[fic post] Frozen Treats

Apr 02, 2010 17:17

Title: Frozen Treats
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairings or Characters: Hibiki/Kotone
Warnings: none
Word Count: 194
Summary: Hibiki is having trouble concentrating on his ice cream cone.
Author Notes: I also lost the fic guessing game to lukecho, and she wanted some Lyra/Gold fluff about them eating ice cream. I've changed the names here to Kotone ( Read more... )

pokemon, pairing -- hibiki/kotone, !fic, rating -- [g]

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Comments 5

fat April 3 2010, 00:18:28 UTC
this was really adorable o///o
what's the difference between gold/silver and hibiki/rival? :O


oceansex April 3 2010, 00:25:43 UTC
thank you! x)

Gold and Silver are actually the names of the characters from the Pokemon Special manga who are based on Hibiki and Rival, respectively, from the actual games. I don't actually read PokeSpe, though, so Gold and Silver still refers to the games to me. XD;;


fat April 3 2010, 00:34:59 UTC
booo, i'll stick to calling them colours for consistency :D silver isn't silver without gold! thank god kotone's just... KOTONE lol they should've called her chrome


lark April 14 2010, 04:22:51 UTC
Aww, this was really cute! I am now full of warm and fuzzy feelings.

Game!Silver actually has a fan-given name, btw-according to Bulbapedia:Some fans call him "Kamon" to discern him from his Pokémon Adventures counterpart and an anime character. The name is taken from the optional names for the player in Silver, much as some call Blue "Gary", where the name is found as one of the options for the player in Blue, and the rival in Red.


oceansex April 14 2010, 20:22:35 UTC
glad you liked! :)

and actually, I did know about that fan nickname. but... it's not as catchy as Silver! /stubborn


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