Homesick for a place not home

May 21, 2013 16:04

HomesickBy accident I came upon a map of Southern Europe today and WHAM!, instant homesickness for Southern France. I miss it like I miss a real home, it makes my heart hurt just to look at the names of the places on the map and know that I will, most likely, not return any time soon, and if I do, it will never be the same again (for me. I suppose ( Read more... )

tv:hawaii 5-0, james bond, life:slightly neurotic, travel:nice

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Comments 3

oceana_ May 23 2013, 20:38:38 UTC
Yay, James/Q! Thanks for the links!

As for the link to your fic - not that I wouldn't read Avengers fic if it's written by you, but I no literally NOTHING about Avengers. I've come across quite a few crossovers with Avengers lately - is this something that I need to check out? Are you trying to trick me into yet another fandom? ;-)


raqs May 24 2013, 03:29:41 UTC
Ehrmegerd, DARLING, you're not truly telling me you haven't seen at least the Avengers movie (Joss Whedon, 2012)?? If you haven't, because you have been living under a ROCK, you could watch that one movie and happily wallow in my Avengers fic, though I would highly recommend at the very least adding Iron Man (the first one) and Captain America (OH MY GOD CAPTAIN AMERICA) to your watchathon. SO MUCH FANDOM IN SUCH A SMALL SPACE.

I have read some comics and seen some other animated adaptations, because my stepson, he lervs the Avengers, but I really live and die in the movieverse. Because it is awesome.


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