(no subject)

Mar 05, 2012 12:48

I need to actually start working on my Big Bang, and instead I am writing AU porn where Lucifer is a skeezy senior partner at a law firm and Sam is the junior associate he just has to have.



How are you, flist? I am attempting to catch up on con stuff but I keep coming back to the boys shoving their faces into Jensen's birthday cake because I can't quite believe that happened. ♥ Also: hugging. I do wonder, can they really hug that much? When Jensen saw Jared, like...the day before? Because if they actually hug that much, they are two of the huggiest people in existence, and if they don't, then they know what we like and are doing it just for us and that is also adorable. So any way you look at it, we win.

not a fanwork, spn

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