"Sled" and "Spirit"

Dec 07, 2009 20:20

Two prompts, 200 words. Whoo-hoo! I thought I was gonna be stuck on this one for sure. So I didn't dare read. Now it seems like there's either time to write *OR* time to read. For now, I gotta post and run. Hopefully I'll be back to check out some of this great stuff before the weekend ( Read more... )

spirit, 100 word challenge, sled

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Comments 8

beachtree December 8 2009, 05:53:30 UTC
What a creative name for the "oldest living relative." Wherever did you come up with it? And he owns an actual cow. I could think of a few names that might work, but I don't want to insult the cow.

Nice contrast between Ryan's family and Lindsay. The closest thing to an antique in any Atwood HoT was probably whatever milk had come from the convenience store. (The trashy furniture and donated/Church bin/thrift store clothes and discarded furnishings don't count. No sentiment there!) Even Ryan wasn't in that family long- and attachment and value are debatable as applied to him!

Nice introspection, connection, and a look at one of countless new and unfamiliar experiences Ryan would encounter. It's great to see that he's being welcomed, included and accepted. That never gets old.


oc_gambit2 December 8 2009, 18:56:05 UTC
This must be quick, but since 2/2 comments address great-uncle's NAME....*yes* I know. Lazy, lazy gambit!


smc36 December 8 2009, 13:36:38 UTC
Very cute.
Great Uncle Ben? *snort*


oc_gambit2 December 8 2009, 18:57:51 UTC
"Great Uncle Ben? *snort*" Hey, I'm lucky I came up w/ a story so mebbe forgiveness re: the name? It's been on my mind w/ all the SouthLAnd promos....

AND it's a good solid midwestern name. Yeah. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


fifimom December 9 2009, 02:12:26 UTC
Oh, I love it. Thanks for writing it.


oc_gambit2 December 9 2009, 03:59:48 UTC
ooh, I'm glad you do- you're welcome!


60schic December 9 2009, 04:02:39 UTC
Home to (from) Chicago? Eerily familiar!

And no, I have not forgotten to beta...still wrapping/decorating/ordering/trying not to fall down from tired


oc_gambit2 December 9 2009, 14:48:06 UTC
Not to worry on da beta. We all have plenty to read 'write' now. *grin* And I'm glad you're giving yourself a little time to, in all the bustle. Given your recent email, I suspect the holidays with the little ones at work is just as much of a 'zoo'.


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