Mar 01, 2012 21:45
I'm editing a manuscript which is perhaps the dullest thing I have ever read, ever, so, um, play with me, guys? I need some distraction to come back to in bite-sized pieces between pages of horribleness. Also I'm in that shark-week dip where my body is telling me my life sucks even though my brain knows it doesn't really. GO AWAY, RANDOM SAD.
Here is the game:
Write the first couple of sentences of/summarise the set-up for a fic. I will then reply to your comment and tell you what happens next. If you want to reply back to me, go for it. If someone else wants to reply to me/you/someone else/Billie Jean/Jensen Ackles, this will have been a shockingly successful made-up meme that is also cool. :)