[DC28] Colorful Advice

Jan 04, 2012 04:47

Rating: PG-13
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: AU!Romance
Theme: Constellation, Phrase to include: "two heads are better than one"
Summary: His pride as an artist called to his perfectionist attitude, one that undermined his work and brought to him reluctant help from his fellow neighbor.


Yesung lifted his glasses to fit on the ridge of his nose, carefully sketching his pencil on the paper. He reread the passages of the book beside it, nodding his head to adjust the gist of it when he heard a slight cough behind him.

"May I see your student number?"

"Oh, I'm not a student." Yesung uttered, closing his book as the student arched an eyebrow.

"A faculty member then?" He began to interrogate, Yesung sighed as he hurried his belongings to this bag.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving." He stated, he didn't need another rule-abiding student to hassle him about the rules of using the university library. It was one of the few places he found peace and a proper state of mind, the setting he enjoyed most in drawing without the constant worry of interruption. At least, for the most part.


He didn't enjoy the coffee shop that was by the university grounds, it wasn't as quiet as he'd preferred it to be and he continued to eye the library that was across the street. He stared at his half-finished page and sighed dejectedly.

He glanced at the books in his hand, each displaying different constellations he needed to draw in. He wished he could see them up close, unable to take in the beauty of it at all. He balanced his pencil on his finger, trying to think of something.

He looked up when he saw a muffin and hot drink placed by his book. He quickly called after the barista. "I didn't order this."

The man smiled, "Don't worry about it."

Yesung looked back at the food on hand, and called a thank you before biting into it.


Not again.

"You are?" A student receptionist asked him, he nearly cringed. He thought he could get away with it with this new one he didn't recognize, he didn't think he'd be caught this quickly.


"He's with me." A student uttered, Yesung realized it was the same man he saw earlier in the coffee shop. He closed his lips, noting the student receptionist giving a suspicious glance between the two until he reluctantly nodded his head before leaving.

The same student sat beside Yesung who said quietly. "You didn't have to do that."

"Would a mere thank you be too much to ask for?" Kyuhyun replied with a soft smile. "Besides, I do get something from it." At Yesung's muted question, the student pointed to his illustrated sketchbook. "You're drawing for one of my favorite authors."

Yesung instantly shielded the book to his tightened and protective grasp. "You won't steal a glimpse from it no matter how much you ask."

"I won't, I respect her enough not to read any potential leaks in the story. If anything, I hope you give it your best, I enjoyed the pictures from the last four books. I can't have that guy ruining it for the next one." Kyuhyun reasoned, taking out his music player from his bag.

He was slightly taken aback, he didn't think anyone paid attention to the artwork, and was slightly elated by the comment. Yesung continued to study the man who seemed laid-back, wearing casual earth tone clothing that contrasted against his pierced ears. "You don't seem the like the reading type."

"We're from all backgrounds." Kyuhyun replied with a playful grin. "And don't misunderstand. Aside from her stories, I don't read anything else. Reason why I need you to stop focusing on me and get back to work. Or else I'll have to write another fan letter and show proof of how lazy her illustrator is becoming."

Yesung gaped but reason the student was joking, he shook his head and resumed work.


"I love them!" The author exclaimed in her text message, Yesung, rather than being pleased, narrowed his eyes in worry. He didn't like any of his works, much less the ones he sent reluctantly at the author's urgent request.

"Care to rant?" He turned to head to see Kyuhyun plopped beside him on the campus bench. He didn't even realize the student was there in the first place. Yesung remained silent and Kyuhyun chuckled. "If you're that worried, I'm sure it'll make you feel better if you just told someone."

Yesung sighed, deciding the latter was right. "I hate every single one of my attempts for chapter five through seven, and I think my friend is just agreeing for the sake of it."

Kyuhyun held out his hand expectantly, "Let me see." He said, waiting as Yesung eyed his empty outstretched hand. He reluctantly handed it over, thinning his lips as Kyuhyun examined it carefully.

"You're right, they do suck."

Yesung gawked, and yanked it from his grasp. Kyuhyun chuckled at the man's angered face. "I thought you wanted an honest opinion."

"Doesn't mean I have to like it." Yesung countered grudgingly, fixing his glasses. Kyuhyun crossed his arms, one headphone hanging loosely by his ear. It bugged Yesung who reached out and tucked it in the man's jacket. Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows. "I can't help who I am." He muttered, pulling back his hand.

"I'm not judging you, I happen to like who you are."

Yesung blinked, thinking he misheard the sentence when Kyuhyun scooted closer towards him until their arms brushed up against one another. Kyuhyun leaned his head to stare at the open works. "I think if you just altered it here a bit and add some shadow beneath the man's cape, you'd be good too."

Yesung tried to imagine it so, but out of pride, stated. "I don't need advice."

Unfazed, Kyuhyun held up his hands. "I only tried to help."

It was only after did Yesung realized his advice was good, and he was prouder of his work. Feeling a seed of guilt, he walked into the coffee shop later to see Kyuhyun cleaning the counters.

"Is it better now?" Kyuhyun asked, Yesung nodded his head. He beamed.

"I didn't mean to be like that earlier. It was...good advice." He couldn't say the phrase with completely honesty.

Kyuhyun held out the tip jar, the chain clanging inside it. "I deserve some then, don't I?"

Yesung rolled his eyes but pulled out a few coins from his pocket and dropped in the change. Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes. "Cheap." He insulted, Yesung merely laughed.


He tapped his fingers against the new manuscript in his hands when he felt someone lunge at his back, nearly throwing him off balance.

"Have I told you that you're the best illustrator there is?"

"No, you tend to hide it with complaints and insults. But it's nice to hear once in a while." Yesung fixed his glasses as Kyuhyun continued to hold him tight, the book dangling from his hand.

"Book five, easily the best of your work yet."

"It's not all to me... The author is doing her part too." He then felt his eyes lower at the thought. "I use what the authors give me, but it doesn't necessarily mean the readers are pleased with my words. They probably don't even bother to spare a second glance at them."

"Don't demean yourself," Kyuhyun countered lowly, his head on Yesung's shoulder. "Sadly it's the last of the series, I'm almost depressed by the fact."

"Then you'll love her new series." The student raised his head and turned Yesung around in his hold, looking him straight in the eye.

"I'm the only one in the world to know about this?"

"Well... The only one aside from me, family, and publishers, but if you considered that not part of the world, then sure." Kyuhyun nearly suffocated the air out of him. "She needs me to live." He said breathlessly, it was only then Kyuhyun bothered to let go.

"Off to the library then?" He asked, in high spirits. Yesung bit back a smile when he tugged Kyuhyun's jacket back. The student looked behind him.

Yesung held out a book, an unpublished, hadn't yet released side story that'd come with the series. "I figured you might like this... As a thank you." He added.

Kyuhyun cherished the book like it was his lifeline, but Yesung was surprised by the grateful kiss to his cheek he received after. Kyuhyun seemed oblivious to the reaction he caused out of the illustrator, a flustered and reddening hue that formed on his cheeks that he grateful the student couldn't see. He needed to keep his pride, especially to that of the young man before him.

He refused to admit he didn't mind it one bit.

Kyuhyun's hair was ruined by the scuffle and noted as Yesung fixed his hair. He glanced as Yesung walked by him, glasses adjusted as Kyuhyun bit back a knowing smile. A glint in his gaze as he gently placed the book in his bag and trailed after him in his footsteps.


Yesung felt guilty for how much time he was taking away from the student, one who seemed busy enough with his job and schoolwork.

"You want to what?!" Kyuhyun nearly yelled, Yesung hid his face beneath his hat from the onlookers around them.

"I just suggested... that we not meet up for a bit."

Kyuhyun glared, not as playfully as the other times. "I don't like it." He said simply, before Yesung could retort the student raised up a hand. "And I won't do it."

"Aren't you busy enough without me?" Yesung tried to reason sensibly. Kyuhyun glowered, yanking his headphones as he fidgeted with them between his fingers.

"I make myself busy because I can, not because I'm forced to." Kyuhyun explained. "And unless you think of myself as a burden, then I won't do it."

Yesung couldn't lie and say that the man was. Kyuhyun realized it too and smiled triumphantly. "Talk about us separating again, and I won't take it lightly."

If this was considered lightly, Yesung was afraid to ask what else the man could possibly do.

He didn't tell the man of his ulterior motive. That a brief separation might do some good to his ever growing feelings towards the other. He held back, thinking of how much their age difference must be. Never once asking how old the other was because he was afraid of what it might be. Any lingering feelings he held, he chose to suppress for the better.

Kyuhyun drank from his smoothie and sighed. "This almost puts a downer on my plans, but I might as well." Yesung looked on as Kyuhyun pulled out a small box, pushing it towards the latter. A few moments passed before Yesung slowly opened it, revealing a set of professionals pencils and pens. An expensive set he knew by the brand name alone.

"I tried to ask around the art department, and they were kind enough to tell me this was the best. I hope they were right though."

Kyuhyun seemed uneasy the longer Yesung stared at the gift, and fidgeted in his seat. "Do you like it or not?"

Yesung looked up and gave the warmest smile he could possibly give, unable to say anything. And to Kyuhyun, it was the best answer he could have received.


A night before the deadline and Kyuhyun showed up at his door, holding up two cups of coffee.

"What are you doing here?"

"I can't draw or even color within the lines to save my life, but I figured two heads are better than one." Kyuhyun reasoned, handing him his drink and letting himself in.

Kyuhyun made snide comments every so often, but each helpful as the illustrator rushed. To both their reliefs, he managed to turn it in the morning after.

Yesung looked beside him at the man who had long abandoned him and fell asleep on the desk. Yesung could still hear the music blaring from his headphones and helped to turn it off.

"Thank you," He murmured by the student's ear, his look earnest and warm. He exhaled deeply, realizing suppressing his emotion around him was much harder to do than he realized.

That very night once the deadline had passed with both the publisher's and author's approval, Yesung leaned back in Kyuhyun's car, staring out the open window.

"Where are we going?"

"A night of celebration." Kyuhyun declared.

"I don't drink."

Kyuhyun scoffed. "Don't put me with the others, I'm not all about parties and such."

"I wouldn't know." Yesung reasoned, Kyuhyun continued driving. Yesung watched as the city slowly changed to the suburban outskirts outside of the city. It was then they stopped at the top of the hill, overlooking the city behind them. But that wasn't the view Kyuhyun intended for the other to see.

Kyuhyun tugged his hand and gestured upwards. In the darkened skies, Yesung was able to see each constellation clearly in their sights, ones he had seen almost everyday for the past year to recognize them almost instantly. But to see them up close without the blurring city lights made him realize why the author chose to use them. They were truly a sight to behold.

"I thought you might like to see them." Kyuhyun spoke.

"I didn't think you were the type."

"I seem to be a lot of things you don't expect. But I guess that's a good thing." Kyuhyun said hesitantly. "I think you did a good enough job."

Yesung shook his head. "Good enough? That's the nicest thing I've heard from you yet." He was too focused on the skies to realize the looming man who appeared closer, his fault for being oblivious as Kyuhyun leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

He somehow knew it was different than the grateful one he received before, Kyuhyun's stare said it all.

"I'm too old for you." Yesung said afterward, his mind finding himself again. To this, the student chuckled.

"You are aware that I graduated with my masters?"

"...You're not an undergrad?"

"Hadn't been for a while." Yesung studied his appearance, that looked very much as young as everyone else. "Don't be deceived by how I dress. I thought you were better than that."

Yesung repeatedly opened and closed his mouth, unsure of what to say when Kyuhyun admitted his age, making Yesung realized they weren't that far apart.

"Any more reasons to reject me?" Kyuhyun asked quietly, his voice ghosting by Yesung's ear. The latter chose to turn away, finding it difficult to focus on the stars above when Kyuhyun reached to hold him from behind.

Yesung didn't push him away, neither did he seem reluctant to remain in his grasp. But still to Kyuhyun's chagrin, he received no hint of an answer.

It was later when Kyuhyun dropped him off, did he asked. "Do you have any reason to reject me whatsoever?"

Yesung bit his bottom lip, thinking it over to Kyuhyun's impatience. "None." He admitted with a light laugh, one that made Kyuhyun's gaze softened. He enjoyed it most when Yesung wasn't stressed or overwhelmed.

The relaxed and studious part of him when he drew attracted him the moment he spotted him in the library, the distant far off look when he was lost in thought. Every part of him and aspect Kyuhyun enjoyed, and he hoped he could continue to do so, but not as a distant observer. He wanted that much to change.

"Do you still want to reject me then?" He asked hesitantly, hiding his uneasiness. "Even without a reason?"

Yesung leaned against the car door, Kyuhyun standing in front. He almost decided to play off the entire thing when Yesung tugged his hand. Kyuhyun said nothing as their hands intertwined before Yesung's stare.

"This... isn't so bad." Yesung murmured, their interlocked hands a welcomed gesture. Kyuhyun stared at his reddening cheeks and beamed, taking in every reaction as the answer he wanted to hear.

Yesung couldn't say he had always understood the stories the author wrote, not of the whimsically love stories she chose to express vividly, ones he assumed didn't exist in real life. This story between them was far from fantasy, but almost dream-like in his memory. One he chose to relive, and use for inspiration as he drew in his later works.

He'd look up from his next project to see a freshly made cup of coffee beside his work, and greeted with a kiss to his forehead as he looked up at the man who made it. Rather than inside a library or bookshop, was inside their home.

This was the only interruption he'd want. The second pair of eyes he'd let comment on his work. The only advice he'd ever accept. The only pair of lips he'd ever kiss.

Not that he'd admit it, he thought slyly as Kyuhyun leaned his cheek against his. Not in the least.

- ❄ Challenge 27 ❄ | ❄ Challenge 29 ❄ -

A/N: Been so long! >< Hope this Kyusung suffices, I wrote them this late in the game... ^^;;

Hope you enjoy! ^^

Crossposted at kyusung + my-prection

c: yesung, | length: one-shots, pairing: kyusung, type: fanfiction, type: yaoi, challenge♣dec 31-shot, c: kyuhyun

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