Title: Slipping Into Darkness...
Description: Canon AU. My first attempt at a multi-part story! Er, writing stuff besides smex is challenging, I've found. Please bear with me.
Warnings: Oh yeah! Angst, depression, and MO!Jack. I've decided he deserves another kind of story, or at any rate, this plot bunny got stuck in my head. Not sure
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Comments 40
I'm really not a M/OJack story reader, but I thought I would check this one out. It's kind of interesting to see what Jack is going through after his last meeting with Ennis. And since this is canon, I know that we won't be seeing Ennis again unless in flashbacks. That would be nice.
I am looking forward to your next chapter. You have gotten my interest. : )
MO stuff has deeply bothered me too! That said, J&E's last scene together has left me thinking that Jack really went back to TX to die, b/c what else could he do? But what if he didn't, and what if he somehow persevered... Also, he's been with Ennis for far too long for them to just disappear from each other's lives. Thanks for reading!
Thank you and I like to read more please.
You got me hooked!
"'cause a you Jack, I'm like this"
That is exactly the moment in the movie that kills me.
And the following quote of your story is why! It just breaks my heart...
"Then came the brutal realization that Ennis hadn't moved any closer to him at all, sudden and crushing like getting stomped in the ring. Accelerated drinking and other men provided what comfort there was to be had, but never what he really wanted.
Jack knew Ennis wanted him; his passionate neediness whenever they got together again left no doubt. But it had never before occurred to Jack that Ennis didn't want to want him, that he still believed what they felt for and did with each other was shameful -- not because of other people, but because Ennis himself found it shameful. He wanted Jack against his will. This thing between them was hateful to him, and it was Jack's doing. There'd be no getting it right with Ennis after all."I hope we won't ( ... )
I'll do my best to update soon as this story is sure on my mind, though it's harder to write than smex! (Maybe I should just cut directly to that... oh no, I was going to challenge myself more :-) Thank you for reading!
omg. three tumbleweeds. why do i think what happens with the stranger can work to bring jack back to ennis again?
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