[fic post] The Princess Fells the Dragon

Jun 30, 2010 23:57

Title: The Princess Fells the Dragon
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairings or Characters: Kakashi/Sakura, mentions of Naruto/Sasuke
Warnings: none
Word Count: 4897
Summary: For a girl who used to love fairytales, getting to live one isn't always that great.
Author Notes: For the kakasaku fairytale contest. My take on Perrault's Sleeping Beauty. The main ( Read more... )

pairing -- kakashi/sakura, !fic, rating -- [pg], contest entry, naruto

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Comments 24

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moldycookies July 1 2010, 17:24:44 UTC
Hahahaha, I know, right? That made me giggle.


oceansex July 4 2010, 00:18:50 UTC
hehe, it's my favorite line in the whole thing, so I'm glad it amused you XD


oceansex July 4 2010, 00:18:24 UTC
you know Kakashi would say that, YOU KNOW HE WOULD

Sakura should always kick ass. ;) glad you liked it!


bluerising July 1 2010, 18:14:12 UTC
Oh wow! Lovely piece. My favorite part is young Team Seven around the camp fire, though. Ah... young love.


oceansex July 4 2010, 00:19:21 UTC
I miss young Team Seven so much ;A;


beyondthemoor July 2 2010, 02:43:36 UTC
Great job on the characterizations & interactions, and OMG, the dialogue had me laughing aloud. XD

Thank you so much for sharing! This was such a fun fic!


oceansex July 4 2010, 00:20:34 UTC
oh wow, thank you! I'm glad you had fun reading this <333


questofdreams July 2 2010, 03:01:55 UTC
"Am I a pretty princess?"

"Eh, you're okay."

hahhahaHAHAHAH. This was awesome <3


oceansex July 4 2010, 00:21:47 UTC
that seems to be everyone's favorite part of the fic, even though it's just two lines at the end XD

thanks for reading, bb <3


eldrfire July 2 2010, 13:38:44 UTC
Fun story! I liked it. :)

This was cool: but she feared that by going to sleep she'd join them in their purgatory.

I liked the Team 7 interaction in the beginning, including the detail of Sasuke watching the trail of ants.

Good luck! :)



oceansex July 4 2010, 00:22:11 UTC
glad you liked it! :)


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