[DC07] The Breaking Point

Dec 07, 2011 06:32

The Breaking Point
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: HenSung
Genre: AU!Romance, Drama
Theme: Cameras, Phrase to include: "let's be cool"
Summary: The city was full of mesmerizing sights, gifted architecture and culture embedded in the ground. His focus however shifted to the lower alleys where there lied a struggling merchant, unwilling to rely on anyone. Simply because he was afraid.


He waited until he was sure no one else would be there, sneaking out of his hotel room and walked across the street as he reached that alleyway. A lone person stared absentmindedly as he rolled pieces of meat in his hand.

The cook looked up and sighted the tourist.

"Tell me your order." The vendor said in accented Korean.

"Two orders of... whatever you're good at making." Yesung stated.

Henry nodded and placed two pieces of meat on the grill, flipping them every so often as Yesung studied close by, but far enough to not disturb the worker.

Once done, Henry placed both dishes on the table. He looked around, noticing the customer was alone.

At his silent question, Yesung replied. "I was hoping you'd share the meal with me. I don't like eating alone."

Henry stared at the second seat beside Yesung, parting his lips to reject.

"There's no one else, you've been working non-stop most of the day. I'm sure you could use some rest." Yesung convinced, Henry pursed his lips and sighed, finding himself sitting across from him.

They ate in silence, Henry finished quicker than Yesung and stood up afterwards. Yesung walked towards him and stated, "I'm interested in a tour."

Henry proceeded to hand him his brochures from under his portable kitchen. Yesung instead pulled out a name card and handed it over.

"What am I to do with this?" Henry asked.

"I want a personal tour." Yesung emphasized.

Henry shoved back the card and said in plain Mandarin, "Pervert"

"I thought you said you'd fulfill whatever I want." Yesung replied in Mandarin, shocking the other. "I was hoping four years of college would help me at some point." He then asked. "Where do you live?"

"Why does it matter to you?" Henry countered accusingly.

"Let's be cool about this," Yesung said reassuringly, trying to lower the other's guard around him. "All I need is an address to reach you when I want to look you up."

Henry narrowed his eyes, before solemnly stating, "I don't have a home."

Yesung pursed his lips, realizing he struck a nerve.

He heard his name being called and recognized Leeteuk in the distance. Yesung scribbled down his personal number in the back of the card, forcing it in Henry's hands.

"Call me anytime, day or night."


"We managed to travel to one of the main cultural cities of the world, and the only thing you're interested in is that vendor across the street." Leeteuk reprimanded.

Yesung remained indifferent.

"You do know we're not here for fun." Leeteuk said. "Those cameras are supposed to catch the mistress in the act, but instead you're taking photos of him."

Leeteuk looked up at the series of clicks, watching as Yesung lowered the camera. "Don't worry, with the incriminating footage of her infidelity, he won't care much about the photos I take."

Yesung, without looking away from his target, handed back the camera. "We have enough evidence for the divorce to settle quickly, that calls for free-time, to do as we wish."

"Except you spend all your time there, or out the window hopelessly." Leeteuk said lowly, organizing the printed photos and checking through the memory card on his laptop.

Yesung did as such, staring out the window, watching as Henry cooked the remaining dishes and served them.

Leeteuk warily looked at him before standing up and out of the room, leaving Yesung as he leaned out of the window.

Henry shifted his eyes upward by chance, meeting and recognizing the man's gaze. Yesung's smile grew wider as he waved his hand, Henry immediately looked down and resumed cooking the food.


It was the middle of the night when he heard a knock on his door, Yesung stirred awake as Leeteuk slept soundly on the opposite couch. Yesung trudged exhaustively when he opened the door, surprised by the apologetic man before him.

Yesung quickly straightened up, a short silence ensued when Henry finally asked. "You wanted a personal tour right?"

"How much is it going to cost me?" Yesung asked straight out, Henry seemed stunned. "It's my job to know what people are hiding." He knew Henry had a need for it, fast too from the way he held himself, his hands fidgeting often as he repeatedly averted his eyes.

Guilt setting in, dripping from Henry's words. "...A few hundred."

Yesung went back to his hotel room. Henry stood out there, unsure of what to do when Yesung came back out, handing him an envelope.

Henry checked inside, widening his eyes at the cash, easily more than the few hundred he asked for. "But... Why?"

"You needed it right?"

"Yes," Henry said uneasily.

"I won't dig into your personal affairs, unless you want me to know." Yesung explained, "Take care of yourself and come to me if you need anymore help."

Henry seemed speechless, still standing on the same spot when Yesung peered up at his guilt-ridden expression.

A personal tour alluded to much more, and Henry didn't understand why he wasn't paying the price.

"Don't think I'm doing this without compensation." Yesung abruptly said. "One night I want to spend together before I leave, around the city since I was told I was missing out." Yesung proposed as he leaned against the doorway. "Is that alright with you?"

He suggested it to attempt to alleviate the other's conscience, but couldn't resist taking small advantage of the situation.

He was a selfish person, Henry brought out the worst in him, but also the best in his persistence and patience. The array of emotions he felt by simply standing nearby him, was enough to make him realize just how much he had already fallen.

He couldn't say it.

Henry gave a soft chuckle and nodded his head, replying to his former question. "It's more than alright."


They walked through the night market, sharing snacks and other odd drinks Yesung gave an odd look towards. Henry laughed often at his reactions to the ethnic foods, realizing he hadn't laugh this freely in so long.

They soon stepped away from the bustling market and reached the secluded pier.

Henry felt guilt, thinking of the money spent on him, accumulating further. He glanced at Yesung's thoughtful expression and wondered if it was the right thing to do.

But the man did ask for compensation, any reasonable person would want more than just this. And if Yesung wanted more, Henry should give exactly as such.

Yesung felt the other scoot closer towards him, but still held a distance between them. "You can ask anything of me," Henry uttered, meeting his gaze. "And I'll give it to you."

Yesung stood silent, clearing his throat at the suggestive nature. But he simply shook his head.

"I don't want to buy you." Yesung replied.

"You're not buying me," Henry countered to assure him, Yesung once again shook his head.

"I could have my way with you, take advantage of you." He listed, "But taking you in that way is something you don't deserve. And despite what you may think of yourself, you deserve the best."

Henry said nothing, still holding disbelief at his words. His shoulders, by instinct, tensed the moment Yesung placed a hand here.

"I'd rather you weren't so afraid of me." Yesung murmured.

"I'm not afraid of you." Henry said, meeting his gaze. "I'm just..."

Yesung leaned forward, when once more, Henry had stepped back by habit. He cringed visibly, realizing what he had done, and apologized under his breath. Henry as ashamed of his actions, the other didn't deserve this behavior from him.

"I have to leave tomorrow morning," Yesung said.

Henry parted his lips but no word could be said, too stunned to answer properly.

"Take care of yourself," Yesung said softly, "Call me if you need me."

Henry lowered his eyes. "Only... if I need you?" He asked hesitantly.

Yesung's smile grew as he reached forward, his hand gently holding him close. Henry wasn't repulsed by the action, and instead closed his eyes. His lips almost inviting.

Yesung had to hold back from doing as he wanted, from taking advantage.

"I hope you call simply because you miss me, but that'd be too much to ask, wouldn't it?" He said light-heartedly. Henry left him with no answer, Yesung had expected as such when he withdrew his hand.

He soon returned to the solace of his hotel room, but yearned to return outside, to relive the night he spent.

All he could think about during the flight home, was the man left behind on those streets, the very image that imprinted in his memories.


"You're still sending money to that vendor?" Leeteuk asked, fixing the camera on the desk.

Yesung licked the envelope, "What of it?"

Leeteuk sighed, "Nothing."

Yesung smiled, he knew the other assumed his money would fund some gambling ring or that Henry had spent on it extravagant gifts for himself. He knew that wasn't the case, but the money he sent remained collateral, the price to keep Henry away from harm and alive.

It was a small price to pay, he thought truthfully.

Henry would send back letters. If he was lucky enough, a phone call would fit in every so often. He grew anticipated of those days, checking their mail and messages in case he missed one, the smile unable to leave his face once they got ahold of one another.

This warm feeling that spread through his chest, he long knew what it was. But he held back as he spoke to the other, resisting the urge to exclaim how much he missed him, how much he wanted him there with him.

Then one day, the letters stopped.


"You don't even have a visa, if you step foot into that airport, they'll have you deported immediately."

"I need to make sure he's all right." Yesung said stubbornly, Leeteuk exhaled as he ripped the backpack from his hands.

"We'll go when you get your visa." He said firmly.

"If I wait till then, something might have happened."

"Patience," Leeteuk reminded. "Like we tell all our clients, patience is needed until things settle."

Yesung scoffed bitterly as he threw the backpack onto the wall, feeling as frustrated as every one of the those clients.

He knew now how it felt to be on the other side, desperately needing answers.


Yesung stuffed his hands in his pockets, studying a man's common movements as he walked through and ate his food. It had been four weeks, but the man showed no sign of suspicious activity. It was for certain, the boss clearly focused on the blame on an innocent man.

He sent the text to Leeteuk who agreed, and sighed as he shielded his eyes from the glaring sun. He looked through the camera instead, intending to gather proof the man's innocence when he stopped.

Henry leaned against the rails, the wind roughly ruffling his hair as he looked on in disappointment.

Yesung lowered the camera, his vision refocused on the man in the distance. He was this close.

He rushed over, hoping with every fiber of his being that it was him. And once his footsteps ceased, and standing only a short distance away, that he wasn't wrong.

Henry looked beside him, widening his eyes in recognition when he hurriedly walked over.

Henry smiled in relief once he sighted Yesung. "I thought I was going to be lost forever."

Yesung quickly gathered him in his arms, embracing him tightly as he could. Henry stood still, his hands raised to clutch his shirt, but he slowly forced them down by his side before Yesung could notice.

"I was just coming to visit you." Henry explained afterward.

The man should have known better than to lie to him. Yesung easily deciphered beneath his polite words, eyes studying the way he flinched from crashing metal, his hand angled oddly. The few bruises leftover that hadn't yet healed when Yesung caught Henry changing out of his shirt.

He didn't pry however, feeling the man would tell him in due time, when he was comfortable with admitting the wrongs done to him. He allowed the 'visit' to become a permanent stay.

Yet with the way Henry grinned and smiled around him, one would assume he never faced suffering. And as Yesung gently palmed his cheek, the few instances Henry let him touch his skin, he swore he'd never let him experience it again.


Inside the private detective office, Leeteuk ended the phone call with a new client when Yesung stepped inside and scanned the area. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Where is he?"

Leeteuk knew who he was referring to. "I sent him to get groceries."

Yesung gawked at Leeteuk's heartless ways. "He doesn't even know his way around Seoul yet!"

"He should know by now."

"He's rarely left the house." Leeteuk pondered that for a moment, and made a look of realization. Yesung cursed under his breath as he bolted out of the house, searching nearby and in all areas. The orange purple sky continued to darken above him, and he hoped he'd find Henry on time, and berated himself for not getting him a cell earlier.

"Where do you live?"

Henry parted his lips as the fellow asked, trying to help him find his way back. Henry pursed his lips, unsure of the jumble of numbers and words, each sounding too alike in his thoughts.

"I know..." He struggled to say in Korean. "It's with Yesung..." The man was perplexed by his answer.

They both seemed startled at the hand then placed on Henry's shoulder, yet Henry hadn't flinched from the intruder's touch.

"Found you." A familiar voice said triumphantly.

Henry seemed relieved and quickly turned to thank the stranger for his time. Once the stranger left, Henry walked close by Yesung as they strolled through the pier beside the calm waters. Not ready to return home just yet.

"Is it that different, you think?" Yesung asked, leaning against the trail. Henry leaned forward, his arms crossed over.

"It's different."

"Does it bother you?" He asked, referring to be alone in a country he didn't know well.

"I'm not bothered when you're h-" Henry stopped himself, instantly looking flustered as he averted his gaze from the man beside him. He was almost too honest.

Late into the night, Henry watched as Yesung walked from the cold rail to the park bench, sitting comfortably down when Henry clutched the rail. Briefly debating with himself when he walked ahead, hesitantly resting his hands on his broad shoulders.

Yesung held his wrist. "I won't force you to do things you don't want to do."

Henry's motive was found out. "How did you...?"

Yesung chuckled inwardly. "Because you know I like you, you always knew. Right now you can ask me of anything and I'd say yes." He evaluated himself and cringed visibly. "I'm like those bastards who excuse themselves that they had no choice with their mistresses."

Henry shook his head, his fingers gently caressing Yesung's neck. "You're different," He declared, his fingers feeling the edges of his hair. "You're better than them all."

Yesung smiled weakly at his honest words, closing his eyes when he tugged Henry's wrist close to his warm lips.

Henry felt the air hitched in his throat.

Did Yesung know how much Henry had felt towards him as well? Could the man hear his beating heart, notice his eyes stealing glances every chance he could, the way his heart elated by hearing his name being said by him?

Henry didn't dare ask.

He instead leaned forward and closed the gap between them, kissing him firmly on the lips. Their kiss turning feverish, Henry soon straddled his waist and intensely met his lips repeatedly. The secluded pier encouraged their passion, losing breath as hands grabbed on tightly, roaming forbidden areas. The anticipation and desire that grew the longer they spent apart all those years, it finally reached it's breaking point.

Yesung couldn't stop.

Henry couldn't hold back.


Henry opened his eyes the next morning as the morning rays strayed in through the windows dark curtains. His vision focused when he recognizing the ceiling of Yesung's bedroom, and the bedsheets he laid beneath.

Yesung remained asleep, his arm over his torso, keeping him close by. The corners of Henry's lips shifted upward as his fingers gently traced his bare arm. He closed his eyes and nestled closer, taking advantage of the moment.

He felt comforted, safe, secured. All in Yesung's embrace.

This was home.

- ❄ Challenge 6 ❄ | ❄ Challenge 8 ❄ -

A/N: Tired...Tired...*Knocked out*

c: henry, c: yesung, pairing: hensung, | length: one-shots, type: fanfiction, type: yaoi, challenge♣dec 31-shot

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