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Comments 49

proteinscollide December 12 2011, 10:09:19 UTC
I watched the first season of Rome but not the second, and I still found this vid to be so clear in its storytelling. I literally gasped at the end when Vorenus wields the fatal blow - I loved the way you built to that moment, from the image of the blade sliding out at the beginning, all the way full circle to how it all came to be. Beautiful.

(Also, I love that you're vidding to Manchester Orchestra, and this song is perfect for the story you tell here.)


obsessive24 December 12 2011, 21:02:11 UTC
I'm very glad to hear that the narrative was clear for you, thank you! I sort of painted myself into a corner, leaving only the 1/3 arse end of the vid for the entirety of s2, so had to do some creative squishing. :D

Is Manchester Orchestra quite big? I only stumbled upon them by accident and hardly know any other songs. :)


proteinscollide December 16 2011, 10:55:34 UTC
They're not mainstream; I know they can headline small shows here in Australia so they're not absolutely unknown, but I've not seen anyone else vidding to their music.

If you'd like to hear some more of their music let me know - I can send you some links. :)


killabeez December 12 2011, 17:00:21 UTC
What an amazing song choice. I can't even imagine how you listened to this and thought, "I know-Antony/Vorenus." But it's so perfect, and what you do with it is... well, even better than the show, for me. This is the Antony/Vorenus vid of my heart that I've longed to see. I mean... the context, man. And the emotion, the tension, the restrained yet powerful editing. I'm so very glad you finished this.

I also found this interesting because it was the female characters in this show that really compelled me, but I loved the way you used the song to explore the masculine energy. So visceral and powerful.

ETA: I forgot to say how much I adored the drawing when the children's voices come in, and also the "nail that gets hammered down." So many beautiful visual metaphors underscoring your theme. I keep wanting to watch again. This reminds me a lot of "Handlebars," actually (and "Day in the Life") in its awesome build to the climax-since we were talking about those earlier. :)


obsessive24 December 12 2011, 22:05:08 UTC
Thank you so much for your incredibly kind comment and rec! I'm totally thrilled that you liked the vid so much ( ... )


jimpage363 December 12 2011, 17:59:54 UTC
That was an amazing piece of work.
I saw the "virgin" here being Vorenus. Not in the physical sense, but as someone who, before he became personally entangled with these people, had no idea of how politics and life at that level really works. His middle-class black-and-white values had no easy place to put Antony or Caesar or even his own role once he stopped being a solider.
Gorgeous...and, of course, you are correct. Those two men are exponentially hotter when on screen together. Yummmm.


obsessive24 December 12 2011, 22:41:37 UTC
I'm very glad that you liked the vid. Thank you very much!

LOL, I'm having a really hard time thinking of ANYONE on this show who is still a virgin in the physical sense. Maybe Vorena Junior? Anyway, I really like that interpretation of Vorenus as the virgin. I think my personal interpretation leans more toward Antony, mostly because of the rather overt sword in belly narrative device that opens and closes the vid, but I like that there is so much room for variance there and still have it make sense. And, God, yes, I need these two to act together again and soon. Make it happen, universe! :D


sabrina_il December 12 2011, 19:36:25 UTC
Wow, I LOVED this vid and it gave me All the thinky thoughts ( ... )


obsessive24 December 12 2011, 23:07:35 UTC
Ahh, thinky thoughts, I love them! I'm so glad the vid gave rise to them and thank you for talking about them! I really like that vids can act as springboards of ideas rather than something purely self-contained.

To me, this vid can either be taken Vorenus/Anthony with background stuff from the entire show, or as a vid about the SHOW with Vorenus and Anthony serving as certain focal points. I think that is true, and for me, a lot of my narrative problem came from the fact that I wasn't quite sure which one it was. It's interesting to sit on the fence, but it goes against every bone in my body just because that's not the way I work creatively. :) Stil, gotta try new things once in a while. I'm glad that it freed up multiple readings, in any case ( ... )


yahtzee63 December 12 2011, 20:25:58 UTC
I love this! And for my money, Octavian's rise within the song was perhaps the most genius of all. :D


obsessive24 December 12 2011, 23:10:37 UTC
Hehehe, the Rise of Octavian is probably my favourite bit as well. ;) Thank you so much for watching and for your kind comment!


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