Glee Fanfic: Five Hands

Oct 16, 2010 21:24

Title: Five Hands
Author: somebodysangel/  nyafangirl 
Rating: Hard R
Summary: Rachel would bet that Santana and Brittany have never done this before. And if that Glist was still being compiled, this would shoot her to the top.
Characters: Rachel/Puck/Matt/Mike/Artie/Kurt (yes, those are forward slashes, not commas)
Disclaimer: If I owned it, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction.
Notes: ZOMG, I'm finally posting! Work, uni and a general lack of inspiration has been a real downer lately. However, reading a few old fics has recently conjured some ides, so hopefully there's more to come. This fic takes place in a slightly-AU world just after Laryngitis. Huge thanks to  becca_radcgg  and griffin_wolf  for the beta.

Rachel would bet that Santana and Brittany have never done this before. And if that Glist was still being compiled, this would shoot her to the top.

Five pairs of hands slide along her skin. Five mouths kiss different places on her body. In any other scenario, it would be weird that she’s the only one naked. But with Puck’s tongue in her mouth, Artie and Mike mouthing her nipples, and Matt caressing her thighs, she can’t concentrate on anything but the fire consuming her. It’s so much more than the pleasant burning it started as. It’s too much sensation.

Puck’s taste in her mouth, and lips and teeth working on those overly sensitive areas. She needs to tell them to back off, but it comes out a moan which just encourages them more. She’s much too tense now. She won’t come this way, not with so much pressure.

So she reaches out, trying to find a shoulder to push away. Instead, she finds a soft, silky crop of hair. She doesn’t know whose, but it’s something, so she tugs.

The girly yelp doesn’t help her identify him, but the voice does. “My hair!” Kurt screams, and she once again thanks God for her soundproofed bedroom. She also wonders what Kurt is thinking by all of this - and why he agreed to this in the first place. As far as she knows, he’s never wanted to satisfy a girl. Yet she can feel his fingers - she knows they’re his, because none of the others have such soft skin - tracing patterns on her outer thigh.

Puck releases her mouth, and she sucks in a breath. It doesn’t help; she still feels like she’s drowning. He somehow figures out what’s going on, and tells the other boys, “Less.”

As with after the group performance, when he orchestrated this situation, they listen to Puck. He’s in charge, as he always is when it’s anything to do with sex. Artie moves his mouth to her arm; lacing his fingers through hers while he presses soft, dry kisses to the inside of her elbow. Mike moves away completely, out of her range of vision.

Matt stays where he is, or at least she thinks he does. The soft fingers continue drawing patterns on her skin, and his hot breath washes over her. It’s exactly what she needed; her focus is no longer scattered fivefold, but centred on him, and she can feel the arousal building once again.

“Is that what you want, baby?” Puck whispers in her ear, and she’s surprised by the soft tone. It doesn’t sound dirty, just a question from a lover, and she’s glad. She’s never understood the appeal of ‘talking dirty’, but these words send shivers down her spine. “Do you want him to use his mouth on you?”

Her legs are trembling under Matt’s hands, and her mind is racing. She’s torn; she wants a mouth on her, desperately. But she sort of wants Puck to be the first one to touch her like that. If she could think straight for more than a second, she might wonder why he’s willing to let someone touch his girlfriend in a way he hasn’t. His eyes are boring into hers, pure green with lust. She realises he loves the idea of watching her get off by another man’s hands. Or tongue. As long as he’s there with her, it doesn’t matter to him how she gets off.

Besides, if the rumour mill is correct, Matt’s pretty talented. And his mouth sure is big. One more exhalation caresses her sensitive skin; she would squirm, if a set of hands weren’t holding down her hips.

So she whispers “yes” against Puck’s lips, then kisses him again. He swallows the moan that escapes her mouth when Matt’s tongue touches her. It’s warm and wet and soothing and arousing, and she feels like she might just explode.

Artie’s kisses move down to her forearm, the tender skin of her inner arm caressed by his lips. Kurt is… somewhere near a wall; she can just see his scowl out of the corner of her eye. Well, no-one forced him to be here, he agreed readily enough. Though she kind of understands why he is still here, even if he isn’t exactly having the time of his life. She knows she’d jump at the chance to bond with the other girls in Glee, even if it meant shopping, or fawning over teen idols.

Given Kurt is no longer touching her, it must be Mike’s hands on her pelvis; he doesn’t seem to be doing anything other than watching. And rather enjoying the sight, if his mutterings about “totally hot” and “damn, girl” are anything to go by.

Her breasts are now exposed, the drying saliva rapidly cooling on her skin. But the cold is good; it allows her to breathe. Puck breaks the kiss and moves away from her, leaving her free to gulp down a lungful of air. It’s heavy in the back of her throat, smelling like lust and sex and boys, and serves to heighten her arousal just that little bit more.

Matt is definitely talented. She’s getting there faster than she ever has alone - or with Puck, though she knows he’ll attempt to correct that the next time they’re alone. Though she can’t understand the words, she can hear Puck talking to the other boys, telling them how to get her off. If she could think logically, she might just wonder when he came to know all her buttons - they’ve only been dating a few weeks, and he just rounded second base the other day.

With her mouth now free, she’s able to make all those sounds she loves making. Few coherent words escape - she’s way too far gone - but the room fills with the sound of her moans.

She swears when Matt’s lips clamp down on her clit, and Puck laughs at her. Her entire body is radiating heat now, and arches up, so her breasts reach Puck’s waiting mouth. He’s not nearly as gentle as the others are, biting down on a nipple as he squeezes the other breast. He doesn’t worry about causing bruises - she knows he loves to see reminders of their trysts days later.

She comes hard when two fingers enter her, slender and soft but more than enough, when combined with the roughness of Matt’s stubble. All of her muscles tense, and she grips a shoulder blindly. She’s not sure who sent her over the edge, until she hears Kurt breathe an “oh”. And she feels the fingers inside her push up suddenly, then withdraw just as quickly.

Panting hard, she clutches Artie’s hand and digs her fingernails into Puck’s shoulder as she comes down slowly. Neither of them flinch, though Puck does bite down on her nipple in retaliation. She’ll get him back, eventually - the banter in their burgeoning relationship isn’t just verbal.

When she eventually opens her eyes, her gaze is immediately drawn to Kurt. He’s standing against the wall once more, but no longer scowling at her; the tortured, confused look on his face is directed at his own body. She knows something of how it feels for your own body to betray you; her body’s reaction to Puck, the first time they’d dated, was far more than she’d ever felt when Finn kissed her.

Now, of course, she is used to her body’s reaction to Puck - and she knows his touch. So when a hand on her stomach pulls her attention away from Kurt, she knows whose it is without looking. But, as her gaze moves towards her boyfriend, she gets distracted; Mike is touching himself through his pants. Her mouth drops open in amazement. She wants to tell him to unzip, but she literally can’t speak. For the second time in a week she’s lost her voice, however this time she’s not afraid. As has just been proven to her, she has attributes other than her voice.

Mike must be psychic, because a moment after she’s thought it, the zipper is undone. He pulls himself out and starts stroking. It’s the first time she’s seen anyone other than Puck up close, and she’s startled by the differences - he’s slimmer than Puck, and has less pubic hair. Her mouth goes dry. She desperately wants to taste it, but can’t figure out how to get her tongue around the words. And besides, he looks like he has a good handle on things.

Instead, she reaches to her right and undoes Artie’s pants. Her eyes fixed on Mike’s hands, she mimics his movements. She isn’t sure what she was expecting, but Artie doesn’t feel much different from Puck - all hot, hard skin, which seems to heat a little more every time her hand passes over him. Artie’s cock is more uniformly smooth than Puck’s, and he’s not circumcised, but Rachel isn’t comparing, not really. She’s just noting differences.

It’s not until Mike comes messily over his fingers that the others filter back into her brain. Matt and Puck are giving her instructions, but she ignores them and faces Artie. It isn’t until she sees his eyes trained on her breasts that she remembers she’s still naked. Up until this moment, it didn’t bother her that everyone else was fully clothed. Now she moves to cover herself, but gentle hands on her wrists stop her.

“Please, don’t,” Artie says, his voice husky. “You’re beautiful, Rachel. Nothing to be ashamed of.” Her mouth opens, but he continues before she can speak. “There is no judgment in this room, Rachel. No need to be shy.” If anyone else had said the words, she wouldn’t have believed them. But somehow Artie, with his steady gaze and sincere tone, puts her at ease.

Puck puts a hand on her back, further lessening her anxiety, and she turns to kiss him. She needs to get back into the moment, knows his mouth will do that quicker than anything else.

Before long, she feels the arousal wash over her once again, and pulls away. With a shy smile at Puck, she turns back to Artie, taking hold of him once more. A questioning glance is thrown his way, as she restarts the handjob.

“I… I need to see the movement,” he says, looking slightly embarrassed. Nodding in what she hopes is a reassuring manner; she licks her palm and moves her hand faster. Her gaze is trained on his, watching as his eyes follow her strokes.

It happens more quickly than she’s expecting. Artie’s entire body tenses and he grips the sides of his wheelchair. For an instant, she wonders if Tina has ever done this for him, then he calls Rachel’s name as he comes. Apparently not.

Puck hands her a tissue as Artie tucks himself back in, and she sits back to clean off her fingers. His fingers haven’t left her skin since she resumed jerking Artie off; tracing nonsensical patterns over her back and shoulder blades. She knows it’s his own little way of reminding himself that this was his idea - it also has the paradoxical effects of both calming and arousing her. Her eyes meet Puck’s excited ones, and she turns towards him, only for him to point at Matt and raise an eyebrow.

Matt’s pants are already around his ankles, and he’s unashamedly stroking himself. Her eyes widen when she takes in the sight. If she’s honest, she’s not even sure that he’ll fit in her mouth; he’s really quite impressive. A lump forms in her throat, which she swallows painfully. Her eyes slide sideways of their own volition, and it’s not until she sees Puck’s reassuring nod that she realises why. If Puck thinks she can do this, she most likely can - when it comes to sexual matters, she trusts that he knows more than she.

She moves to her knees, takes him in hand and closes her lips in a wet kiss over just his tip. He shudders and she thinks maybe he’s closer than she thought. Not that she really has much experience with gauging orgasms - it was only two days ago that she finally saw the signs in Puck. Her mouth only goes down a short way, due to Matt’s girth, so she uses a hand on the remaining length, mimicking the movement of her lips and tongue. It takes her a while to get into the rhythm; he doesn’t respond in the same way Puck does. In fact, he seems to be taking a really long time to respond to anything.

Then Puck whispers for her to use her teeth a little. Matt’s done in seconds.

While Matt recovers, Rachel leans back against Puck, contemplating what she’s just done. Technically, she supposes, she’s still a virgin. But, somehow, this seems so much more than the actual act of sex. Now she feels like she’s a woman. Puck’s hand moves lazily up and down her side, then grazes a breast; she’s still the only one naked. But it doesn’t bother her. Maybe that’s the change - she’s now more comfortable in her own skin.

When Matt’s presentable again, Puck ushers the boys towards the door. Mike protests, asking about Puck’s release, and Rachel watches Kurt nod vigorously behind him. She turns her gaze to Puck, smirking when she sees the set of his jaw. He’s close, way closer than he will ever admit with another guy in the room. She knows all about his pride, knows he doesn’t want his reputation damaged by how quickly Rachel can get him off.

Just as she puts one foot on the floor to come to his rescue, Puck speaks, and they cannot argue. “To be perfectly frank, no one is going to fuck my girl but me.”

fanfic: glee, puckleberry

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