Gorgeous Carat fic: Beast

Jun 19, 2007 20:50

Title: Beast
Author: Astraplain
Fandom: Gorgeous Carat
Characters/Pairing: Ray x Florian
Rating: Mature for language and m/m content
Summary: It started with an elaborate lie...
Challenge: June '07
Challenge song: #56. Temptation by The Tea Party
Notes: thank you to my marvelous beta reader, Gayle.

It started with an elaborate lie. Of course Florian believed it. Even
now, more than a year after returning from Morocco, he was still so
trusting. It was exhausting sometimes, trying to safeguard that
innocence when it was the very thing that tempted Ray the most.

With a growl of frustration, Ray flung the book down, not caring that
it scattered the small pile of letters Florian had so neatly lined up
on Ray's nightstand. It was his own fault anyway, tempting Ray like

Dropping onto his bed, Ray leaned back against the many pillows and
closed his eyes, wondering how he was going to survive the next few
days, let alone the rest of his life when the one thing he wanted
more than air was oblivious to his desire.

And now, dammit it all, Ray was stuck with the lie. Stuck with his
fictitious orphanage and a dozen non-existent needy children, every
one of which Florian was determined to provide with food, clothing
and toys.

Damn, damn, damn! Ray half expected to find the man sitting in a
corner knitting them afghans.

And all because, in a moment of inexplicable weakness, Ray had bought
that damned toy!

Of the many stupid, incomprehensible things he'd done since he'd first
laid eyes on Florian, this had to be the worst. And just because
Florian couldn't hold his liquor!

If the blond had gotten just a bit tipsy as Ray had intended, they
would have had a night worth remembering. Instead, Florian had ended
up in this very bed - giggling, dammit! - and telling Ray about his
favorite childhood toy. And damn if Ray hadn't seen the perfect match
to Florian's lost beast doll in a toy store window the very next day.

He was so distracted when he arrived home that he didn't think to
conceal the package. Ever helpful, Florian took it with the others to
be put away and by the time Ray realized what he'd done it was too

The sight of Florian standing in the foyer clutching that ugly
fairytale doll was entirely too much for Ray. He brushed off Florian's
questions with a few comments about an orphanage and the lie just grew
from there.

And now he had a fake orphanage, non-existent children, an ugly doll,
and a vibrant, excited Florian.

Some days Ray hated his life.

A knock on his bedroom door didn't improve his mood.

"What?" he bellowed, wondering if he should start drinking now so he'd
reach oblivion that much faster.

"Ray?" Florian peered around the door, a bit uncertain of his welcome.
Ray's tone had surprised him. "Are you not feeling well?" Florian
stepped fully into the room and closed the door before moving closer
to check Ray's temperature. Oddly enough, he still carried the doll.

"No fever. Do you have a headache?"

Ray shook his head, fighting back the urge to tell his idiot companion
just which part of him was aching.

"You're sure? No weakness, congestion or fatigue?" Florian rattled off
the list as he leaned over Ray to fuss with his pillows, laying the
doll aside momentarily. When he was done he picked up the toy again,
looking at it with a smile.

"You know the story, don't you? Beauty and the Beast?" He sat on the
edge of the mattress, his hip pressed lightly against Ray's leg as he
fussed with the doll, primping it's hair and clothing. "I cried when
the beast changed, you know. Sobbed like a baby. That's why my mother
bought the thing for me. She hated it, of course. She wanted me to
have the prince doll instead, but I refused."

Florian looked up at Ray and his smile was not the innocent little
upturn that Ray was used to. Instead it was almost... seductive. The
expression that matched it was knowing and not at all familiar.

"You drive me to distraction, you know. Always growling and showing
your claws as if I wouldn't see the real you behind the facade."
Florian shifted, suddenly, leaning dangerously close. "My beast."

"What...are..." There was no point in finishing the question when his
mouth had something better to do. Florian tasted sweet and innocent,
as Ray knew, but there were hints of other things too... dashes of
wild and seductive and overtones of need and desire with just the
slightest bit of fear in the mix. Ray felt drunk just from one taste.

Never, never had he imagined his sweet temptation like this, eyes
glittering with the reflection of Ray's every desire. Hands warm and
strong and so, so sure.

Ray wasn't passive for long, reaching up to help Florian push away
bothersome fabric and find the silken flesh beneath. They wrestled
the fabric and each other as temptation gave way to more tangible

Ray shifted, taking Florian with him so the blond was fully beneath
him, his body warm and eager as he reached up for Ray, urging him on
with soft lips and softer sounds.

Ray wanted everything at once, overcome with greed at the sight and
sound and taste of the man beneath him. He shifted left abruptly,
sliding off of Florian, but still holding him.

Understanding, Florian grinned and slid down, kissing and nibbling a
trail downward smiling at Ray's eager reactions. He teased and
tormented Ray as long as they both could stand it, neither of them
able to resist temptation long enough to be truly cruel.

Instead, Florian cast a glance up at Ray before opening his mouth and
plunging down, surprising them both when he took Ray in fully. Ray's
hands clutched at his hair, pulling it painfully, but Florian barely
noticed as he tried to drive his lover to distraction.

It couldn't last long of course, not when they'd both wanted this so
desperately for so long. Florian demanded Ray's release and swallowed
every last bit of it before dropping back to the bed, panting and

"You!" Ray pounced, not quite ready for another round, but not about
to let his innocent Florian get away with such behavior unchallenged.
"You've been tempting me all this time! And then you do that!" Ray
grinned and threw his body over Florian's, mock-wrestling him.
"You're the beast."

"Why thank you," Florian laughed as Ray rubbed his stubbly chin along
the blond's side as Ray slid down Florian's body. He was clearly
intent on returning Florian's favor, but the older man stopped him.
"You know what I want."

A moment of uncomfortable silence passed between them as Ray fought
his guilt over Azura and what he'd done to Florian. Could Ray really...

"Ow!" he protested when Florian tapped him on the head. "Beast."

"You're just jealous. If you want to be the beast that badly..."
Florian spread his legs and gave Ray a look that was pure challenge.
There was fear, barely visible in those eyes, but Ray saw the
determination and the want there as well.

Damn Azura to hell.

Determined, Ray pushed aside all the negatives and reached for this
beloved temptation, kissing and tormenting him until Florian knew
nothing but need. Only then did Ray touch him there.

When they finally came together, Florian's pain was chased away by
movement, sounds, smells and tastes. Ray filled his body and his
senses, blocking out even thought as he pushed Florian harder towards
his pleasure.

The climax was nothing Florian had expected - no pain or sense of
shame. It was glorious and left him tingling and sated in a way he'd
never been. Barely able to move, he shifted his head to press a kiss
against Ray's face, bearing the weight of Ray's limp body happily as
his awareness slipped away.

As Ray's consciousness faltered, he had last one moment of clarity:
they each had a bit of the beast in them.


author: astra, 2007 june, gorgeous carat

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