
Feb 26, 2009 12:33

Been a while since I've written anything, work has sapped my soul away.

Inspired by cheysulinight's prompts #28


“Obito...” Kakashi moaned again.

He had been laying in a hospital bed, unconscious, for most of the day. His team had dragged him there after a training exercise had gone wrong leaving him in the state that he was in at the moment.

“He’ll be alright won’t he?” Naruto asked Sakura nervously. Naruto had been the one to inadvertently injure their sensei when he had poured far to much chakra into a boulder in an attempt to crack it in half, he’d ended up causing a massive explosion and the only thing keeping him from being blown to bits was a timely intervention by Kakashi. Unfortunately Kakashi ended up taking the brunt of the blow.

“The medic said he’ll be fine.” Sakura replied. She had been the one to keep their sensei from bleeding out on the training field and in route to the hospital. “He just needs a few days to rest.”

Kakashi shifted slightly and moaned again. “...Obito...”

“Who’s Obito?” Sasuke asked from his place on the far side of the room.

Naruto shrugged.

“Must be someone Kakashi-sensei knows.” Sakura reasoned.

Naruto perked up at this. “If this Obito person is somebody Kakashi-sensei wants to see, we should bring them here. That way he won’t be mad at us when he wakes up!”

“Us?” Sasuke snorted.

“That’s actually a good idea.” Sakura said. In the bed Kakashi’s face twisted up in pain. “Let’s hurry.”

“How exactly are we supposed to find one shinobi in hundreds?” Sasuke asked once they were standing out front of the hospital. “And what if he’s away on a mission?”

“Don’t be such a downer!” Naruto stuck his tongue out at the Uchiha then turned to Sakura. “How are we gonna find him?”

Sakura sighed. “The registry in the archives lists every shinobi to ever exist since the founding of Konoha.” Didn’t either of you pay attention in the academy.

“To the practical stuff.” Sasuke shrugged.

“Huh?” Naruto said.

“This way.” Sakura sighed.

“That’s the registry?!?!” Naruto asked, jaw to the floor.

They were in the back of the archives staring at the most massive scroll any of them had ever seen. It stood at twice their height and standing shoulder to shoulder the three of them were almost as wide.

“Every shinobi since the founding of Konoha.” Sakura said. She grabbed the edge of the scroll and unraveled it until she reached the far end of the table where she attached it to another roll. “At least they’re in chronological order. These first names will be from the founding of Konoha.” She gestured to what was laid out before them. “We can skip ahead until we see Kakashi -sensei’s name.”

Naruto was studying the names in front of him. “How come everybody at the beginning of Konoha had a name that started with an x?” He asked.

“The x means they’re deceased Naruto.” Sakura explained as she rolled the scroll further along.

They were almost to the other end of the scroll by the time they found names they started to recognize.

“There’s Kakashi Sensei.” Naruto pointed out Kakashi’s name.

“And here’s Obito.” Sakura said quietly. “He’s dead.”

“Dead!?!?” Naruto cried.

“He was an Uchiha.” Sasuke stated.

“So that means he was a dick like you?” Naruto asked.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. “It means there’ll be an Uchiha clan file on him.”

Sakura rolled up the registry scroll. “Where can we find that?” She asked.

“It should be here in the archives.” Sasuke said. “They were all moved here from the main house a few years ago.”

They walked down a few rows of shelves before they found a whole isle of boxes marked ‘Uchiha’. There was a list of names on the front of each box to indicate who’s file was inside. In the middle of the right side three shelves up was the box they were looking for with the last name listed on it ‘Uchiha Obito’.

Sasuke pulled the box down, coughing a little at the cloud of dust that came with it. He withdrew the correct file and cracked open to the first page and started reading. “Uchiha Obito, died in the war with Iwa at the Battle of Kanabi Bridge.”

“I’ve read about that battle. A three man team went behind enemy lines to destroy the bridge and cut the enemy off from escape, reenforcements, and supplies. When the bridge went down the 4th Hokage lead the rest of the Konoha troops to victory. It was the turning point in the war.” Sakura explained.

Sasuke nodded and continued to read. “He died at the age of 14 right after activating his sharingan. Kakashi was his squad commander. It looks like they’re the ones that went behind enemy lines.”

“So young.” Sakura sighed.

“His teammates were the 4th Hokage, Kakashi and a medic girl named Shiranui Rin.” Sasuke continued. “I wonder if Shiranui Rin is related to that examiner Shiranui Genma..”

“Maybe he’ll know something we can do for Kakashi-sensei.” Naruto said. “If we can’t bring Obito to him maybe there’s some other way to keep him from being mad, and make him feel better.”

“Where do we find him?” Sakura asked.

“The jounin lounge.” Sasuke suggested.

Not being jounin they weren’t allowed into the jounin lounge. As a shinobi went in Sakura asked them if they could please check and see if Shiranui Genma was in there. He wasn’t. Another shinobi by the name of Raidou was kind enough to direct them to the academy where Genma was apparently teach a class on poisons.

At the academy they waited outside the classroom for the lesson to end. Sasuke was leaning against the wall opposite the door, Sakura was seated on the floor next to the door, and Naruto was pacing up and down the hall.

After a wait that seemed to drag on forever for Naruto the door finally swung open and shinobi started to file out, they all looked slightly sick.

Genma was the last to emerge. “Poisons are an exact science, maybe next time you’ll all follow my instructions.” He called cheerfully after his departing students.

“Shiranui Genma?” Sakura asked as she stood up.

“Yes.” Genma said. “How can I help you?”

“Are related to Shranui Rin?” Naruto asked bluntly.

“Yeah, she’s my sister.” Genma said slowly. “What’s it to you?”

“We’re Kakashi-sensei’s students.” Sakura explained. “He was injured earlier today and while he’s been unconscious he’s been calling out for somebody named Obito.”

“His old teammate.” Genma nodded.

“Yes.” Sakura continued. “We looked him up and it turns out he died years ago. Your sister was listed as his teammate.”

“What exactly do you hope to gain from all this?” Genma asked.

“To keep Kakashi-sensei from being mad at me of course.” Naruto said.

“By digging into the past of a very private person? That makes perfect sense.” Genma said sarcastically.

“By trying to find some way to make Kakashi-sensei feel better when he wakes up.” Sakura countered. “Obviously we can’t make up for the fact that Uchiha Obito is dead but maybe there’s something else we can do.”

Genma shook his head. “My sister’s medic at an outpost in the south, she hasn’t set foot in Konoha since the 4th Hokage died so I doubt she’ll be of any help.” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked them each in the eye. “Kakashi has been carrying the guilt of Obito’s death since before any of you were born, there’s nothing anyone can do, Rin included, that would let him absolve himself of that guilt. If you want to make him feel better buy him a bottle of sake and don’t ever mention Uchiha Obito again.” He turned and re-entered the classroom, shutting the door behind him.

“Well that got us nowhere.” Naruto muttered.

Sakura sighed. “Let’s head back to the hospital.”

When they got back to their sensei’s room they found Kakashi sitting on the edge of the bed fully clothed, reading his customary orange book. “Naruto, discretion is usually the better part of valor.” He said by way of greeting.

“How are you feeling sensei?” Sakura asked.

He smiled at them over the top of his book. “Sore but in reasonably good health. The nurse is getting my release paperwork as we speak, since I have nothing better to do I figured I’d actually hang around and wait for her.”

As if on cue a nurse walked in and handed Kakashi a stack of papers. “Please sign the last one and you’ll be free to go.”

“Tomorrow’s lesson will be on using minimal amounts of chakra.” Kakashi informed them as he signed his name. “We’ll meet at sunrise at training grounds five, seeing as how our usual training grounds have been demolished.”

Naruto fidgeted. “While you were unconscious you kept asking for...”

“Sake.” Sakura cut in calmly and glared at Naruto. “You were asking for sake.”

Kakashi looked up at them. “Sake?” He asked, confused. “Really?”

Sakura nodded. “It was a bit weird.”

“Ah.” Kakashi said. “Well far be it from me to deny what the mind wants, I’d better go buy some. See you all tomorrow.” With a small wave he disappeared in a cloud of chakra smoke.

“Why didn’t you let me tell him?” Naruto cried.

“We may not be able to make him feel better.” Sakura explained. “But at least we won’t make it worse.”
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