Homesick for a place not home

May 21, 2013 16:04


By accident I came upon a map of Southern Europe today and WHAM!, instant homesickness for Southern France. I miss it like I miss a real home, it makes my heart hurt just to look at the names of the places on the map and know that I will, most likely, not return any time soon, and if I do, it will never be the same again (for me. I suppose France itself won't change more or less than countries do).

Which is funny, because I was never homesick for my actual home, but then again, that's kinda the whole point of being homesick for Southern France now - wanting something you can't ever have.

Nedless to say, I'm working through some things at the moment, have been for a while, and who knows, maybe one day I'll even be able to talk about it.

For now, all I can say is that I feel like there's a huge chucnk of my heart missing when I look at the map of the Cote D'azur, and it makes me sad.

James Bond

In other news, I rewatched Skyfall this Sunday (that's James Bond, you heathens!), and I have to say, I LOVE the movie. It's definitely a movie for the big screen (and one of the few that I managed to catch in the theater in the last years), and it loses a some of its effect on TV, but I still LOVE the movie.

Like the good little fan that I am, I then moved on to read some JB fiction for a while. I feel like I've read EVERYTHING ever written in H50, and refreshing AO3 every couple of minutes has so far failed to produce more fanfic, so I felt safe to move on to James Bond for a little while. If you happen to have any recs, I'd greatly appreciate it.


That doesn't mean that I've abandoned the shiny that is H50! In fact, I'm incredibly excited about the finale, which I haven't watched yet, though I did contemplate skipping work today (or at least arriving really really late) in order to do so, but sanity won in the en (I know, it's not very H5o-ish to let sanity win, but it's work, people).

So I'll watch that when I get home tonight.

Other than that (and I know I haven't been around for months, so I have no one to blame but myself), my dear flist seems awfully quiet these days. Have you all moved on the DW? Is there more going on over there? Cause I have an account. I just never use it. But I could, if there was demand?

tv:hawaii 5-0, james bond, life:slightly neurotic, travel:nice

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