[DC00] Man's Worst Enemy

Dec 01, 2011 22:42

Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Kyuwook
Genre: AU!General, Fluff
Theme: Chains, Phrase to include: "easy come, easy go"
Summary: Compared to everyone else he had ever dared to fight for Ryeowook's affection, never had he faced such an opponent. One who lived under his own roof no less.


He heard the chain rattle, and Kyuhyun hoped the other wouldn't hear as he held Ryeowook closer.

"Is that-"

"It isn't!" Kyuhyun yelled, covering Ryeowook's ears when the other pushed his hands away, hearing the distinct sounds of the chain being yanked repeatedly.

"Yes it is." Ryeowook said, immediately forcing himself away from Kyuhyun's embrace. The latter could only sigh as he slowly stood up from the couch and walked towards the living room onto the outside patio. In broad daylight, Ryeowook smiled excitedly,

"That's a good boy!"

The dog barked and jumped into his arms. Kyuhyun watched in envy as Ryeowook doted on his pet dog, who wagged its tail happily as his master played with him.

"Don't put him inside, I had to clean his little presents."

"If you bothered to remember to take him on his walks, we'd be having a lot less of those presents." Ryeowook countered, the chain having fallen to the ground as he brought the dog inside the house.

Kyuhyun loathed the thing, and as the dog barked in his direction once and walked off. He knew it was mutual.

"He should have been trained."

"He was, you just don't order him the right away."

"I have so." Kyuhyun stated.

"There's a difference between 'Stay' and 'Get away from me!'" Ryeowook reasoned. "Did you think raising one would be easy come, easy go just like that?"

"Is it wrong for me to hope at least?" Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes, insulted by the other's tone.

Ryeowook sighed, sitting on the couch as he resumed watching his special on the television screen. Kyuhyun sulked in a corner, stubbornly waiting for the other to apologize when he heard a loud "Come here." He rushed over when he gawked at the dog who took his place beside him.

The latter felt that intense gaze and looked back, Kyuhyun's menacing glare aimed at the dog who ignored him. "This jealously of yours, its both cute and creepy."

Kyuhyun only heard the latter part as the he glared at the dog. "It is not cute and completely creepy."

Ryeowook continued to watch the television, deciding to ignore the other's antics for the time being.

Later that night, he thought by then it'd have settled. But they were faced with a new predicament.

"He is not sleeping on the bed!"

"It's too cold outside, I don't want him to be freezing all night long."

"That's what his fur is for." Kyuhyun said mercilessly. When Ryeowook narrowed his eyes at him, he stepped back, deciding that he'd reluctantly agree for the time being.

He turned to his side, trying to snuggle with the other when he was met the dog's tail.

"This is not a flattering sight." He muttered as the dog laid on Ryeowook's chest and laid between them.

Never-mind, Kyuhyun realized, this was going to be a much longer winter than he thought.

- It Begins! ❄ Challenge 1 ❄ -

~ December 31-shot Masterlist ~
A/N: This is now the beginning of December's 31-Shot Challenge Countdown! Like last year, except this time instead of focusing mainly on SuJu, going to include other groups I like as well ^^

c: ryeowook, | length: one-shots, type: fanfiction, pairing: kyuwook, type: yaoi, challenge♣dec 31-shot, c: kyuhyun

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