
Feb 14, 2010 18:53

My trine is complete!  Found Skywarp for $22 at Wal-Mart hidden away in the clearance section.  He even came with a little holographic card and already in his root mode!  Mwahahah! XD

Warp:  Hey guys!
TC:  Where the Pit have you been?

Warp:  Screamer?  What the hell happened to your paint job?  And are those tattoos?!  What have you been up to without me? D8
Screamer:  I don't wanna talk about it.  *pout*

Screamer:  Well, now that we're all back together, let's get to business...X3

The rest had to be censored out.  Naughty Seekers.  ^.^


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