Oct 12, 2007 20:20
So my grands cat decided he hates me, and tore into my foot. Now I think it might be infected, so I'm going to go take a bath and clean up the cut again. My boss noticed that I was walking odd and asked me if I was ok. So I might be the gimpy cowgirl at the PS....
I got some homework done at work today, but we ended up busy and I couldnt finish my history. I think tomorrow im going to sit down and work on it. I'm really looking foward to the PS, I'll be able to be myself and molest my girl <3
Oh, and we had a christian event at work... some guys were outside picketing.... I went and talked to them. They said that the Pastor of the church they go to is named Darwin Fish... and they are of the church of Paranthropus. I rofled for 10 mins.