Red Planet 1/6

Mar 02, 2010 19:24

Ganked this from dreamerchaos' LJ.  This story is from a crazy series of IM's between the two of us...which turned into a monster.  Started out with her and I brainstorming over her original idea for this...then we started RPing....and it all went downhill from there.  8O

She gets all the credit for editing and making this sucker flow like an actual story.  XD

Title: Red Planet (1/6)
Author: dreamerchaos and odd_stick 
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters are owned by Hasbro. I'm only playing with them.
Rating: Mature. STICKY.
Pairing: StarscreamxPerceptor.
Summary: Based off of Bayverse characters. An IM session between odd_stick and I morphed into this piece.
For nova_myth, since we were discussing drabbles and she mentioned that she missed updates on my
Movieverse Starscream/Perceptor…Kinda evolved from a drabble, to a one-shot, to this monster.

“Did you hear that?”


“You’re not even looking!!”

“Be quiet!” The gray and brown mech snapped, bent over a broken piece of the communication array, “Can’t you see that I am busy, Horizon?”

“B-But…” The slender blue mech, built for speed and surveillance, tittered nervously, “I could have sworn that I heard a jet--”

“Impossible.” The specialist mutters, prodding a torn edge of a sparking wire network, “This planet was listed as uninhabited. There is only one planet in the Sol system capable of hosting any intelligent life, and this red planet isn’t the one.”

“I think we should call Perceptor back.”

“He is collecting data and samples.” Volt stood, giving the younger mech a sharp look, “Unlike someone, he is doing his job.”

“…maybe I should go see if he needs any help?”

Volt sighs, raising his hands in defeat, “FINE. Go try and do something useful while I continue repairs.”

“Got it!” Horizon is gone, literally, in a flash.

“Crazy youngster,” Volt grumbles. He crouches down in front of the communication relay, “Maybe I’ll actually have a moment of peace and quiet to get some work done.”


The teal and red mech shot up like a rocket, the back of his head clanging against the underside of the boulder he was trying to squeeze under to extract a peculiar shaped specimen of condensed rock.

“Sorry…” Horizon whimpers, the smaller scientist’s optical screens discombobulated by the sudden jarring impact.

“I-It’s all right…” Perceptor shakes his helm carefully, a disconcerting rattle following the shake of his head to try and recalibrate his equilibrium. “What do you need, Horizon?”

Horizon’s arms flap wildly as he tries to control his worry, “I-I thought I heard a j-jet fly over…” The young scout shivers, knowing by reputation that most jets were allied with the Decepticons.

“Horizon..” Perceptor is far more patient with the young mech than Volt, “Before the ship malfunctioned, Volt ran a quick scan. There were no viable readings of any other life forms on this planet.”


Perceptor smiles gently. “Nevertheless,” He straightens, putting away the few scientific instruments into his small metal carry-case, “It would not hurt to return to the ship and see if we can run another scan. Just in case, hmm?” Horizon brightens like the glow of the sun across the peaks of a mountain landscape.

“Really?” The young mech breaths with relief that someone is willing to listen to him.

Volt was reveling in the quiet left by Horizon's absence. The young mech could be quite the chatter box and the three hadn't much alone time on their small ship. The mech hummed to himself, immersed in his tinkering. He failed to notice the presence of another creature approaching, until it was too late.

Thundercracker dove like a cyberhawk, tucking his wings back for the descent. He flared them while simultaneously kicking his feet out below him and burning his thrusters. This did a very efficient job of slowing him down quickly while also doing optimum damage to the mech he landed on.

“GGGkkkTTT-“ Volt shuddered, an eruption of bright blue coolant fluid pouring from his mouth. Crumbling from the punching blow, feeling as if he was being split down the middle by a terrible, excruciating pain, the old specialist collapsed against the damaged communication array.

Weakly, his hands beat against the computer terminal. Gasping as he slide sideways to the dusty red ground, his fingers managed to punch the distress beacon to warn his fellow Autobots.


Perceptor and Horizon twitch in alarm when the distress signal erupts across their private communication lines simultaneously.

“Something’s happened.” Perceptor twists towards the young mech. “Horizon!”

“I’m ready.” The young mech snaps his wrist, his small blaster flipping from the concealed holster upon his thigh.

Thundercracker kicked the fallen mech, knocking him away from the equipment. "No more of that.” He pulled out his ax, letting it settle comfortably in his grip. "Who did you just hail? It wouldn't happen to be your two little friends we spied earlier would it?"

The mech was visibly shaking, his vital fluids seeping out where his armor was shattered and cracked. Thundercracker watched his prey with what might very well have been pleasure. His attention was partially diverted though as there was the distinctive sound of displaced space and time. "Starting the fun without me? I'm hurt. In my spark."

Volt groaned, curling into a fetal position. Pale blue optics sneer up at the Decepticon, the Autobot’s metallic lips twisted in a desperate resolution to refrain from answering the huge mech.

Skywarp approached from behind Thundercracker and smirked down at the fallen Autobot. "He doesn't look like much does he?"

Thundercracker's wings shifted. "He's mine. Go get Starscream, more are coming."

The purple Seeker smiled, baring his denta. "Just those two little groundpounders. Feh, don't have too much fun without us.” With another deafening pop, Skywarp was gone. Leaving Thundercracker with his catch.

As quick as the purple Decepticon had vanished, Volt used the last of his strength to swing his arm around, aiming for the thick ridges of plates running up Thundercracker’s inner thigh.

The huge Decepticon snagged the injured Autobot’s wrist, immediately halting the slim, deadly blade that had popped free from the communication specialist’s wrist, the edged weapon meant to several the vital energon lines running in between the narrow margin between his heavy plating.

“That…” Thundercracker twists his grip, earning a weak cry from his prey, “Was very stupid.”

“Hurry ahead!” Perceptor scrambles up the tall hill of rock and sand. His hands claw for a measure of control as he slides back down the hill, “I’m only slowing you down.”

“No!” Horizon refuses to leave the scientist behind, “I won’t risk something happening to you. We’re a team. We stick together!” The young mech leans over the top of the crest of the hill, seizing Perceptor’s wrist and helping to haul the lean mech up the rest of the way.

“There isn’t time to waste!” Perceptor gasps as he is dropped onto his feet, the sudden shift of quick movement throwing him off balance, “Volt may be in danger! You have to hurry!!”

Horizon is too stubborn to listen. “That isn’t enough of a reason to risk anyone else falling under harm.”

Starscream was perched atop the highest crag he was able to find on the wretched excuse for a planet. He scanned the surrounding area for his trine mates and the faint signals they had presumed were Autobots. While his systems were occupied he preened a bit, attempting to clean the horrid dust from his claws. The part of him that was still a scientist analyzed the dust by sight, cataloguing its chemical and physical make up. While thus engaged, Skywarp made his sound barrier breaking entrance. He circled Starscream and eventually perched on a lower rock formation. "We found the Autobots. It looks like they crashed. He's already engaged one of them and the other two are approaching his position."

"Hm. Just three then?” Starscream rose from his crouched position. "Is it close enough to fly or should you warp us?” Skywarp grabbed his commander's wrist, "Better to warp. Thundercracker's hogging all the fun.” And they were gone.

“I see them!” Horizon leapt ahead, swinging his blaster around to aim at the back of the Decepticon’s helm, the large Seeker crouched above the twitching, heavily bleeding Autobot mech. “Perceptor! Stay back!” The young mech warns, the weapon humming with energy as he prepares to fire off the charged blast.

“Oh Primus…Volt!” Perceptor quickly complies with the scout’s curt command, the scientist falling back, partially ducked behind a large boulder, Horizon taking up a stance between the Autobot scientist and the Decepticon and Autobot pair.

Perceptor suddenly senses a disturbance in the atmosphere, his heightened relays experiencing a two point three seconds delay as he notes and identifies the burst of static and the sharp sting of ozone across his olfactory sensors.

“Above us!!” The scientist bellows.

Horizon jolts, halting his initial fire, jerking the blaster upward towards the newest threat.

Starscream sneered at the blue mech. "Skywarp? This one is all yours." Said Seeker grinned like a mad mech and let out a whoop as he dove for the smaller mech. The one shot he managed to fire swung harmlessly wide as he was tackled to the earth. Skywarp grasped the mech’s shoulders in his talons and ascended.

The Air Commander watched his trine-mates enjoy themselves, before turning his attention on the third Autobot. The mech was crouched behind a boulder, optics wide at the carnage around him. Not a warrior then. Starscream landed before the mech, placing his hands on his hips. "Hello, little Autobot."

“Horizon!” The scientist keens in alarm, fretting as the young scout was suddenly airborne. Torn, the scientist’s gaze flickers between the kidnapped mech and the injured, groaning Volt at Thundercracker’s sharp pedes.

When Starscream drops in front of him, Perceptor fumbled back, hands curled against his chassis as he folded backwards from the large Decepticon. “N-not a step closer!” He cringed at the high pitch of his vocalizer, “I…I demand that you release my companions!!”

The Seeker's head tilted to the side in surprise and a fraction of confusion, and then he laughed. "You demand? And what position do you hold in which you think you can even hope to demand anything of me?"

The smaller Autobot straightens his hunched shoulders, trying to affect an indolent expression across his features, “I….I am Autobot scientist and explorer Perceptor. I am a respected Autobot with level 3-S clearance. As par my rank, I make the staunch request that my companions and I be released. S-Should you ignore these demands and take us prisoner, your next course of action will be to immediately cease harm upon my two companions, and procure a medic for the Autobot you have gravely injured.”

Starscream's memory briefly recalled when he and his partner had had similar titles and clearance, but that was history long since passed and better forgotten, "Hm. Well then, Autobot scientist and explorer Perceptor, I must inform you that I am Decepticon Second in Command and Air Commander Starscream. I believe I out rank you and that makes your request invalid if I so choose to ignore it.” He took a step closer to the scientist. "And I do."

Perceptor scowls. “How dare you!” He trembles in indignation. “A mech lies injured and bleeding while you and your Trine cackle and circle like…” His lips twitch in disgust, “Like beasts. You’re no better than the animals that feed on carrion!”

A dark low growl preludes the dangerous territory his words dare to breach.

But Perceptor is too angry to halt his tirade. “I s-suppose I should not expect better of any of you.” His back clangs against the surface of a nearby boulder, the smaller mech trapped. “I would have thought an officer of your class would possess some shred of honor. But apparently, I am proven wrong.”

The red of Starscream's optics flashes brighter. The only still living creature that had ever gotten away with such words directed at Starscream was Megatron himself. He could not let this weak Autobot do the same. He shows his denta at the Autobot scum, growling. Stalking closer to the trembling mech, he grinds out, "I don't care what you think of my honor, Autobot. I do have a proposition for you though...If I let your little friends go, you come with us. Your side would be getting the better deal, two mechs for one. Your decision will show me what kind of /honor/ you have and you can attempt to civilize such a /beastly/ Decepticon.”

The smaller Autobot shudders at their increasing proximity. He turned his face and chin away from the large Decepticon, trying to stir his anger to give him the courage and strength to endure.

Perceptor quaked, horrified and tank roiling at the notion of the kind of submission the mech was demanding. “C-come with you…” He trembled, “a-a-and should I do this, what then?” He swallows a heavy ball of nervousness that lodges in his throat, “What am I exchanging in order to ensure that you will keep your word and not lay a hand on my companions?”

“Just your time…and your freedom. You will be a prisoner, but I always take such /good/ care of my prisoners.” Starscream reached a hand towards Perceptor, relishing the effect he was having on the mech.

"So you have two choices: come with me ― and I let your friends escape ― or refuse me, and all of you perish as casualties of war."

Perceptor shuddered beneath the caress, the back of the Seeker’s claws curling a stinging tendril across the dermal plates of his cheek.

“S…swear to me,” His lips quiver, the smaller scientist hiding his face in shame, “swear that you won’t harm them.”

The Seeker's optics brightened as he smirked, none of which was noticed by Perceptor. "I swear on my wings that I will not harm your comrades."

"I make no promises about any future encounters though. Part of being in a war and all,” Starscream's claws edged down Perceptor's jaw line, gently scraping at the cables along the smaller mech's neck.

Perceptor mewled in unfeigned terror, but when his gaze flickered around the edge of Starscream’s wing, and the scientist could just make out what was being done to Volt and Horizon, the two other Seekers gleefully tormenting and harassing their prisoners, Perceptor forced his stiff neck to reluctantly lean into Starscream’s caress.

“Do whatever you wish.” The Autobot tore his optics away, ignoring Horizon’s desperate voice, the mech crying out for Perceptor to refuse Starscream’s offer, “Just…just stop hurting them.” He begs.

"As you wish," Starscream backed away a few paces, giving a mocking half bow as he went.

"Thundercracker, Skywarp - cease and desist," he spoke aloud and sent through their comm links.

Perceptor blinked in surprise, Starscream’s assent coming so quick. ‘T-That’s it?’ He wonders in awe.

The other two Seekers backed away from their prey and approached their air commander, settling into a loose formation. Starscream was enjoying this far too much, and his trine mates were sharing his glee, "Of course not. I'll order them to resume their previous business if you don't swear that you will come with us willingly and do as I say. A /consenting/ prisoner is always much more pleasant."

“Don’t do it!!” Horizon kicks away from Skywarp, beseeching Perceptor to look his way. “He’s lying! He’s lying! Perceptor!!”

“Be quiet!” Perceptor shouts, flashing a hand for Horizon to stand down.

Perceptor shoots Horizon a sharp look, silently begging the mech not to pursue his staunch disagreement should he dare Starscream’s wrath. “It’s my decision!” The scientist orders the scout, “Just stay out of this, Horizon…”

"Come now, Perceptor. It's not that difficult of a decision. Either you get to watch your two friends die slowly and painfully and then follow them in their fate...or you can come with me. Which will it be?” Starscream moved his hand, ready to signal his subordinates.

“No!!” Perceptor throws himself forward, hands curled against the Seeker’s chassis. He claws for purchase as if to drag the Seeker downward, “Please!”

“Perceptor!!” Horizon shakes his head fiercely. “J-Just g-get out of here!”

“…n-no…” Perceptor shakes, “I…I can’t..”

The Air Commander wraps his arms around his trembling assailant. "I'm growing impatient," he purrs into the scientist's audio receptor. His claws dip into the seams of the mech's armor slightly. "Make your decision, Autobot."

The young scout scowls, throwing a dark look at the Seekers who taunt and torment them. Perceptor glances around the leader of the small Decepticon squad, his optics pleading with the blue scout, trying to warn the mech to stay down.

“If you won’t act, then I will!” Horizon dives forward, hands clawing at the red soil and rocks.

Perceptor wails for him to stop when he sees what the scout in clutching. “Don’t!!” He screams as Horizon shoots up onto his knees, brandishing his fallen blaster.

Skywarp acts quickly, having kept an optic on the injured mech. He warps to Horizon's side and kicks the mech in the wrist while simultaneously activating his burners. The blue mech screams as his blaster, which would have flown out of his hand in any similar circumstance is instead welded to his grip, his whole hand and forearm partially melted by the immense heat.

“HORIZON!” Perceptor tries to dart past the large Seeker, but he is all too easily scooped off his pedes. He kicks and claws feverishly at Starscream’s thick arms and claws. “Let me go!! Let me go!! Horizon!” He screams while the young mech wails in agony, clutching the half melted remains of his bicep.

Starscream grit his denta as he struggled to keep a grasp on the wriggling mech. "Do you see now? Worse than this can happen. Do you really want your friends to suffer?"

Perceptor did not cease his struggling. Anger and fear swiftly warping into near panic after watching his companions suffer further injury. Starscream growls in his audio, "I'm growing exceedingly impatient. Make your decision, Autobot!"

Immediately, limb by limb, Perceptor goes limp. His vents hitch brokenly, “…please stop..” His hands remain curled around Starscream’s claws. “…p-please. I promise. I promise..I’ll do whatever you want. Just make it stop.”

Smirking in triumph, Starscream lowers Perceptor so that his pedes may touch the ground, but he does not loosen his grip. "Now then, that wasn't so hard was it?” Glancing over his shoulder, he calls out, "Leave them be. We need to be getting back anyway."

"Aw! But...!" Skywarp whines, kicking a pede in the dirt.

"I swore that I wouldn't harm his friends if he agreed. Let's go.” Starscream shifted his hold on Perceptor and prepared to take off.

Perceptor offlined his optics, sensing that the Decepticon is ready to leap into the air. He swallows a scream of terror as the ground pitches beneath him, too afraid to bring his optical screens online watch the ground disappear, while against his will, his trained sensors obediently note how the vast distance doubled by the Seeker’s quick, acrobatic skills.

He moans beneath the breath of his vents, praying to Primus that he can hold back from purging his tank from the combination of the sharp change in altitude and the morbid twisting dread flooding his energon capillaries.

Starscream was very pleased with this unexpected outcome. What had started with a simple patrol and energy reading investigation had quickly turned into the most fun he'd had in ages. Holding his prize securely, the Air Commander spoke over his trine's private channel, "Skywarp, start to ease back a bit. When you're a few kliks away warp back to those Autobots and take care of them.”

The dark Seeker didn't waiver in his flight, but his voice conveyed his confusion. "But I thought you said we weren't going to hurt them. Wasn't that part of your deal?"

"I said /I/ wouldn't do anything to them. Nothing was ever said or implied about anyone else's involvement."

Skywarp did a smooth barrel roll as he laughed. "You're a conniving glitch...Sir. Anything special or just complete and total annihilation?"

Meanwhile, torn and bleeding, Volt painfully drags his way towards Horizon, one hand pulling his broken frame, “H-Hang on, Horizon.” The mech grunts as he heaved his weight onto his elbows.

Horizon continues to wail softly, bent over and rocking back and forth. Volt tries to convince the mech to relax and allow him to examine the lump of Horizon’s wrist and hand.

“Let me see!” Volt’s sharp voice causes Horizon to jerk sharply, allowing the communication specialist a scant glance of the wound.

“It…it’s all right.” Volt pulls the shivering mech against his chest, soaking Horizon’s shoulders with oil and energon, but they both ignore the warm stickiness. “It’s nothing more than a scratch. Y-You’re going to be fine.” He lies, rubbing the quaking mech’s back strut.


Volt holds him tight. “I know.” He whispers, “J..just hang on. Help me back to the ship. We…need to send out a mayday. We need to call for help.”

In the sky, the purple Seeker gradually slowed down, so as not to alert their prisoner. Starscream had been very particular about that. Once he deemed that he was far enough away he turned around and headed back the direction they had come. Once out of hearing and sensor range, he warped back to the fallen Autobot ship.

With a displacement of sound and space, Skywarp arrived. Looking down at the bright trails of spilt energon leading towards the ship, he grinned as he remembered Starscream's orders.

"Make it look like they perished in the crash."

Horizon keens in sympathetic pain as Volt drops against the console, the communication specialist screaming brokenly as a gear and vital energon tube snapped because of the harsh clang of his body against the tall display.

“We don’t have time!” He shoves Horizon’s fumbling hands away as the young mech tries to staunch the bleeding, “Help me reroute power to the main cells. THEN we can worry about making in to Medical.” The older mech hits a long series of keystrokes, summoning up the main page for the ship’s security mainframe.

“Help me…” Volt coughs up, a wet streak of energon hitting the keypads. He waves his soaked hand to indicate a nearby computer terminal, “S-S-Switch all available power over to the radio tower.”
Horizon whimpers, slow to comply, his ruined arm folded against his chassis, but he begins to move towards the indicated terminal.

“Ooooh, we certainly can have none of that.” A voice snickers behind them.

Skywarp emerges from the gloom, the emergency lights casting his form in an eerie glow. "It would just ruin everything if you did that.” He steps forward, uncaring as his pedes track through the Autobots' spilt blood. He smiles and winks at Horizon, "I like you, so I'll save you for last.” Then he turns his attention on Volt.

"You could be a threat. So let's take care of that /now/.” The Seeker lunges forward, grabbing for the broken mech's exposed fuel lines.

Volt, back against the terminal, has nowhere to run. His entire frame spasms as one large hand slaps around his shoulder and collar strut, while the other hand dives inward, huge claws interweave amongst the vial fluid cables. He tries to snap his hands around the Seeker’s wrists, but Skywarp merely laughs in perverse amusement over the groundpounder’s feeble strength.

Still laughing, the Seeker wrenches out a third of the communication officers’ internal systems out of his chassis, the wet coils of tangled wires and mesh of circuitry and gears dangle in between sharp curved talons.

The energon, gore, and twitching, dying frame reflect off Horizon’s wide blue optics. The young scout slips to his knees amongst the deep pool of energon, staring numbly at the heavy pile of pumping energon capillaries and sparking circuitry that is negligently dropped from Skywarp’s hand.

“ooooooh…” The mech quivers, a litany of whimpers trickling from between his lips as he stares at the empty husk of the communication specialist, Volt’s optics dead and black as the mech’s head flops forward, the spark drained from his body.

Skywarp turns to the trembling blue mech, the creature trembling yet frozen where he is. More for the effect than anything, Skywarp licks the dead mech's energon off of his claws, savoring the complete and utter terror radiating from the Autobot, "Ready to play?"

Thundercracker gave an internal sigh of relief. He couldn't wait to get to the wash racks and rid himself of the dried energon that was splashed haphazardly across his frame.

Starscream had similar plans for himself and his new pet as well. A visit to the wash rack to rid them both of not energon, but this horrid dust.

The two Seekers landed gracefully, steps unfaltering. Thundercracker shared a brief data burst with his Air Commander and then went on ahead. Starscream acknowledged and then looked down at the Autobot. Both his pedes were firmly on the ground now, but there was still a faint tremor running through his frame.

“We are filthy.” Perceptor jumps as soon as the Seeker speaks.

“..oh,” As if for the first time, Perceptor realizes that they are both equally covered with thick red dust, the inner seams of their plating tight and itchy with the caked soil.

“Follow me.” The Seeker indicates for Perceptor to follow him, in the direction that his trinemate had taken.

“W-w…wait,” Perceptor dithers, shuffling his pedes, “You…you want us to wash…together?!” He rears back, scandalized by the mere suggestion.

He shrinks, ducking his head when the Seeker glares down at him, not amused and unimpressed with what he perceives as another attempt of stalling.

"Of course together. I can't just let an unescorted prisoner have free reign of the ship now can I?” Starscream grasps Perceptor's wrist and starts towards their destination. The scientist stumbles, barely catching his footing before hesitantly following, keeping as much space between himself and Starscream as possible.

While Perceptor trips over his quiet protests, Starscream receives a message from Skywarp. "Mission completed, Sir."

"Excellent," he answers over their channel. "Make your way back to the ship at a leisurely pace. This mech startles much too easily and seeing you covered in energon might spoil the surprise."


Starscream's unconsciously hums in pleasure until he realizes that he is literally now dragging the captured scientist. He looks back at the mech who is still on his pedes but has them stubbornly planted. "Your courage has an irritating way at manifesting itself at the oddest times. Do I need to carry you there?"

Perceptor makes a fair imitation of a scalded feline, nearly leaping free of Starscream’s grip. “NO!” He yelps.

His facial plating burn with hot shame as the Seeker nearly busts a capillary laughing at the smaller mech’s expense. Perceptor bravely turns his chin up, acting as if he isn’t bothered by the Decepticon’s wry humor. The scientist makes a show of marching, unattended, towards the washracks, while inside he struggles with the strong desire to break his word and make a desperate dash for the exit.

He pauses at the entrance of the washracks, a tall blue back turned in their direction, Thundercracker busily attending to his soiled plates.

A pointed nudge between Perceptor’s shoulder blades pushes him the rest of the way into the large maintenance quarters. Awkwardly, the Autobot moves towards the nearest water spout, the nozzle height and room designed for much taller and broad mechs that Perceptor has to tilt his head back in order to find the handheld controls to control the pressure and temperature of the water.

Two showerheads over to his left, Thundercracker notices his hesitation, and the trouble Perceptor is having in dealing with the awkward reach for the handles. “Your little Autobot is having problems reaching the controls.” The Seeker helpfully supplies the information to his leader. Perceptor throws a paint-peeling sharp look in the tall Decepticon’s direction. Not to the Autobot’s surprise, his indignation is simply ― and, sad to say ― easily ignored.

Starscream smirks at the look Perceptor throws Thundercracker's way. Utilizing the diversion, he slides in behind the smaller scientist. Placing one hand on the mech's shoulder, he reaches for the controls with the other - loosely caging Perceptor in his arms. Before the Autobot can do or say anything to his captor, the showers activate, startling him silent.

"There now. Not so bad is it?” He hears Thundercracker cough out a laugh, but says nothing, focused solely on his Autobot. He reaches for the smaller mech's face with his claws, but does not touch. "Turn around and face the wall."

“Aaah..” Perceptor trembled beneath the sibilant purr, the large Seeker’s heat and imposing size making the smaller mech feel slightly claustrophobic. His fingers curl against the wall of the washrack wall, the waterfall of steaming water sluicing over underneath his palms and sensor-lined fingertips.

The smaller Autobot allows the larger mech to caress the back of his shoulders and the pointed blades of his back. Perceptor’s back strut quivers at the warm, firm touches sliding up and down, the large mech’s claws dexterously picking free thick patches of dirt and grit.

Perceptor gulps in a mixture of fright and a warm flood of tickling embarrassment as a large hand slides around his waist, dipping in between his thighs. The smaller mech shaking like a leaf, the thick claws pushing against the dipped mound of his interface plates, crooking in between the near invisible seams of his inner thighs. Starscream’s fingers pointedly clacking along the soft, weaker dermal layers, seeking out the more stubborn patches of soil that has adhered to the Autobot’s plating.

Thundercracker growls softly beneath the breath of his vents. From the angle of his showerhead, slit red optics easily follow the quivering back strut and Perceptor’s pinched confused features. A flush of energon heats the Autobot’s dermal facial plating, the rise of heat causing the water the steam, the small Autobot’s vents hiccupping in surprise.

The little Autobot's reactions were almost more than he could have wished for. Starscream's ministrations elicited delicious sounds and quaking from the smaller frame. One hand teasing, the other goes about cleaning, picking at dirt caked in between the other's armor. "Hm. You're positively filthy. You lot weren't stranded that long were you? I believe we'll have to give you a better education in maintenance and hygiene."

While pleasantly distracted, the Air Commander /had/ taken note of his subordinates attention. He pinged the other Seeker, sending over a brief, wordless inquiry which quickly received a positive reply. "Thundercracker? I believe I may need some assistance."

Thundercracker leers, especially when Starscream grins, twisting his large teeth in a coy smile, crooking a finger for his blue brother to join them, “My pleasure.”

Perceptor blinks, as if awakening from light recharge.

He squeals in surprise as another pair of hands joins Starscream’s. “W-what are you d-doing to me?” The smaller mech doesn’t understand the spike of heat that floods his capillaries while his vents thrum steady as soft butterfly wings drumming against windowpanes.

Thundercracker grins, his large curved denta scant inches from Perceptor’s lips. The Autobot’s lips tremble, the faint edge teasing the Seeker’s sensors, the change in temperature and the thrum of the smaller mech’s electrical fields as heady as expensive high grade.

Perceptor doesn’t struggle when he is quite easily and deftly pulled by two pair of hands from the wall of the washracks. Still left uncertain by the way his framework and systems are responding to the hot, roving touches, the Autobot allows the two Seekers to lay him down, spreading the smaller mech’s limbs amongst the trickling streams and deep lakes of water.

"Such a responsive little thing, isn't he?" Starscream murmurs to Thundercracker over their link. The blue Seeker just hums in agreement; trailing his claws delicately over the smaller mech. Starscream resumes his previous explorations between the mech's trembling thighs, but ventures along Perceptor's chassis with his other hand.

His claws tap lightly across the armor, gently picking at the seams like the scientist's body was a musical instrument. Starscream brings his face closer to Perceptor's and notices that the blue optics are shuttered closed. He nibbles along his jawline, down to the sensitive cables at his throat. There he bites down hard, but not enough to draw energon.

Perceptor's optics online suddenly and he jumps from the unexpected pain amongst the confusing pleasure. Starscream meets his gaze, moving closer so that he is the only thing in Perceptor's field of vision. "Do not shut off your optics. That was my first warning."

Perceptor quickly bobs his head up and down, the sting of the bite throbs, consuming all of his attention.

The smaller Autobot keeps his optics online as forewarned, hypnotized by the large hands and fingers curled over his interface panel. His thighs unconsciously spread to accommodate the larger hand.

He moans softly, “I…I…” He bites his bottom lip in between smooth denta, “I’m burning..” He twitches and shudders as Starscream confidently plays his body, the Seeker doing strange things to him, causing him to arch and quiver with every caress.

The blue Seeker hums, his hands joining Starscream’s. One playing with the smooth breast plates of his chassis, the other curling around and behind the Autobot’s posterior. Perceptor’s mouth bumps Thundercracker as he jumps, startled, as the large blue Seeker cups his aft, and forcefully rocks the Autobot’s hips and thighs against Starscream’s broad palm.

By the skin of his plating Perceptor barely avoids having his optical screens short-circuit from the huge influx of sensory relay. Thundercracker refuses to allow him a chance to regain his composure, continuing to rock Perceptor’s lower portions’ against Starscream’s hand that lay nestled against the cradle of the Autobot’s thighs.

“AAAhh!” The Autobot’s wail only appears to excite the Seekers further. Perceptor twists and writhes, craning his neck to allow him to stare down at the multitude of writhing, weaving hands. “I…don’t…understaaaaaah-“ His chin trembles back, arching into Starscream as the large Seeker does something horribly delicious with his large fangs, the Decepticon gnawing at the Autobot’s sensitized neck cables and collar struts.

Nestled between Perceptor's thighs, Starscream's hand continues the more aggressive, but obviously pleasurable assault. He searches blindly for the switch that will open the Autobot's panel.

Nearly lost in the raw sensations practically oozing off of Perceptor and the shared pleasure with his brother, Starscream does not notice the new presence until it is much too late.

Skywarp enters the washroom covered in energon that is not his own and loudly singing a drinking ditty that he learned in some back alley bar on Cybertron ages ago. Both Starscream and Thundercracker swear at his appearance and its effect on their writhing Autobot.


fiction: transformers, fiction: transformers; red planet

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