So I made a simple webpage today, I'll try to add more to it soon here. Like pictures, art, links to this blog and so forth. I'd love to have my own domain as well, so we'll see about that. However this Oggy is poor right now *laughs*
Anyway, lookie at my simple site and let me know what needs to be changed.
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Oct 14, 2007 20:13
Seems my Deamon is a house kitty XD
Oct 12, 2007 20:20
So my grands cat decided he hates me, and tore into my foot. Now I think it might be infected, so I'm going to go take a bath and clean up the cut again. My boss noticed that I was walking odd and asked me if I was ok. So I might be the gimpy cowgirl at the PS
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Oct 10, 2007 23:54
I decided to let go of my land in SL. This was due to a few personal reasons, and honestly it had to happen. I just feel sad about it which seems odd because honestly in rl.. where I live isnt a home. I am allowed to have my stuff her yeah, but my friends are not welcome...and honestly sometimes I wonder if I even am. And before that when I live
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Oct 10, 2007 08:41
So I had a huge test in History this AM... and I couldnt sleep!!!! Son of a Bitch... I kept waking up every damn hour and glaring at the clock. *shakes paw* damn you clock..... damn you
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Oct 09, 2007 13:16
Stolen from Woulfcat :X
Oct 05, 2007 02:21
I really want to know what I did in a past life to get this one.....
I must have done something pretty fucked up.
Oct 01, 2007 14:48 I love this episode of Buffy, it's all singing and it's one of my faves. They released a CD of all the sings and honestly I want it XD
It makes me feel so much better when I am having a bad day.
On another note, this inspired me today:
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