SG1 Gen Fic "W is For Wordless"

May 26, 2014 23:08

Written for: sg_fignewton’s Alphabet Soup challenge.
Episode: The Quest II
Word Count: 1894

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Comments 14

"W is For Wordless" #Stargate Ba'al, Sam, SG-1 fanfic by @MisaBuckley campylobacter May 27 2014, 05:17:27 UTC
This was the first Alphabet Soup listing that caught my eye & made me wanna read it!

LOVE IT. Ba'al's POV here feels so authentic; it's the names he uses to reference other characters that add the perfect touch.

Baal could barely believe this was SG-1, a team he knew as one of action.
i LOL'd

The Jaffa had definitely picked up some Earth humour. Pity most of it seemed to originate from O'Neill.

For a moment, she'd forgotten who he was, had allowed herself to be amused by him.
hhnnng :3

Such a treat. I was getting a little bored of all the Daniel-centric Genfic & really needed this piquant episode POV rehash.


obsessivemuch1 May 27 2014, 06:22:30 UTC
And there was me thinking I'm not quite gotten as into character as I usually do. LOL

Thanks! :D


campylobacter May 27 2014, 06:31:52 UTC
The key technique you've used here is what Ba'al's NOT revealing deep down; it lets the reader project emotions onto him (as necessary) but also gives an accurate sense of the detachment inherent between Goa'uld and humans. Very appropriate in a short ep rehash.

Had this been a vignette about Ba'al's inner conflict/sympatico between symbiont & host, you could've indulged in more introspection. Or had this been a longer piece, you could've revealed later in the story's development deeper points of empathy between the reader & Ba'al. This piece is perfect AS IS for restraint in brevity.

Ba'al's one of the most nuanced, entertaining, complex Stargate antagonists; he deserves fair treatment in fiction, and I'm glad you do it so well :)


obsessivemuch1 May 27 2014, 17:49:54 UTC

I'm still working on the novel. It's just taking far more research than I'd first imagined.


roeskva May 27 2014, 10:18:15 UTC
Very nice! Loved seeing things from Ba'al's POV! I don't have any Ba'al icons, so I shall use my hypnotoad one instead ;)


obsessivemuch1 May 27 2014, 17:50:15 UTC
Thank you. :)


_xanthia May 28 2014, 09:03:56 UTC
Naughty me, read this earlier but didn't leave a comment. Yay fic!

There's the selfish, shippy part of me that wishes it was more Baal/Sam, and then I feel bad wishing for more of that when I still haven't got past the first paragraph of the Vegas piece I started however long ago. Anyway, as genfic episode rehashes go, that was good. But then I always like anything from Baal's perspective, and you do well at capturing his voice as a complex, morally ambiguous character rather than out-and-out sadistic villain.


obsessivemuch1 May 28 2014, 20:38:35 UTC
I wanted to write something more in canon than usual, though I believe I'm allowed a little play since there was clearly a vibe going on between them. :D


sg_fignewton June 17 2014, 07:04:18 UTC
So interesting to get Baal's perspective here! I especially liked the way he views words as a weapon and was so frustrated to lose them.

A very fun twist on a great ep. Thanks so much for contributing, and I'm sorry it took me so long to get down to the letter W. :)


obsessivemuch1 June 20 2014, 15:02:21 UTC
Baal has always been shown as someone who contemplates everything very carefully - even in Summit/Last Stand, where his behaviour is in direct opposition to the description Daniel recites. He is a strategist, and part of that is knowing the right thing to say to the right person, at the right time. That's why I knew immediately what episode I wanted to write, and from whose perspective.

Thanks for commenting. :)


aelfgyfu_mead August 17 2014, 01:46:26 UTC
He's still underestimating Merlin-and SG-1. Good job on Baal's inner voice here.


obsessivemuch1 August 18 2014, 19:51:35 UTC


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