how much you wanted to bend me over the table right there in front of Clark and everyone and fuck me silly."


Bruce took a careful step toward him, hovered in his space. "You've never been fucked by me before either."


So, yes, thank you so much for this! It was amazing. ^^


daria234 October 31 2015, 18:08:28 UTC
Jason Todd/Steve Rogers or Jason Todd/Bucky Barnes


likewinning October 31 2015, 20:00:18 UTC
Tim Drake/Roy Harper, glitter

Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, lit up

Dick Grayson/any, tease


oh_mcgee October 31 2015, 20:51:19 UTC
"Fuck," Roy says, dumping a laundry basket out on the bed next to Tim. "You have got to stop washing your clothes with mine."

Tim rolls over and squints up at him, rubs his eyes into focus and sees Roy standing there holding one of his nicer black button-ups up, desperately trying to shake the gold glitter off of it.

"Why," Tim says groggily, rolling onto his back and stretching shamelessly, the covers pulling down his hips and off his dick. "Don't you like being sparkly?"

Roy looks down at him and licks his lips, drops the basket on the floor and crawls up the bed toward Tim, pushes his fingers into Tim's hair, still flecked with silver and gold glitter from last night, licks his way into his mouth.

"I like it when you get me sparkly," Roy says, thinking about the last time Tim stopped by his place after he went out to some club, how Tim woke him up with his mouth on his dick then rode him so hard Roy couldn't see straight, how they'd both woken up covered in flecks of glitter and confetti, his sheets looking like a drag queen ( ... )


likewinning October 31 2015, 22:14:37 UTC
AAAAAGH MY BOYS <3______<3

"I like it when you get me sparkly," Roy says, thinking about the last time Tim stopped by his place after he went out to some club, how Tim woke him up with his mouth on his dick then rode him so hard Roy couldn't see straight, how they'd both woken up covered in flecks of glitter and confetti, his sheets looking like a drag queen exploded in his bed.
hnnnnnnng jesus

everything I own is covered in glitter because your Blowjob Queen shirt somehow ended up with my clothes in the wash."

"Ooh," Tim said. "I've been looking for that. I think I'll wear it today."
*snorts* goddamnit I love Tim so MUCH.

This is perfect, bb, omg. Thank you!


Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, lit up (LB) 1/2 oh_mcgee November 16 2015, 04:48:07 UTC
“Come with me,” Jason murmurs, passing a pill from his tongue into Bruce’s mouth as Bruce’s hands come down around his ass and squeeze, dragging him down into his lap ( ... )


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