[DC10] Reserved Smiles

Dec 10, 2011 10:25

Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Henmin
Genre: AU!Romance
Theme: Chords, Phrase to include: "freak show tonight"
Summary: His playful teasing and lighthearted compliments he took in stride, yet when said with sincerity did it struck a chord in his chest.


Sungmin pursed his lips and glanced at his cell phone repeatedly, he only had minutes before the battery died. He finally pressed 'send.' After one ring, the phone answered.

"You haven't called me in so long, there's spider webs on your name in my contact list."

Sungmin lowered his eyes, wanting to just hang up the call right then and there.

"Before you end this call, you should tell me what you want."

Sungmin looked around quickly, checking to see if he was unknowingly being watched. "I need a ride." He admitted, standing inside a phone booth to shield himself from the rain using his cell.

Within a few minutes of telling where he was, Henry appeared after, smiling as he opened the car door.

"Come in!"


Sungmin changed out of his shirt into fresh dry clothes, he stepped into the hotel room where Henry sat on the bed, admiring the sight.

"I wish I could get used to this." Henry sipped his drink through the straw. If anyone were to see, no one would think Henry was the son of the hotel owner. He wore a multi-colored outfit and large headphones around his neck.

Sungmin was tempted to put on a shirt, but he usually slept without one and simply decided to lay down on the bed.

"You're going to spend the night sleeping? Such a waste." Henry then tugged on his hand. "Let's play."


"You have to. You owe me."

"How so?"

Henry countered with a wide smile. "Have you conveniently forgotten my gift to you?"

Henry reached over the drawers of the hotel room, then plopping on the bed as he uncapped a marker and drew a heart right above Sungmin's waistband.

"There, now you'll know where it is." He pressed his two fingers on his lips then placed them on the mark. "That is mine, please take care of it."

Sungmin merely closed his eyes and turned around, resting on the bed as Henry reluctantly slept on the other side.


It was too loud for Sungmin's liking.

Yet the people jumped, grinded, moved in any possible way to the blasting music. Sungmin wanted to get out but Henry pulled his hand as he led him through the insane crowd.

Henry nestled close to his neck, his breath tickled his skin and made Sungmin resist the shiver that ran up his spine.

Henry's voice lingered by his ear. "Relax."

Sungmin's shoulders remained tensed as Henry pulled him further into the crowd. He shifted the blame towards the rowdy crowd, but as their hands remained intertwined, it felt fruitless to convince himself of that.

He settled into a top booth of the night club as Henry left and soon returned, handing him water as Henry gulped down a beer.

Sungmin narrowed his eyes and yanked the bottle out of his hand. "You shouldn't drink."

"Yes, sir." Henry said with a salute to the head. He laughed playfully as he settled beside Sungmin. "Relax. You shouldn't always be so uptight. A smile wouldn't kill you either."

Henry placed a brief kiss on Sungmin's cheek, arm slung around his shoulders and smiled.

"You have a second chance at life, enjoy it."


Sungmin was in a constant mood swing during work, exhausted from being up most of the night and almost happy because he...

Sungmin looked back as the bell rung and revealed Henry leaning over the glass counter.

"Good evening sir." Sungmin said professionally. He worked in the bakery of the hotel Henry's family owned.

Henry narrowed his eyes at the formalities. "My name is far from Sir." He then tapped on the glass and Sungmin went to grab his usual treat.

Henry, however, didn't just leave. And instead parted his lips, waiting.

Sungmin was tempted to deny him, but instead reached for the cake pop and fed him. Henry bit into it and smiled proudly, enjoying the treat as he left the counter.

"Demanding," Sungmin said lowly, his co-worker watched as Henry had long disappeared out of sight.

"Didn't you like him?" A co-worker vaguely recalled. Sungmin thinned his lips as he mixed the batter in the back, pretending not to have heard him. His co-worker then laughed. "I guess that was a passing crush then."

Sungmin finished mixing the batter and handed it over, his eyes lowered.

Henry was a close friend, but nothing more Sungmin thought.

He never pursued him before because he assumed he was going to die, his name still towards the end on the transplant list. He didn't want to waste a chance only to have it short-lived, and instead silently enjoyed Henry's childish interactions with him.

Yet to his surprise when he woke up. He turned his head in that hospital room, and found Henry on the opposite bed beside him.

Henry was a fitting donor, and despite doctor's warnings that Sungmin's of survival were slim, had donated a kidney. A selfless act, except Henry never spared a time when he reminded the man of it.

"Take good care of it."

Sungmin rolled his eyes but slapped away the hand that roamed beneath his shirt. Henry was unfazed as he explained. "Don't you know? Tissue sampling, blood typing, they had to do every test to make sure my kidney was compatible with yours. Even biology says we're a perfect match."

"Or that we're secretly related."

Henry glowered. "If you keep acting like that, I may have to ask for a return." Henry said lightly.

"If you want a return so badly, then why did you give me yours?"

Henry leaned his forehead against his, sighing contently. "I wouldn't be able to make it if you left me."

Sungmin turned away, hands secretly clutching his jacket as he cleared his throat. "Don't be dramatic."

Henry pulled back slightly, meeting his eyes. His tone was unusually serious. "I had a chance to save you, and it was worth it." He kissed his forehead. "You're always worth it."

His sincere words struck a chord.

His lips curve upward and still remain close, "I could never be this happy if you weren't alive."


He wished he could say no to him, but it seemed that task was impossible.

Sungmin found himself in the same night club.

"It'll be a freak show tonight in every way possible," Henry commented, glancing at the assortment of wildly dressed crowds in and out. He listened to the headphones as he scratched the discs.

The disc jockey's elated expression contrasted against Sungmin's stoic one, both standing behind the turn tables as Henry made the crowd riled repeatedly.

The music was so loud, that it felt like his heart was pounding.

"That is not music." Sungmin said afterward in the back room of the night club where it was silent.

"Are you claiming I don't know the classics?" Henry asked.

"Do you?" Sungmin countered.

Henry smiled at the challenge and reached behind some supplies and pulled out a boom box. He placed in his c.d. and once the button was pressed, piano music began to fill the room.

He grabbed Sungmin's hand, snugly in his own as he grabbed his waist. Sungmin awkwardly twisted about, unused to the action.

"You don't dance often, do you?"

Sungmin avoided his intent gaze as Henry pulled him closer.

"You should let me lead for once, instead of trying to control everything in your life."

Sungmin allowed himself to be reluctantly guided, he watched his steps making sure not to step on him, but Henry controlled him well.

Sungmin could hear Henry's heart beating, faster and faster despite the slow tempo. Because of the lulling melody, Sungmin knew he couldn't blame the music.

The song ended and they stopped in the center of the gray room.

Sungmin felt nervous as Henry stared intently at him, his eyes lowered and indescribable. The once constant smile had disappeared.

Henry leaned in when his phone rang. He gave a miffed expression and pulled away, glancing at the message of the phone as Sungmin pulled himself together.

"Let's resume this another night, shall we?" Henry called out, turning around to pull the boom box's plug.

Sungmin was glad it was cold outside, the scarf he wore was able to cover his reddened cheeks.


Sungmin knew he should have checked Henry's drinking, then again, the other could get drunk off life at the rate he was going.

In the hotel's front desk, Sungmin stood in front as Henry shoved the receptionist kindly out of the way, and proceeded to book himself a room. Sungmin shook his head and followed him down the corridor.

Henry grabbed a "Do not disturb" sign from one of the housekeeping carts.

"I'm going to need this."

Sungmin grabbed it and returned. "You do not."

"You're no fun." Henry said as he slid the card to the slot and opened the door.

The man crashed onto the bed, Sungmin shook his head disapprovingly as he helped him take off his shirt and reached to change his jeans. "I thought you said we didn't need it." Henry said playfully.

Sungmin glared, immediately withdrawing his hands. "We don't."

Henry reached to grab his hand, gently rubbing his thumb over the palm as Sungmin sat on the bed. He narrowed his eyes, studying him carefully that made Sungmin bothered under his stare. "What is it?"

"What does it take?" Sungmin felt the bed shift as Henry scooted closer, studying his features. "Should I wear a suit and tie?"

"That doesn't suit you." Henry gave a displeased groan at that answer. He then sat up and got a better look of Sungmin's stoic expression.

"What does it take to be yours?" Henry mumbled, his finger gracing over Sungmin's cheek. "Do you not like me the way I am?"

Sungmin averted his eyes, replying honestly. "I do like you the way you are."

Henry shook his head, his arms around Sungmin's neck. "I don't want you to like me... I want you to love me."

Henry planted a misguided kiss on Sungmin's lips. "Ah... that was supposed to be there," He tapped Sungmin's cheek. He then forced a laugh as he laid his head against Sungmin's shoulder, eyes closed.

Sungmin carefully moved him until the other rested on the bed's white sheets. He gently fixed his hair and felt his gaze soften.

He didn't pursue him the first time because it was too short-lived, but he knew it was because of the nerves that restrained his voice from saying otherwise, binding him from wanting to risk rejection despite Henry's blatant affection.

He did have a second chance. And he wondered how much longer he could go on and not try.

How much longer could he allow his nerves to get the best of him?

Sungmin reached over him towards the room's drawer, grabbed a marker and uncapped it.

Henry stirred awake once the morning hours rolled in, opening his eyes when he slowly sat up.

Sungmin was already freshened up and dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed. Henry blinked as his vision settled in and he stared at the large mirror in front of him. He then looked down.

There was a mark over his chest, near his heart.

He looked on at Sungmin in silent question, to his surprise Sungmin leaned forward.

"That's mine," Sungmin declared as he kissed the stunned Henry on the cheek. "Take care of it."

Sungmin stood up and reached for the door when a pair of hands held him from behind. The corner of his cold lips shifted upward, a gesture he hadn't done in so long.

Henry hugged him as tightly as he could, eyes closed shut, he nestled as close as he could. Sungmin turned around in his grasp as Henry leaned in.

There was a light knock on the door that briefly interrupted them and they both moved as the door opened, revealing housekeeping and the cart.

"Ah, we're good today." Henry informed, still holding onto Sungmin tightly. The housekeeper nodded and was about to go on her way.

"Wait!" Henry called out, letting go briefly and left the room.

Sungmin arched an eyebrow as Henry soon returned with a triumphant smile and locked the door.

"What did you do?" He interrogated.

Henry jumped him and landed on the bed with a soft 'oof.' He kissed him fully on the lips, effectively silencing his question. His hands gripped his shirt and body, refusing to ever let go.

Outside the room, dangling safely on the door's handle, was a sign that read 'Do not disturb.'

- ❄ Challenge 9 ❄ | ❄ Challenge 11 ❄ -

A/N: I was at a loss of what to do for the longest time that I even baked two cakes in the middle of the night to clear my head ^^;

Check out henmin" and my-prection a community for rare pairs ^^

c: henry, | length: one-shots, c: sungmin, pairing: henmin, type: fanfiction, type: yaoi, challenge♣dec 31-shot

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