[DC06] Lights In The Sky

Dec 06, 2011 08:27

Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Yemin
Genre: AU!Romance
Theme: Knitting, Phrase to include: "like this, like that"
Summary: Luck can't be depended on, persistence is the key to gaining what he wanted. But even then, he'd look up and fruitlessly wish for a miracle.


Sungmin knitted the scarf in secret, changing his pattern every so often and taking short breaks in between. He looked up at the stars in the ceiling, it only 3 p.m. But the campus planetarium made it easier to see them as he pleased.

This place beneath the stars was his sanctuary, one he thought he had to himself.

"You would hide here," A low voice said, Sungmin quickly hid the supplies when the intruder chuckled. "I already know your secret, you don't have to hide."

In truth, Sungmin didn't mind sharing.

Yesung leaned across the chair behind him, dressed entirely in black. He stared above, reminiscent of the first time they had met and Yesung had caught Sungmin in the act.

"Let's go."

Sungmin sighed reluctantly. While he enjoyed spending time with the other, he wished it was for different reasons.

They resumed their tutoring session in the library, Sungmin pursed his lips as Yesung explained another question in the simplest terms he could. Sungmin simply couldn't get it.

"Why do I have to change?" He asked abruptly.

He hid his knitting habit from others because of the teasing and odd stares. He was better at the arts and literature rather than math and science. Although Astronomy was a clear exception, but they demanded different from him. They demanded he work on his weaknesses rather than his strengths.

"Simple, because the world wants you to." Yesung said bluntly, Sungmin lowered his eyes as Yesung leaned further against his hand until he slumped against the desk. "But just because the world wants us to change, doesn't mean we have to." Yesung continued, Sungmin lifted his gaze. "I like you the way you are."


Yesung smirked. "Do you like me the way I am?"

"Of course." Sungmin said without a doubt. That only made Yesung smile wider.

"That doesn't get you off the hook with the upcoming exam though." To that, Sungmin sighed. Yesung then proceeded to help him on another problem, this time sitting closer to help him understand.

"If you divide it like this, like that you'll get the next number, then subtract it from this total for your new x." Yesung explained patiently.

The physical closeness may not be necessary, it may be hurting his studies in fact. Simply because Sungmin couldn't focus on anything else.


"What am I supposed to do?" He asked as he scrubbed the soap on the dog's fur. "I mean, he's not going to spontaneously like me right? That never happens... Or could it?"

The dog barked once.

Sungmin sighed as he scrubbed behind the ears, "You're right. It doesn't."

He had better luck talking to dogs than he ever had with people, it was easier to vent without his words being scrutinized. And during his job as a dog groomer, he realized just how much better he felt after his shifts.

"I just wished... I knew what it took to make him like me." Sungmin added after. "If I knew how, then maybe he'd..." He sighed once more, "I shouldn't be waiting for him though. I should go after him myself."

The dog whimpered when Sungmin brought out the brush. The groomer calmed him down until the dog accepted it with reluctance.

He knew how to get dogs to like him. He didn't know what it took for Yesung to. He even wondered if he should bother.

Yesung was a good mentor, a good friend, a good confidant.

That's all, he told himself, nothing more, nothing less.



Yesung tilted his head back, his hands stuffed into his jean pockets.

"That's a nice name." Sungmin said kindly.

"You're falling for him." Kibum clarified. He sighed at Yesung's expression that held evident disbelief. "Don't tell me this is your first crush."

"It isn't, that's why I don't believe you. This feels nothing like before."

Kibum smiled. "Maybe Sungmin is different compared to the ones before?"

Yesung lowered his head. "I'd rather not."

Kibum knew where his thoughts were heading, and immediately intervened. "Is there some law saying that only the good of heart are allowed to be loved? That only those who have done good deeds and are kind are given that privilege?"

"While it may not be law, it's there." Yesung countered, earning a glower from his friend. He brushed away his words with ease.

Trash like him didn't deserve to be beside him. It was wrong, it wasn't possible. Even if Sungmin were somehow willing, he could never bring him down to his level. He wouldn't do that to him of all people.

"I'm keen to think love isn't that prejudicial. If anything, it's terrifyingly blinding to anyone who suffers from it, but also an eye opener. Able to make a person see someone they would never have considered because of their faults, and learn to accept them."

"Acceptance is different from love." Yesung reasoned.

"That may be so. But it's one step closer to what you want."

Yesung sighed, clenching his fist as he leaned forward, the hair covering his eyes. It failed to hide his impatience, as well as the impudent glare towards his friend's smile.

"Though I admit the kind-hearted don't always deserve the one they want. You have to admit they're quite dedicated than those who aren't."

Yesung ignored his rather unsubtle hint.


"You're skipping class?"

"It's a long ride." Yesung replied.

Sungmin furrowed his eyebrows. "But why?" He then gaped as Yesung placed the last of his sleeping bag in the back seat. "You're going to see the meteor shower."

Yesung smirked. "It's not everyday you can see such a thing." He closed the door. "If you want to try and stop me, do it, if not, come along."

"I can't." Sungmin replied solemnly.

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to hurt you in order to keep your mouth shut."

Sungmin narrowed his eyes, pursing his lips as he sighed. "Fine then! Take me with you, I need to make sure you're alright at least."

Yesung smiled as he entered the driver's seat, Sungmin entered the passengers when he noted the second sleeping bag. "You knew I was going to say yes?"

Yesung turned the ignition. "It wasn't that I knew... I was hoping."

Once they reached the countryside and looked above, the meteors streaked across the sky the moment Sungmin stepped out of the car. Distracted, he nearly fell when Yesung caught him.

They parted, but Sungmin could feel his chest pounding. He glanced up, wondering if you could make a wish on falling stars.

For the moment he pretended they did.


Sungmin saw the sign displaying the planetarium was closed for the day. He pursed his lips and returned the knitting supplies back in his bag, he'd have to find somewhere else for the time being.

He put on his backpack and turned around, hearing a clang when he realized he knocked the sign over. He hurriedly straightened it up when he realized there was a note stuck on the back with his name on it.

"Room 1573."

Sungmin stood outside the room, debating whether to enter when he decided to open the door and stepped inside.

A wide smile grew on his lips.

Yesung had hung various glittered stars across the room, he was hanging the final one when Sungmin had entered. The small lights within each one brighting up the darkened room.

"It's amazing." Sungmin complimented, enjoying it as the door closed, the stars the only lights in the room.

Sungmin cradled one in his hands, feeling overjoyed. He carefully let go when he felt a hand over his own.

He looked to his side, Yesung's hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand. Yesung's gaze was on the star when he looked and met Sungmin's gaze, their faces close together.

Yesung pressed his lips against his, initiating their first kiss. He was gentle at first, but need overwhelmed it as he gripped his shoulder tighter, deepening the kiss. He enjoyed every bit of it.

It ended quicker than he wanted it to. He froze when Sungmin pushed him away.

The lack of lights hid Sungmin's reddening cheeks, the heat rising to his neck, his chest pounding at the gesture.

He felt nervous, too nervous.

Before he knew, he ran out of the room, his heart nearly jumping out of his chest.


That wasn't it.

He wanted to clear up the misunderstanding and quickly hurried to the hallway where Yesung would walk past, and like clockwork the man soon appeared.

Yet as he stood there, struggling to say a decent word. Yesung closed his eyes and walked past him, without acknowledging his presence.

The progress he thought he was once making, had regressed.


"Why do the bad guys fall for the good ones?" Yesung huffed.

"Because we see flaws in ourselves and we're sick of it. We like a bit of perfection every now and then." Kibum explained offhandedly.

"You really have an answer for everything." Yesung muttered.

Kibum laughed, staring at a glass piece in front of the school. "I don't think it's impossible, no one said people like us can't get the perfect guy."

Yesung scoffed. "Right, its beyond our reach. I shouldn't have even bothered."

"I don't think that applies to you."

"How so?" Yesung replied nonchalantly as he leaned against the metal rail.

Kibum tilted his head. "Because that perfect guy has been watching you rather intently for the last few minutes."

A moment of silence passed. "Don't make up stuff."

"I'm not." Kibum assured. "But I think just maybe he feels something for you too."

Yesung immediately put down his words. Sungmin was the one who rejected in the first place, not the other way around.


"You're just friends with him... right?"

Kibum raised his eyebrows at the question directed at him, staring with a knowing smile. "If you want me out of the way, just say so."

Sungmin widened his eyes, standing in the outskirts of the secluded campus. "T-That's not it-"

"Look," Kibum said, his expression kind, his tone said otherwise. "If you like him, admit it, but don't hide behind it like it's such a disgusting thing. My friend deserves more than that."

"It's not that it's disgusting," Sungmin quickly corrected. "It's that I'm... clueless with how to word things, with how to react."

"You enjoy misunderstandings, don't you?" Sungmin sighed bitterly, Kibum inhaled. "If you like him, say it to his face. He won't know otherwise."

"I know."

"And next time he kisses you, try not to run off."

Sungmin felt his cheeks flush.

He waited outside the planetarium of the school, waiting for that student to walk by, he was losing patience and growing anticipated by the second. He wondered if maybe he had missed him and walked inside.

He then heard his distinct voice and walked over, standing behind a wall when he recognized Yesung and another classmate of his beneath the star covered skies inside the planetarium.

"Do you believe you have a chance?" Yesung questioned darkly. Before the student could answer, Yesung smirked. "It's too late, he's fallen for me. He won't ever give you the light of the day."

The man seemed put off by his statement. Yet he couldn't help but fold under the intense gaze and instead sulked away.

Yesung heightened his glare and smiled in triumph as he turned around. Sungmin was truly his best kept secret, and he'd have no one else try.

Sungmin wasn't his yet, but he noticed how much Sungmin had accepted his advances, sometimes going along until his shyness stopped himself. He didn't want anyone else to pursue him, no one else to acknowledge him as possibly more, especially when he was this close.

"Who fell for you?"

Yesung stopped in his tracks, shifting his gaze upward when he realized Sungmin was standing there all along. He clenched his jaw, coming off as angry rather than embarrassed.

"Ah, you don't have to answer me." Sungmin said with a wistful smile.

He could walk away now, before he embarrassed himself. But he knew he'd regret it, and he wanted to at least tell him, if it meant nothing less.

"He isn't good enough for you."

Sungmin blinked and looked up when Yesung uttered the phrase.

"I don't regret telling him off because he likes to play around, he would've caused you more grief than pleasure." Yesung stated. "You deserve someone remotely decent, someone who knows what they have when they're with you."

Sungmin fought back a smile. "Do you... Do you think you're decent enough for me?"

"No," Yesung replied firmly, Sungmin's smile faltered when the man then said. "But I'd try everyday to make it true."

Yesung had his eyes open when Sungmin rushed forward and smashed their lips together.

It wasn't smooth or soft, Sungmin had rushed in too roughly initially. Yet Yesung didn't mind it, Sungmin's impatience was a flaw, part of the many he held.

But that made him likable, lovable in Yesung's eyes.

"Don't you dare think you can take this back." Yesung stated, gripping his shoulder lightly.

Sungmin gulped nervously, his smile growing wider. Yesung leaned in, his lips close enough to nearly brush against his.

"I won't."

"I'm selfish." Yesung warned. "I should warn you that I'm quite possessive."

"I don't mind," Sungmin added, "But... why do you like me?"

"Why shouldn't I like you?" Yesung countered, feeling as if the former question should have been said from his own lips. "Must I list why?"

Sungmin seemed unsure whether he really wanted to hear it. And once Yesung kissed him again, unable to hold back, he felt the reason didn't matter as much.

He enjoyed tutoring a lot more after that.

Sungmin tapped his pencil when he finished the last problem on his hand-out, looking above as Yesung palmed his chin, sleeping sitting up.

He bit his bottom lip, checked if no one was around when he leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

Yesung exhaustively opened his eyes. "If you're going to do that,"

Yesung pulled his collar and kissed him once more, longer and savoring every bit.

"Do it right."


Yesung moves the hair that covered his eyes, glaring at the snow outside. He never understood how snow could be considered romantic.

He stabbed away at the ice that got on his car. Yesung shivered repeatedly, biting his lips from the cold when he heard someone call out his name.

A puff of white escaped Sungmin's lips in the frigid air, "It's cold out."

"And here I thought it was just me." Yesung said, Sungmin ignored his sarcasm and placed something in his hands.

"Stay warm," Sungmin said and kissed him quickly on the cheek, waving off as he returned to the house.

Yesung blinked, looking down at the gift in his hands when he pulled them apart.

In his grasp was a pair of fingerless gloves with an optional cover, hand-knitted.

He tilted his head and smiled at the gesture, looking back at the footsteps made in the snow where Sungmin had just came from.

If it was night, he was sure he'd see those same amazing stars. Only now, they'd shine just a bit brighter.

- ❄ Challenge 5 ❄ | ❄ Challenge 7 ❄ -

A/N: I got too caught up in writing this series for the longest, almost forgot my Dec06! @-@

Not sure why I write when I'm close to passing out from exhaustion either, but my muse tends to work its best then for some reason ^^; Also, because of my lack of sleep, I apologize for any glaring errors .-. Which will happen in future fics since I'm crunched for time ><

Check out yehmin ^^

pairing: yemin, c: yesung, | length: one-shots, c: sungmin, type: fanfiction, type: yaoi, challenge♣dec 31-shot

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