I put my user-name in google just now (because I’m very sad ok? Also bored - see below) and it turns out that back in June one of my music.blog posts was quoted in a
Guardian article!!!
I can now die happy - hemp-chewing, sandal-wearing Grauniad reader that I am.
Also, someone called bethannsen has every one of my RyCon fics bookmarked at del.icio.
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Comments 8
Must try doing the same, but I think there's another fredbassett on a different journal that isn't me, or there was a while ago.
Weird how you find that people might read and bookmark stuff but never, ever give you and feedback. I always try and leave some feedback when I've read and enjoyed something, as if no-one ever commented,I'm sure we'd all get pretty pissed off and stop writing eventually, but so many people never leave any trace that they've passed through, so to speak, which is a shame, in my view. It doesn't take long to leave a smiley face, even if they can't think of anything else to say!!
And I totally agree with you, Fred, about people not commenting when they've read your stuff. I always try and comment on other people's stuff, since I figure that if they've gone to all the time, effort and creativity to write it down and entertain me, the least I can do is feedback and give them encouragement. There's nothing worse than feeling like people aren't reading and enjoying your stories - it can be a little demoralising.
I did lurk for a while before I got my LJ set up, and then I was very nervous and a bit embarrassed about commenting, then I plucked up courage to do it, long before I started posting stuff, then I discovered that, gosh, you made friends that way, and it was a fun thing to do, and when I finally started posting, I realised how important comments are to writers.
But it's always worth remembering that even when there aren't many comments, there really are loads of people who read and say nothing. Maybe we ought to start a campaign encouraging comments!!
And - bonus! - checking out the people I hadn't seen yet has led me to some great fic's!
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Don't be embarrassed luv! Like I say, I did the same when I first got into LJ, took me a while to get the hang of it - and watch yourself! This shit's addictive, honestly...
Glad you liked the fic's! And there should be another one going up - erm - soonish. When I've finished it among the dozens of others I'm working on!
It will be Connor Tops! And may include a hand!porn plot bunny that I saw today the evil lot over at primeval_fanfic have set on me. Or that may have to go in yet another one...
*heads desk*
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