Shame That Nobody Ever Believes A Pink, Flower-Patterned Curtain (Chapter 7)

Apr 28, 2014 19:18

Title: Shame That Nobody Ever Believes A Pink, Flower-Patterned Curtain
Rating: PG:13
Genre: fluff, comedy
Pairing: Tao/Sehun, Chanyeol/Kai, Kyungsoo/Kris, Xiumin/Luhan, Suho/Chen, (for now? ?_?)
Words: 4 398
Summary: Yixing has lived in the house with other people for a few months and it was pretty intense, which means now he's left alone. Except, not for long, because eleven new housemates are on their way and they might make things even more intense and insane. Yixing is kind of looking forward to it.
A/N: Woohoohoo, one more to go~ \(^u^)/ ... And then other crazy things to come, idek. :|

(Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6)


Joonmyun glances at Tao. He can't not admit that the last two days he's been kind of awkward with the younger guy. Like, so now he knows Tao's Korean is okay, he might have kind of sort of maybe eavesdropped a little and, well, yeah. Not a surprise Tao thought Joonmyun was weird, he thinks bitterly as he remembers the way he talked at Tao.

But how he goes from that to the normal way? Joonmyun has no idea. And it's pretty awkward like this. So much awkward that even other housemates are starting to notice and that's a huge sign he's being very obvious.

Tao excuses himself for a moment to go the toilet and Joonmyun lets himself glance at the papers the younger has been reading.

It's a paper. For school, obviously. But it's in Korean and the hand writing is just so proper and pretty and-

Joonmyun takes the first page and starts reading.

- and the language is just perfect: almost no mistakes, various idioms used when needed, complicated words written correctly.

It's only Tao's second month in Korean school, third in Korea, and if he's already this awesome... Joonmyun simply has no words for the guy's brilliance.

Joonmyun doesn't even notice, when Tao comes back. He almost wants to feel bad, because he touched Tao's things without the permission, but Tao is smiling at him anyway.

"It's good," Joonmyun mumbles, because he's still awkward, because of the latest revelation, and shocked, because of how amazing the paper is.

Tao nods cheerfully. He takes his glass of juice from the table and takes a sip. Then he looks back at Joonmyun.

"So, I met this nice prostitute today," Tao says. "She said she'd do anything for thirty thousands won."

Joonmyun blinks. He says nothing and blinks some more.

Baekhyun, Minseok, Yixing and Luhan, who have been sitting at the table as well and doing their own things, suddenly get all silent and look at Tao.

"What- What?" Joonmyun manages weakly while the others just keep staring.

Because, really, what?


And isn't Tao supposed to be lovely? And kind of innocent, the kind of being the key word? And, you know, in a relationship with Sehun? And just pretty proper? And talking about his paper a moment ago?


Joonmyun narrows his eyes and starts thinking. Maybe Tao mispronounce something? Misunderstood? Used the wrong word? Brilliant or not, it might happen.

"Yeah. And guess who got their paper done." Tao grins cheerfully.

Joonmyun blinks harder.

Then he moves his eyes to stare at the page he's holding.


"What?" Joonmyun can only repeat.

Tao pouts.

"One of the professors was being a real dick and wanted a perfect thing and it's worth half of the grade. And he doesn't care I'm Chinese and writing is even more confusing." He shrugs. "So here it is. I asked her to make a few mistakes, so it's not as suspicious, too." Tao cheers up suddenly and looks at Joonmyun again. "And then there will be only the multiple choice exam, so I should be okay." He grins.

Joonmyun keeps looking at Tao, eyes narrowed. It takes a few moments, but he relaxes, a little bit, and nods his head slowly.

So, yeah, Tao's Korean is pretty okay, true. But, nope, it's not brilliant. Fine.

And Tao's ideas are not very brilliant either. Well, they kind of are, but kind of not.

Joonmyun only nods some more, because, really, that's all he can think of how to react. It seems like it's enough for Tao, because he keeps sipping his juice happily.

The others seem to be a little bit more okay with that. Not by much, but a little. And one or two might be also wondering, where Tao met the woman.

Later, Joonmyun wonders who she must've been, because, a prostitute or not, the paper was still brilliant.


Jongin is almost hyperventilating as he's looking into the mirror. He guesses he looks good, but... Joonmyun walking into the room a few minutes ago and tripping over his own foot as he was staring at Jongin might mean Jongin looks good, but...

Jongin just isn't sure, if it's good enough.

And he's going on a date. With Chanyeol. In about ten minutes. And Jongin just can't deal, because what if Chanyeol thinks he looks bad, what if he screws something up, what if he pours something all over Chanyeol and Chanyeol will frown and will have to take off his pants and Jongin won't be able to stop himself from putting his mouth on the older’s wet di-


Jongin turns a little to the side. And to the other.

Is this shirt really okay?

"You sure?" Jongin asks and looks towards Sehun sitting on Jongin's bed.

Sehun was so annoyed about Jongin not letting him join that waxing thing that he agreed to help Jongin choose the right clothes.

Except now Sehun is so not helping; he's typing on his phone with a face expression that makes it clear that Jongin wants to know nothing.

As in, Sehun is clearly sending some cheesy texts to Tao. And that's just gross.

"Sehun! You're here to help!" Jongin throws a shirt, one out of the rejected pile lying on the floor, at Sehun. It covers his head, but Sehun's fingers don't stop for a few more moments.

Finally Sehun raises his hand and takes the shirt off his face. He glares at Jongin.


Jongin glares harder.

"You're. Not. Helping," he almost growls.

Sehun just rolls his eyes.

"Because you've been at it for like an hour. You keep changing your mind. And you're not listening to me anyway." Sehun stands up. "But, okay, I'll help you one more time here: do not change again. If you want Chanyeol-hyung not to be able to look away, stay the way you are." He snorts. "Got it?"

Jongin snorts, too.


Sehun rolls his eyes some more.

"Okay, I'm going. Some of us don't have to spend hours choosing clothes."

"'Cause you won't be wearing any."

Sehun just ignores him and walks out of the room. He has much better things planned and they consist of Tao and, surprisingly, they will be wearing clothes.

Jongin sighs, because he just can't with that guy.

But he appreciates Sehun's help and opinions anyway. They've known each other enough, so they are just honest in what they think. So if Sehun says Jongin looks good, then Jongin must look really good.

Jongin walks over to his wardrobe and almost closes the door. Almost, because something catches his attention. Something he forgot even existed.

Jongin changes again.


A few minutes later Jongin is ready to go. Well, kind of ready to go, as part of him is still freaking out badly and telling him to hide under his bed and pretend he's a lone, lost sock. Except he's not and he's sure Chanyeol would be sad if Jongin did that and Jongin doesn't want Chanyeol to be sad.

So, finally, Jongin comes out of his room.

And there he is, Jongin's prince, Chanyeol.

He looks a little bit too modern and casual to be a prince, but he's definitely hot enough to be one. Jongin is really proud of himself for the ability to pretend like he's not spazzing out inside.

"Jongin," Chanyeol notices him and turns to look at the younger guy. And then he says nothing more as he blinks, staring at Jongin.

He keeps that up for a few more seconds, before Chanyeol finally seems to get himself together and cough awkwardly.

"You look good, let's go," Chanyeol quickly says and turns to the side.

"You look nice, too," Jongin says, smiling softly. Inwardly, he's grinning, because it seems that unexpectable genius or not, Jongin is still able to make Chanyeol kind of frustrated with how good he looks. Good.

Maybe one day Jongin will help Sehun. Maybe. Most likely not. Well, if Jongin did, Sehun could remember that Jongin's still got some of the younger's clothes and want them back. And, it seems, they do appear to be pretty useful at times.

Jongin can bear the fact that, since Sehun is such a assless stick, the clothes are very tight on him, because it doesn't seem like such a bad thing.

Especially as Jongin keeps noticing Chanyeol glancing at his body. And then pretending he's not and grinning awkwardly and just acting like a teenage boy with no idea what to do with his date.

That's quite lovely.

(There's only one less lovely thing, which is that Sehun hid Jongin's beloved sandals. Both pairs, the black and white ones. But Jongin can deal for now, he thinks, he'll just wear one of the pairs next time.)


Luhan was glad that he managed to convinced Minseok to go out with him and some of his friends. It was very lovely of the older to agree.

As lovely as it had been every other time before, too, because Minseok rarely minded.

Except the evening turned out far from lovely pretty soon, with Minseok most likely having eaten something bad (hopefully!, Luhan thinks. He doesn't even want to consider it being anything else, anything worse.) and suffering badly.

As Luhan's helping Minseok to walk, the guy is barely managing to take steps on his own, one hand clutching his tummy. They've just arrived at the hospital and Luhan helps Minseok sit in one of the chairs in the lobby to go and get a doctor for him.

Because, seriously, Luhan adores Minseok so, so, so much, it's just horrible to watch him suffer like this, he can't stand it. But it's not like Luhan could ever abandon Minseok, when he needs him. Except, it's not abandoning, when he's only searching for a qualified person to help.

Though, Minseok doesn't seem to be agreeing, because as Luhan wants to go, the older grabs his wrist with his free hand.

"Seriously, I don't n-need a doctor," Minseok says slowly, trying to breath deep.

Luhan rolls his eyes, because he's heard that multiple times already as he was leading Minseok to the hospital, the older pretty much lying on him with no strength of his own.

"Really?" Luhan narrows his eyes.

He stares at Minseok and Minseok stares back. Minseok understands a challenge, when he sees one.

Except the fight ends very soon, with Minseok whining in pain and clutching his stomach. He closes his eyes and tries breathing in and out and it just hurts so badly.

At this, Luhan panics even more.

"Okay, okay. Squeeze my hand. We're almost there. What was that?" Luhan mumbles thoughtlessly to Minseok, not wanting him to forget that he's here, Minseok's not alone and he'll help.

Oh, right. Help.

Luhan straightens up and looks around.

"Who do I have to fuck to get a doctor around here?" he says loudly, tired and annoyed with his precious, suffering Minseok being ignored.

"That would be me," he hears an answer and looks who said it.

And the person turns out to be an ugly, old nurse.

Luhan blinks.

He steps closer to Minseok.

"I'm not sure you'll be getting a doctor," he whispers sadly. Because, really, Luhan adores Minseok dearly, but that woman- she's just- nope.

Albeit in pain, Minseok snorts.

"If any fucking will happen, it'll be me fucking you and now just get the fucking doctor, for fuck's sake," he pretty much growls.

Luhan stares at Minseok for a few moments, totally in shock. And then the shock transforms into a happy smile, because, a hospital or not, Minseok has just promised him something and yes, of course, please~; Luhan is so reminding Minseok of that, when the older is okay.

"Getting the doctor right now." Luhan grins at Minseok and there he goes to get one, and he so will, even if he has to steal a doctor from a surgery room.


Jongdae glances at Joonmyun. Then he quickly looks back to his paper, so the older wouldn't notice. But then he keeps on glancing at Joonmyun, because, well, on one hand Jongdae would rather not have Joonmyun thinking Jongdae is creepy and staring at him, except on the other hand there's still that senpai-notice-me thing of Jongdae that he can't stop.

Except it goes like this for a while, Jongdae trying both not to get noticed and to get noticed, and he finds it pretty frustrating how only the first one is working. Really, it's nice that Joonmyun likes the book and all, but Jongdae doesn't appreciate it being more interesting than himself. It definitely isn't, too.

So Jongdae abandons half of his plan, the not noticing part, and just plainly stares at Joonmyun.

He keeps staring for a minute or two and snorts, because there's no result, Joonmyun is still too busy with his stupid book.

Why isn't he noticing Jongdae, for fuc-

"Senpai!" Jongdae can't deal anymore, Joonmyun should just look up, he- wait, what. What did he just say, did he say senp-

Joonmyun does look up this time and seems pretty shocked. But he's not as shocked and terrified as Jongdae, who feels like throwing himself out the window, how could he call Joonmyun that to his face, ugh.

"I meant- I-I" Jongdae simply stutters, with no idea what to say. "Joonmyun-hyung", he finally manages, voice cracking.

He kind of hopes Joonmyun didn't notice the slip, even though he's sure that the older did, or that at least he'll let it go, ignore it and pretend he's heard noting.

Joonmyun doesn't.

"Senpai?" he asks carefully.

Jongdae panics.

"Uhm, you know, a Japanese word for sunbae? I, uh- I watch too much anime and things sometimes slip out." Jongdae chuckles awkwardly.

Joonmyun's watching him as if he's not fully buying that story.

Jongdae isn't surprised. The last anime he watched was the few minutes of that something Jongin was watching on the big television in the living room. Jongdae dozed off pretty quickly.

Jongdae is just not very much into anime, he's never been. It's most likely because of that one that Jongdae's older brother showed him, when he was twelve. He doesn't remember much about that, he really doesn't want to, as Jongdae is pretty sure there were tentacles and innocently looking guys and, uh, other stuff involved and then Jongdae slept with his parents for a month.

"So senpai sometimes slips out?" Joonmyun asks after a few moments. Jongdae still doubts the older believed in that version, so he doesn't know why he's asking.

"Well, yeah?"

"So you just use that instead of hyung? About, um, various hyungs?" Joonmyun keeps asking and Jongdae gasps.

Should he tell? Should he not? Should he go and drown himself in the shower?

"I, um, I kind of only call you that, hyung?"

Joonmyun doesn't say anything for a moment, just looking at Jongdae, who wants to melt and soak into the carpet and just disappear.

"Did you do that, when he were in high school, too?"

Jongdae is so surprised with the question that he just nods mindlessly.

"Aha," Joonmyun murmurs to himself, which only confuses Jongdae more. "Interesting."

Jongdae furrows his brows. How is that anything close to interesting? What is interesting? He's so, so confused.

But at least Joonmyun isn't throwing him out of the room and promising he'll never talk to Jongdae again. That's a very good thing.

But on the other hand, Joonmyun looks like he's thinking about something deeply and looking at Jongdae curiously. That is slightly worrying.

"Why?" Jongdae asks, even though he's not sure he wants to know how is that interesting.

Joonmyun smiles at him and for the first time ever Jongdae feels kind of scared by that smile. He still finds it beautiful, of course, but a bit terrifying as well.

"You remember how in my last year we were rooming together on that funny camp?"

Jongdae slowly nods his head. He has no idea where this is going and he doesn't like it.

"You woke me up one night, you know?" Joonmyun continues, the lovely smile still on his face. "I heard you saying senpai in your sleep. Or, actually, moaning that word."

Okay, now Jongdae most likely knows where this is going and he hates it.

"I'm pretty sure you came during that dream, too. I didn't do anything, because that wasn't my business, but- but now it seems like it was my business, a little bit."

Jongdae isn't even looking at Joonmyun anymore, he can't, he just simply- He should just go and tell Kyungsoo that he'll tell Yifan that Kyungsoo was staring at Yifan's ass very, very obviously the other day, when the older had the leather pants on. And that he was staring this morning as well and today's pants were pretty ordinary.

That would do it: with Kyungsoo's satanic ways Jongdae would be dead and quickly.

Because, yeah, Jongdae remembers the camp; he remembers rooming with Joonmyun; he, sadly, doesn't remember the dream very well and he, even more sadly, remembers having waken up to a very obvious proof that the dream must've been quite enjoyable.

But he hoped Joonmyun knew and heard nothing.


"Uh..." is all that comes to Jongdae's mind to say.

Is Kyungsoo at home?, he thinks next as he's staring at the carpet and trying to stop the panic attack. He's never had one before, but he's pretty sure it feels like this.

"Now I can't help but wonder, what that dream was about," Joonmyun says out of nowhere, the smile still very evident in his voice.

Jongdae is so surprised by his words that he makes the mistake of looking up at the older. And, whoops, it's not a good idea, because Joonmyun is watching him.

"And since I'm the only one you've called senpai, back now and then..." Joonmyun stops for a moment, thinking, and when he continues, his voice sounds even more smiley. "What other dreams have you had about me?"

Hearing that, Jongdae chokes with nothing and looks up again, at Joonmyun. He's so shocked he doesn't even manages to go back to staring at the carpet; he just keeps looking at Joonmyun, feeling so badly confused.

"What fantasies do you have about me?" Joonmyun continues.

Jongdae is still staring and blinking furiously, because-


"Because, you know, I'm not sure, if you've noticed, but I quite like you. So, yeah, I'd be into making some of your fantasies come true."

More blinking.

More ???????????????.

Jongdae only keeps staring as Joonmyun moves closer, very, very close, so there is only a few centimeters between their faces.

"What are your fantasies, Jongdae?" Joonmyun asks again, lowering his voice but never letting go of that smile.

Jongdae gulps. Things that are happening are very, very unexpected, but-

But it's kind of like most of his fantasies start: Joonmyun being all nice and with his kind, beautiful smile on. And then Joonmyun would go on with his sinful ways, the smile either staying, which Jongdae finds very hot, or going away, too distracted and focused on other things, which Jongdae finds very hot as well.

It's been a few moments, though, so Jongdae's mind isn't as confused. Well, it still is and a lot, but there are thoughts like what if it's true??? in there, so Jongdae starts thinking. And starts reminding himself of his last fantasy.

His heart beating furiously, Jongdae carefully takes Joonmyun's hand into his own.

"M-my fantasy," Jongdae starts slowly," begins with-"


When Jongin and Chanyeol are finally coming back home, Jongin is simply delighted. The date has been just glorious. The food was awesome and they ate in a pretty calm, little place, where they could be a bit lovey-dovey and nobody paid attention. They ate a little dessert in a cute coffee place and Chanyeol bought only one and didn't let Jongin buy one more, so they shared and it was just so lovely. And they walked around and just talked a lot and Jongin doesn't remember ever having laughed this much. He didn't get all the jokes, of course, but mostly he did, so it was cool, that meant he's improving.

And there was hand-holding, too. Jongin's hands aren't that little, but Chanyeol's were bigger anyway and they just fit.

And as much as Jongin can judge, and he can, Chanyeol seemed like he was having great time as well.

Everything was just so awesome and as they're approaching the door, Jongin couldn't be happier.

When they walk inside, they keep giggling and trying to be quiet, because it got pretty late and some of the guys can be asleep already (though Jongin doubts it, but just in case. And it's fun.) They keep hushing each other and making faces.

Chanyeol decides to be the gentleman and walk Jongin's to his bedroom's door. Jongin chuckles and lets him.

"Bye. I had great time and-" is what Jongin starts saying, because he assumed they're just going to wish each other good night and go to sleep and hopefully do the date thing again soon. He doesn't even get to finish the sentence, because Chanyeol cuts him off.

Jongin isn't really complaining, though, because Chanyeol does it with a kiss.

It's a warm, nice kiss and it's innocent enough and not too innocent to be their first kiss and Jongin finds it too perfect, he's wanted it for so long and, ugh, why is Chanyeol moving away already.

Jongin blinks at Chanyeol dreamily, smiling softly, because things are just perfect.

Except then Chanyeol does that very unsubtle, wide grin and Jongin's not feeling good about that. Why would Chanyeol be smiling like that after such a lovely date, lovely first kiss, lovely everything? Jongin is pretty sure he doesn't like that.

"That's it. Your wish date went awesome, I think. So our deal is done, yay~!" Chanyeol laughs and raises his arms in a happy gesture.

Jongin blinks some more. Then he stares. Then he frowns and kind of panics inwardly, because what? What does Chanyeol mean? It was all just because of the stupid wish? Jongin wanted a real date, a legit and proper one, and then maybe for Chanyeol to propose to him and have his kids or Jongin might have some, too, and they'll have a few dogs and a big house and grow old together and what is this.

Jongin's eye twitches and he's so close to kicking Chanyeol's balls, however close he wanted to get to know them just minutes before (because he so doesn't to at the moment).

But then Chanyeol chuckles like he's the funniest shit ever and Jongin raises his leg.

"Just joking. So not done with you. Be my boyfriend?" He grins at Jongin, chuckling some more.

Jongin glares, but puts his foot back on the ground.

He sighs, because he still adores Chanyeol, however much of a dumbass he can be at times. So Jongin pushes Chanyeol against the wall, a bit roughly as he's still pretty annoyed, but he's starting to smile softly again as he nods and kisses his new boyfriend.

Chanyeol seems delighted by that, and good, and sneaks his arms around Jongin's waist to get him even closer while Jongin puts one of his hand on Chanyeol's cheek and runs the fingers of the other into Chanyeol's hair, grabbing a little, which then turns out that Chanyeol likes. Very good.

The coughs the two hear a few minutes into the very awesome make out thing they're doing is not good at all, though. It makes them pull away and Jongin frowns at the cockblock who turns out to be Jongdae.

"Get a room." The guy grimaces, because, really, he would be that much happier without seeing Chanyeol and Jongin be all over each other.

"We couldn't, because you were just in it," Jongin answers, because, yeah, Jongdae is standing in front of the door of Jongin and Joonmyun's room, as he clearly went out a moment ago.

"And you looks like you were pretty busy in there," Chanyeol adds and chuckles. Jongin glances at Chanyeol, not sure what the guy means, and then looks back at Jongdae. And the he actually looks at him.


Because, yeah, Jongdae does look pretty disheveled. And he surely looks like that because of reasons that happened inside.

Jongin grins at Jongdae, who narrows his eyes at them, blushing.

"Shut up." And he quickly walks to his own room.

When Jongdae disappears behind the door, Jongin grimaces. He really doesn't want to even think of what was happening in his room. He'll have to open the windows and refresh the air at least.

"So, where were we?" Chanyeol asks, kissing Jongin's cheek to distract him from the gross thoughts. "Ah, right. Saying good night." He grins and moves his lips to Jongin's.

Jongin feels distracted and content enough with that.


When the morning comes, Jongin is still very distracted and content with everything. From the moment he wakes up to when he's in the middle of breakfast, Jongin's still in lost in his thoughts going through what happened last night and delighted with those.

He's the only one that's delighted, though, because next to him there's Sehun, who's sitting very carefully, almost falling out of his chair just to stay as far as he can from Jongin.

Sehun just can't deal. Jongin's got this little, creepy smile on his face and it terrifies Sehun.

He's feeling too scared to even think what happened. He doesn't want to, really. Because Sehun knows the date happened last night and it means things must've happened and just ew.

Sehun closes his eyes and grimaces.

He's not the only one creeped out, though, because nobody's used to the little, terrifying smile. And the others don't even know what made the creepy smile happen, which doesn't help either.

But then Chanyeol comes into the kitchen and, instead of making his way to the fridge as he does every day, the first thing he does is walking over to Jongin and kissing him lovingly.

"Good morning~" Chanyeol smiles and kisses his boyfriend's beautiful lips once more.

Jongin couldn't be happier than he is right now.

He doesn't even mind those annoying vomiting noises that Sehun is making.


series: the house

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