Good Night

Jul 15, 2012 14:48

Another kink meme fill. I seem to be in a Linkara and team mood for the time being, so I wrote a short fill for the prompt of something adorable with 90s Kid. Since he's always adorable, I just decided to do a little story with him and Linkara that is supposed to be gen, although I do see how it can be taken as slashy if you'd like to see it that way. Anyway, I hope you think it's adorable and enjoy!

Oh, and this takes place before Linkara left on his journey.

90s Kid silently opened the front door and crept through the darkened living room on his tiptoes. He didn’t know what time it was and even though he was totally too old to have a curfew, he knew Linkara would not be pleased to find he was coming home at all hours of the night. He was so over-protective sometimes that he drove 90s Kid crazy (even though the teen couldn’t help feeling pleased deep down inside that someone was worrying so greatly about him.) But that didn’t matter now, because 90s Kid refused to be caught sneaking in.

After making his way past Pollo’s powered down form and avoiding the tantalizing lure of the kitchen, 90s Kid finally arrived at his bedroom. He quickly reached in to grab his Care Bear pajamas from the floor before hurrying into the bathroom. Minutes later, he was completely ready for bed and his teammates were none the wiser about his eventide escapades.

“I am so awesome,” he said with a soft chuckle as he stepped back into his bedroom and closed the door with a gentle push. Now it was finally time for a good night’s sleep. 90s Kid yawned and turned toward his comfortable bed before his face completely froze in slack-jawed horror.

There, curled up in the blankets of his comfortable bed, dozed a peaceful Linkara. 90s Kid continued to stare at his respected leader and friend before finally finding the right words for the situation.

“Oh, dude… not again.”

What the world didn’t know about the brave hero who tirelessly fought aliens and robots was that he was also a sleepwalker. Many a night one of the team would discover Linkara wandering through the halls in his completely unconscious state; sometimes he was in the living room attempting to reorganize his comics or Yu-Gi-Oh cards; once Linksano woke them up with a particularly sharp shriek because he’d gotten up for a drink of water and returned to find Linkara standing in his bedroom, pointing his Magic Gun directly at his pillow.

(Linkara of course claimed he had no idea of why he would attempt to hurt a trusted member of his team and apologized, vowing it would never happen again. Linksano accepted his apology before installing multiple heavy-duty locks onto his door.)

Never before, though, had Linkara gotten so far as to climb into someone else’s bed during his slumbering sojourns. It seemed that 90s Kid’s decision to stay out so late had finally allowed him the chance, and now the bewildered teen was stuck with the task of deciding what to do next.

“Uh, Linkara dude?” he asked softly, approaching the sleeping man before reaching out to shake his shoulders a little. “Can you, like, get up? It’s not that I don’t like you or nothing, but my bed’s totally small and you’re a real cover-hog, dude.”

Linkara snored softly in response and shifted a little, pulling the covers more tightly around his body. Another little-known fact about him was that once he was asleep, Linkara was as good as dead to the world. The only thing that would rouse him in this state would be a genuine emergency and 90s Kid didn’t dare do anything too distressing. Once he’d accidentally set off the smoke alarms with a burnt Pop-Tart during his quest for a midnight snack, and Linkara had blown his top about 90s Kid’s lack of respect for the sleeping schedules of people who had to actually work for a living.
So 90s Kid was stuck with gentle shaking and quiet, desperate pleas for Linkara to wake and vacate his bed for good. After ten minutes of receiving only snores for a response, 90s Kid sighed and dropped his arms.
“Okay, dude. I give up. You can stay. B-but if anyone finds out about this, I’m totally blaming you!”

Linkara murmured something unintelligible, which 90s Kid took for a verbal agreement about accepting the blame for this unradical sleeping arrangement. He tried to ignore how his cheeks felt considerably warmer as he walked around to the other side of the bed and gingerly lied down on the very edge of the mattress. He managed to pry a bit of the covers from Linkara’s grasp and turned on his side before closing his eyes, hoping sleep would come to him quickly.

A moment later, a still dozing Linkara turned over and pressed very close against 90s Kid’s back.

“D-dude!” The rest of 90s Kid’s whispered cry fell silent on his lips when he felt the other man start to snuggle against him. Strong arms wrapped securely around his waist and a nose nuzzled in his hair.

“Mmm,” Linkara sighed, as content as any person could be. His lips were centimeters from the nape of 90s Kid’s neck and each warm exhalation of breath caused a cascade of goosebumps to arise upon the teen’s skin.

“Th-this is… so the opposite of awesome.” 90s Kid’s whole face was bright red, and his body felt significantly hotter now that he found himself in such close contact with Linkara. Struggling was useless, as it only led to Linkara tightening his grip and muttering unhappily in his sleep. There was no hope for escape. All 90s Kid could do was accept he was going to be a human teddy bear for the foreseeable future and try to get as comfortable as he could.

After a few more minutes of shifting around on the bed, 90s Kid finally managed to relax and closed his eyes once more. Even though he was mostly unable to move, he had to admit that it wasn’t the worst situation he’d ever been forced into. In fact, it was actually kind of nice to be nestled so close to someone… kind of warm and cozy…

“I am totally glad no one can read my mind right now,” 90s Kid mumbled before another yawn overtook him and he began to drift off. “Good night… dude…”

The next morning the two awoke at around the same time, face-to-face and cuddled together like tired puppies. After stuttering in embarrassment for a bit, they promised never to speak of this night again before Linkara snuck out to his own room.

90s Kid also made a promise to never come home after curfew again. Which he kept. Most of the time.

fanfic, tgwtg, 90s kid, linkara, fluff

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