5x12: The Best Episode of Bones that Ever Boned

Jan 23, 2010 00:01

If this episode were a salad dressing, it would taste like candy, and be fat-free, no, not just fat-free, you would actually lose weight from eating it, because it would be magical. Magical fucking salad dressing that makes you love salad, and eat it, it would make you want to do good things for yourself, because that’s how awesome this is.

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bones, episode commentary, 5x12, fanfic, the best bones that ever boned

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Comments 72

makd January 23 2010, 07:19:36 UTC
You are the best recapper ever! Every time I read one of your recaps, I re-live the entire episode with a huge grin and a lot of love.

This episode was so unbelievably wonderful, so nuanced, so subtle, so...there!

Oh yeah: Booth is Back --- and Brennan's going after him, I just feel it.

What amazes me, too: everything they did, they did with only ONE guest actor (the other MIBs were really extras.), and pretty much confined to the lab and the diner. Go,Bones!

What an ensemble! [kicks the Emmy and Golden Globe committees, who are fooled by GA, Mad Men, and the like.]


tempertemper January 23 2010, 09:06:04 UTC
[kicks the Emmy and Golden Globe committees, who are fooled by GA, Mad Men, and the like.]

IKR?! What the hell does our show have to do to get recognised??! FAIL!


obrien_blue January 27 2010, 05:25:25 UTC
Brennan is game on. The woman lied about science. Not only did she lie, but I almost think that she designed the experiment just so that it would turn out the way it did. At least, that's what I'm going to believe.

I don't know what the hell Emmy voters want. I think that they can't really put it in a box, drama or comedy, so they just leave it alone. But the way it's audience has grown is evidence that the Emmy voters don't have a damn clue what they're talking about. However, unlike other shows, this show has gotten better with age - I think this is the best season yet, the payoff for the first four. I hope the voters don't ignore that.


achairsomewhere January 23 2010, 07:59:58 UTC
*flails* i really can't say anything more than you already have.
Thank you Show for that hour of PERFECT television!

and thanks for the FANTASTIC recap :D


obrien_blue January 27 2010, 05:26:14 UTC
Thank you so much! I have so much fun writing these things, and I'm glad that you enjoyed reading this one.


bonesparticulat January 23 2010, 08:48:08 UTC
You are the bomb... as we oldies say ;-)


obrien_blue January 27 2010, 05:27:07 UTC
Is "you are the bomb" old now? God, I hope not. Thanks!


tempertemper January 23 2010, 09:03:32 UTC
Who gives a fuck about next week? Really. We just saw an hour of some of the best TV I’ve ever seen in my life.

LOLZ! So true re: next week and OMG THISWASSOMEKINDOFEPICNESS. Both your recap and the episode.

I don't think I'll ever get over how good this episode was.

an interesting mystery element that kept things kind of intense

I think I've realised that I love most the eps with some drama, some angst and heaps of character stuff... this, Judas, Verdict, Conman.

Man, I am so in love with our show!

(PS. You tagged this 511 and it's 512 - but you can be forgiven because the awesome of this episode just blew all rational thought outta the window *g*)


obrien_blue January 27 2010, 05:30:26 UTC
I think I've realised that I love most the eps with some drama, some angst and heaps of character stuff... this, Judas, Verdict, Conman.

THIS. I really think this is why the show doesn't get all of the love it should - it's not really a procedural. It's a character-driven show, and the mysteries are a way for us to get to know the characters better. The mysteries aren't the point. That's why when we get these types of episodes, the show really flies, because it's real strength is the characters.


tempertemper January 27 2010, 10:31:50 UTC
I couldn't agree more!!

*hugs show*


0penhearts January 23 2010, 09:25:15 UTC

Fucking . . . and the . . . because . . . and when she . . . I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE IT.

I'm offering up hand-made Valentines to my flist, so you need to go let me know your address on that entry, so I can send you a Valentine that basically says "Obrien + Show 4-eva" because the combo of the episodes and your recaps just makes the world infinitely better.


obrien_blue January 27 2010, 05:31:50 UTC
"Obrien + Show 4-eva"

YES. That pretty much says it all. I don't even know if this is a valid sexual orientation. Can you want to do it with a show? Is that, like, a thing?

Perhaps I will examine this in the next recap.


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