[fic post] The Princess Fells the Dragon

Jun 30, 2010 23:57

Title: The Princess Fells the Dragon
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairings or Characters: Kakashi/Sakura, mentions of Naruto/Sasuke
Warnings: none
Word Count: 4897
Summary: For a girl who used to love fairytales, getting to live one isn't always that great.
Author Notes: For the kakasaku fairytale contest. My take on Perrault's Sleeping Beauty. The main ( Read more... )

pairing -- kakashi/sakura, !fic, rating -- [pg], contest entry, naruto

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Comments 24

surmise July 1 2010, 08:16:37 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. OMGOMGOMGOMG. Ahhahahaha. This was so cute and just awesome ;-; BB, you never let me down kekekeke. That one part, where that Tsumi girl or whatever was saying, "You can move but can you fight?" -- made me think of Pirates of the Caribbean. Unf. Johnny Depp.

KakaSaku ;-; ♥


oceansex July 4 2010, 00:07:41 UTC
glad you liked bb <333 lol I haven't seen PotC in FOREVER. I think I should go watch it now fffff


surmise July 4 2010, 01:38:41 UTC
Go watch it. You can see JD's sexiness as a pirate ;-; NINJAS FOR LIFE BUT GOD DAMN, HE MAKES PIRATES LOOK SO GOOD.


trinitylayne July 1 2010, 08:37:03 UTC
Loved this... so cute! the convo at the end when Kakashi woke up was the BEST!
great job!


oceansex July 4 2010, 00:07:59 UTC
thank you so much! 8D


flametwirler July 1 2010, 10:29:19 UTC
Oh goodness, Kakashi would so totally ask if he was indeed a pretty princess. *snickers* And I like how you depicted the interactions between all the characters - they all flowed so well.


oceansex July 4 2010, 00:08:50 UTC
writing dialogue scenes is my favorite, so I'm very happy you enjoyed them <3


juniper_11 July 1 2010, 10:35:26 UTC
When Kakashi won Sakura that prize I couldn't help but think of the preview for that movie Despicable Me where the little girl gets the prize and yells "IT'S SO FLUFFY!!"

Love that Sakura was the prince. Too cute. And when Kakashi asked was he pretty and Sakura's reply...hilarious! Nice story.


oceansex July 4 2010, 00:09:31 UTC
yeah, that was in my head when I wrote that bit, too XD IT'S SUCH A CUTE TRAILER, I CAN'T HELP IT

thank you! <3


denilmo July 1 2010, 13:20:46 UTC
That was really cute!
The flow and transition was smooth and I loved how they all interacted with each other.
The ending was nice and the conversation Kakashi and Sakura had after he woke up was really amusing ^_^
I enjoyed it! <3


oceansex July 4 2010, 00:17:42 UTC
thank you! ^_^


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