Ready for my close up...

Oct 31, 2007 13:32

I put my user-name in google just now (because I’m very sad ok? Also bored - see below) and it turns out that back in June one of my posts was quoted in a Guardian article!!!

I can now die happy - hemp-chewing, sandal-wearing Grauniad reader that I am.

Also, someone called bethannsen has every one of my RyCon fics bookmarked at Which is both rather surprising and immensely flattering. *waves at you*

“This is your LJ captain speaking. I see from my googling that we’ve picked up a hitchhiker. Hello, whoever you are! I just wanted to say that you are extremely welcome! I did sod all to get where I am today and I became a slasher-fic writer in order to encourage degenerate freeloaders like myself. I have sent out a search party and when they find you they will feed you tea and cookies! If you’re very lucky I’ll give you an rps fic filled with poetry first.”

Or just plagiarise obscure bits from Hitchhikers’ Guide at you. One or the other.

Oh, and whoever you are, I’ve nicked a load of your rec’s m’kay? *g*

random shite, bored now, omfg!

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