Laura Cantrell pre-ordering available, girly shopping notes, and a brief administrative note.

May 01, 2005 17:40

Laura Cantrell's new album, Humming by the Flowered Vine, is now available for pre-ordering on I haven't decided whether to pre-order it or wait to buy it used, but I want it.


We picked up another bottle of the bubble bath on sale at Walgreens that Laurel and I sniffed on our last trip there. She got apple/avocado last week; I was thinking about buying a bottle of peach/almond so she can alternate scents when I spotted a lone bottle of vanilla on the aisle end cap. Vogon made an awful face when he sniffed it, but it's for Laurel and I can barely smell it on her in the morning so I don't mind buying scents she likes and we don't. (Speaking of which, neither Laurel nor I like the magnolia/jojoba scent that's also on sale.) I'd been using up a 1.7 oz bottle of Vanilla Fantasy body wash I'd found under her sink and found she likes vanilla scented stuff, so I think it was a good choice. They also have their store brand strawberry bubble bath back in stock, but we finished our last bottle of that a few weeks ago and I'm happy to have a break from that scent.

While I was at it, I picked up another Montagne Jeunesse mask to try -- a Dead Sea mud mask since I still haven't been brave enough to try the Red Hot Earth sauna mask -- and two more of their 2/$1 garden mini-pinwheels so I can continue to amuse myself by sticking them in the plants.

I didn't make the deposit on Saturday I'd planned to, so we'll drop by the bank tomorrow and do that before I make an order from Hannah's Handprints later this week. It's been a few years since I did something for myself for Mother's Day, so some tasty-scented bubble baths sound good to me.


I have a few CDs to burn and some things to finish up, then I've got a bunch of packages to mail this week.

I'm really looking forward to the Landmark Forum this upcoming weekend.

640.73_shopping, 780_music, 646.7_personal_care_and_beauty

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