Shame That Nobody Ever Believes A Pink, Flower-Patterned Curtain (Chapter 7)

Apr 28, 2014 19:18

Title: Shame That Nobody Ever Believes A Pink, Flower-Patterned Curtain
Rating: PG:13
Genre: fluff, comedy
Pairing: Tao/Sehun, Chanyeol/Kai, Kyungsoo/Kris, Xiumin/Luhan, Suho/Chen, (for now? ?_?)
Words: 4 398
Summary: Yixing has lived in the house with other people for a few months and it was pretty intense, which means now he's left alone. Except ( Read more... )

series: the house

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Comments 4

taerissa April 28 2014, 22:06:58 UTC
cries at the suchen

suho is so smooth u w u


obludnica April 28 2014, 22:38:17 UTC
he seems like he might be, when he knows he's already in ^^


hipployta April 28 2014, 23:58:51 UTC
So...Joonmyeon and Jongdae were mutually oblivious since high school but Joonmyeon kept those memories in mind because he made those connections super quickly...opportunity appeared and he made it happen...NICE

Jongdae considering death by Kyungsoo...and how intriguing that his method is to threaten to tell Kris that Kyungsoo has been staring at him...I knew Kyungsoo wouldn't put up with Kris cuddling him for no reason

Chanyeol that was a dick move...and very Chanyeol...I feel for you Jongin


obludnica April 29 2014, 06:40:04 UTC
well, Joonmyun kept that specific memory in his mind for a special reason. like, you know, jongdae moaning and all that, how could he not~ ^^ he totally goes for what's given~

yeah. a mere mortal cuddling into kyungsoo would not do. but since instead of a mere mortal it was yifannie~ ^^

oh deer, 'dick move' are just the right words for that~ but, oh well~

thank you for still being here and being so cool, bb~ <3


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