[DC12] Richer Than Air

Dec 12, 2011 02:19

Rating: PG-13
Pairing: HyukMin
Genre: AU!General, Romance, Minor!Comedy
Theme: Nature, Phrase to include: "I thought you were oxygen"
Summary: One should always savor the gifts nature has to offer, but not necessarily those from the persistent neighbor next door.


Sungmin held out the yellow jewel, the rays crossing through as he lowered it from the window.

He carefully carved the jewel until it reached perfection, absolute. He could measure perfection to its very core, with numbers and quality, he was entrusted with that.

Yet a single drop of water fell and slid down it, tarnishing the reflection. He looked up and noticed the leaking corner of his wooden roof. He sighed and looked outside, the approaching rainstorm would soon come, this was only the gist of it.

He hurriedly put on a jacket and walked outside of the wooden hut, trudged through the forest until he reached the calm river. He was able to see the figure beneath it.

He carefully went down the steps when a person rose from the water, coming close to the edge. Eunhyuk crossed his arms over it as Sungmin knelt before the edge. "I thought you weren't going to come in."

"I'm not, but I realize I had a break in my roof."

"How unfortunate," Eunhyuk said, obviously disappointed. "Join me."


"How cruel," Eunhyuk replied. "What does it take to spend time with you?"

"At this moment, a thousand dollars."

Eunhyuk winced at the large amount. "Can't I get a discount for being a close neighbor?"

"Considering you're quite rowdy, loud and always at my doorstep uninvited, I'd rather call the authorities instead. You're always disrupting my work."

Eunhyuk pursed his lips. "You really shouldn't be focused in work so much."

"Why not?"

"Because it's unhealthy."

"Your job is a bigger risk than mine is. And what's so benefitting about going out for a swim?"

"You never bother to appreciate nature at its finest do you? And there's plenty of benefits, many that involve you shirtless and what not."

Sungmin flicked water into Eunhyuk's eyes and stood up. He leered. "Ten, tonight. Be there."

Sungmin stalked off with his arms crossed as Eunhyuk readjusted his cloudy vision, grinning at the man who went about his way. "Oh, I definitely will be."


"You kidnapped me!"

"For good reasons, I assure you."

Sungmin eventually broke through his restraints, upset, angry and so much more when he realized Eunhyuk had taken him from the wooden hut to some random place in the woods. Nightfall was coming and Eunhyuk waved around his flashlight.

"You see, isn't it beautiful?" Eunhyuk said with wide arms.

Sungmin stared at a twitching trees, dead leaves and wide eye animals staring at him. "That's... exactly what it is."

Eunhyuk then slung an arm around his shoulders, "You see, this is what we call-"

The flashlight went off. They stood in the complete darkness for a good minute.

"Where exactly do you think you're putting your hand?"

"I thought we should stay close-oomph!"

"Close is being nearby, you're thinking of sexual harassment." Sungmin's voice scolded. "Now, how do we get back?"

Eunhyuk was silent.

"You do know how to go back, right?"

"...I did." Eunhyuk said uneasily. "I admit, it's a lot different when you're blind." He flinched and dodged the outline coming towards him. "Watch where you wave that flashlight!"

"I was." Sungmin cursed under his breath when he felt a hand down his back, he instantly attacked the man's hand out of habit. "What were you doing?"

"A blind man needs a guide."

"It's called using my elbow, not my a-" He nearly tripped into some random hole but was saved last minute by Eunhyuk. He narrowed his eyes, ungrateful as he stepped back. "I bet we're not lost at all, you're just trying to take advantage of me."

"No, no, I can assure you. We are completely lost." Eunhyuk said sincerely.

There was a loud howl in the woods, followed by repeated whacks and crunched wood.


Sungmin felt the subtle sunlight reached his exhausted eyes, he opened them and stared straight into large leaves.

He temporarily dreamed of being back home, in a warm bed, alone.

Sadly, he had none of it.

Sungmin tried to sit up but an arm barred him down, he narrowed his eyes as he threw it off him. His companion gave a displeased groan. "Don't leave, you were keeping me warm."

Sungmin scowled. "We're stranded."

"We are not," Eunhyuk scanned around, standing up slowly in the unrecognizable wooden area. "We're just enjoying sweet nature at its greatest."

"Whatever you call it, find a path and lead us home." Sungmin ordered as he stood up. They walked around for a good while, the more annoyed Sungmin grew, the less he noticed how much of a smile Eunhyuk wore.

"What's that look for?"

Eunhyuk shrugged. "I'm enjoying myself." Sungmin gave a look of disbelief. "C'mon! Won't this be a hilarious story to tell people one day?"

"I'm barely containing myself." Sungmin said lowly. "How can you enjoy this day anyway?"

Eunhyuk chuckled. "I like spending time with you. And I managed to spend the night with you too. All in all, it's a good day."

Sungmin pursed his lips, staying quiet. "Is it really that enjoyable to be with me?"

"Of course." Eunhyuk said honestly, waving around the flashlight. "That and, you've been avoiding me since you rejected me."

Sungmin almost faltered in his step, but Eunhyuk held his back, helping him stand straight.

"It's alright, I'm not upset over it."

"You've gotten over me then?" Sungmin asked.

Eunhyuk thinned his lips, juggling the flashlight. After a short moment of silence, he added. "I didn't say that." He then chuckled at the memory. "You even said- you promised you'd never come to me to fix your house again."

"What of it?"

"You broke your promise yesterday, doesn't that mean that other promise is void?"

Sungmin knew what he referred to, in the heat of frustration and anger over the other's persistence, he promised that he'd never consider Eunhyuk in the first place.

"Not necessarily," Sungmin said. "And getting me lost in some part of the woods isn't gaining you my favor at the moment." Eunhyuk stood a good distance behind him.

"So if I managed to get us out, you would consider me?"

"If you managed to get us home, I'll even kiss you." Sungmin said offhandedly, shielding his eyes from the sun's rays.

"I'll hold you to that then." Eunhyuk said triumphantly, pointing his hand in the opposite direction. Sungmin followed his hand and realized where it led to.

A nice, clear highway stood before him.

"I'd like my kiss now please." Sungmin narrowed his eyes, dangerously as Eunhyuk shifted his smile. "Never-mind, I can wait."


Sungmin was relieved to be in the comfort of his own home again, laying back against the bed when he heard a soft, rhythmic knock on the door.

"Repairman, coming through." Eunhyuk said in sing-song, Sungmin shook his head as he directed him to the leaky roof. The man nodded and proceeded to patch it up in the meantime.

"I'll come by another day to fix it entirely, this will last for a few days though."

Sungmin nodded and sat on his bed, he remained silent as he watched the handyman at work.

"You enjoy living alone in the woods?" Eunhyuk asked abruptly as a means to start a conversation.

"Sometimes," Sungmin admitted honestly. "Its better than being in the city. Although it's hard to find someone when you're in need."

"You shouldn't worry. All you need is me." Eunhyuk countered confidentially.

Sungmin leaned back against the wall of his home, his eyes scanning his arms that worked the area, slowly trailing to his torso and below. He couldn't help but study the man detail by detail, much like the jewels he worked with, uncovering what hid beneath the layers.

"If you appreciate what you see, you're allowed to do as you want."

Sungmin immediately averted his gaze. "I'm good."

"Your jewels cost a fortune to own, much less get to see them first hand, much less touch him." Eunhyuk commented. "It's different with me. You're allowed to have me with no strings attached, and do what you want with me."

"Too good to be true."

"It's only an offer extended to you," Eunhyuk reminded.

Sungmin gave a miffed smile. "You're that conceited? Seems I was right."

Eunhyuk met his gaze. "How so?"

"With all that coming from your mouth, I thought you were oxygen deprived, but that wouldn't explain all that hot air, would it?"

Eunhyuk countered with a smirk before fixing the last of it, content with his work as he lowered his hands. He stood there, waiting. Sungmin shifted his gaze, unsure of what the man wanted.

"Yes?" Sungmin asked.

"My kiss." Eunhyuk replied.

Sungmin heard the soft patter of rain drops on the roof, he looked up at the fixed ceiling where the rain couldn't penetrate. He then glanced at the still waiting man and sighed, standing up as he debated internally when he moved beside him and leaned in.

Eunhyuk then pulled back. "It's either the lips or no kiss at all."

"Then none." Sungmin agreed, Eunhyuk bit his bottom lip and sighed reluctantly.

"Alright, alright, you win." He compromised, closing his eyes.

Sungmin tilted his head, musing of how to do plant a kiss on his cheek. Finding himself studying the man's features.

He was in all, every bit as imperfect as the next could claim to be. His salary was somewhat decent, his personality was different than his, a bigger contrast than he thought. Nothing between them could state they were a good match for one another.

He wouldn't voice it out loud, but there was clearly something in Eunhyuk. He wondered if he would be worth it?

Eunhyuk grew impatient. "You're not going t-"

Sungmin realized he was.

He would laugh about it one day, feigning a scowl as Eunhyuk would remind him of the details of that fateful night spent in nature's hold. Yet he easily silenced him with another kiss, each one as priceless, as perfect as the next.

- ❄ Challenge 11 ❄ | ❄ Challenge 13 ❄ -

A/N: Why does my muse refuse to work when I'm upright and awake? .-.

pairing: hyukmin, | length: one-shots, c: sungmin, type: fanfiction, c: eunhyuk, type: yaoi, challenge♣dec 31-shot

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