Sins of the Father: Part 3

Apr 21, 2012 15:23

Title: Sins of the Father
Author: ocelot_l
Written for the TGWTG Big Bang
Summary: Fighting villains. Protecting the world. Gambling with fate. This has been Linkara’s life for as long as he can remember, and in all that time, he’s never questioned why he’s been dealt the role of hero. Now, it’s time for Linkara to learn the truth. 
The truth about why ( Read more... )

spoony, slash, magic gun, fanfic, pollo, harvey, tgwtg, 90s kid, insano, ninja style dancer, au, big bang, linksano, linkara, boffo

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Comments 5

achika_chan April 25 2012, 01:53:03 UTC
So I should confess that I was actually the OP of the prompt that you based this on, and OMG I couldn't be more thrilled, this was amaaaazing. I loved everything about it. Everything. I love Harvey being awesome, Insano being crazy and having reincarnation theories, and 90s Kid giving lolipops to the kids at the bank, and Spoony and Linkara being good together, and poor Meg was so adorable ;_;

Well done :D


ocelot_l April 25 2012, 02:48:00 UTC
Aw, I feel so glad that you loved it then! I was intrigued by the prompt almost as soon as you posted it, and I started planning the story out in late October/early November. It took a while to finish and edit, but if you loved it then it was all worth it!

Harvey and 90s Kid are always fun to write, and I figured Insano has enough bizarre theories that reincarnation must fit in there somewhere. I'm glad you liked how Spoony and Linkara were together, since they're one of my favorite couples and I always want to do them justice. I was most nervous about Linkara's interaction with the sweetest, saddest character of all, and I'm glad you approved.

Thanks so much for the awesome prompt, the awesome mix, and this awesome comment! <3


lizynob April 25 2012, 23:42:04 UTC
*sniff* Everyone's reaction to the images they saw where both in character and sad. Especially Insano being horrified by a parent doing anything cruel to their child. Then Linkara and the girl in the magic gun talking and her being scared to be alone again. *sad*

But then everything ends happy and the whole crew stayed there and I loved the little talk Linkara had with Harvey.
This was just such a fantastic story. I loved it!

…...and yes I must mention that I loved the little tidbits of Insano with Linksano. (I can’t help it. I know they’re not the focus of the story, but I adore reading anything with them interacting in some way)


ocelot_l April 26 2012, 03:01:22 UTC
I knew Insano would be one of most horrified upon learning the truth. He may be crazy and want to rule the world, but I think hurting children would be too far even for him. Fortunately the rest of the team and Spoony could overcome their shock and disgust to support Linkara when he really needed them, and then Linkara could support the poor girl in turn ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

ocelot_l May 2 2012, 02:08:17 UTC
Linkara would be overcome by guilt if this were true. Hopefully the girl and his friends would be able to help him overcome this awful reality and allow him to forgive himself.

I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks so much for always being a positive, encouraging commenter and friend! *hugs*


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