Good Night

Jul 15, 2012 14:48

Another kink meme fill. I seem to be in a Linkara and team mood for the time being, so I wrote a short fill for the prompt of something adorable with 90s Kid. Since he's always adorable, I just decided to do a little story with him and Linkara that is supposed to be gen, although I do see how it can be taken as slashy if you'd like to see it that ( Read more... )

fanfic, tgwtg, 90s kid, linkara, fluff

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Comments 8

alien_snipe July 15 2012, 20:30:03 UTC
eeeeee cute cute cute.

Why does sleepwalker Linkara make so much sense to me? It just does! And I love 90s Kid being all awkward and embarrassed, but secretly enjoying the cuddles.


ocelot_l July 16 2012, 00:52:33 UTC
Heh, thanks! I was trying to make it cute, so I'm glad I succeeded. :)

I think Linkara being a sleepwalker would be a funny discovery to learn about him, and imagining him climbing into bed with his team made me squee so much that I had to write it.

Yep, I truly believe 90s Kid really does love cuddles, even if he'd never admit that to others.


lizynob July 16 2012, 00:08:18 UTC
I love the complete 180 from 90s Kid sneaking in and thinking he's so cool for not getting caught, then being absolutely mortified when he realizes that Linkara wouldn't have sleepwalked into his bed if he hadn't broken curfew.

And 90s Kid becoming Linkara's human teddy bear was the perfect mix of teenage awkwardness and secret enjoyment without coming off as slashy (at least I didn't take it as slashy)

And poor Linksano! I'm sure that must have freaked him out terribly and now he has like seven locks on his door.

I do have to wonder what 90s Kid does so late at night though...


ocelot_l July 16 2012, 01:06:39 UTC
Haha, yeah, I love writing fics where everyone's plans go wrong.

Yeah, it doesn't have to be slashy if you don't see it that way. I think Linkara and 90s Kid would both enjoy having comfort like that when they're sleeping, especially since they've been through so many traumatic events.

I felt a little bad doing that to Linksano but I couldn't resist making him a target of Linkara's sleepwalking.

Hmm, I don't know what 90s Kid does when he stays out late. Probably just rides around on his skateboard to prove that he can be safe even if he's out by himself after dark. But maybe he does have secret activities he takes part in that none of the others know about...


achika_chan July 16 2012, 03:33:04 UTC
LOL this is adorable well done.


ocelot_l July 16 2012, 04:15:28 UTC
Aw, thanks. I love adorable fics so I do my best with prompts like these. ^^


pigquet July 26 2012, 14:59:41 UTC
This was cute as anything! The exact kind of thing I love to (first) read at... 2 a.m. Huh, that's a coincidence for you.

Poor 90's Kid. Can't even come home late like a normal teen without finding a hero in his bed. Not exactly what most teens are looking for. Its always a circus in that house.

I loved this on the kink meme! I should've known it was you who wrote it. I saved it immediately, which is usually one of the signs. ;)


ocelot_l July 27 2012, 03:24:07 UTC
Aw, thank you so much for the kind words! It really means a lot to me that you enjoy my writing so much. <3

I'm so glad you found it cute, since I think 90s Kid is always adorable, lol. I wish we could see more cute scenes with 90s Kid and Linkara, since they are always entertaining together.


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