six flags was awesome. there was a big storm for like 20 min and the power went off and people were stuck on rides. we just got off a rollercoaster when it happened. weirdddd. we went on 5 rollercoasters and the congo rapids twice. it was insane.
hung out with jen yesterday. missed the vmas but we watched daria and made fun of degrassi.
on sunday i went to a corn festival. a CORN festival. it was pathetic. we didnt go to the bronx zoo becuase they close or someshit . gay gay gay
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today henrys coming over!!! we are going to the mall to meet him now and then we might be going to the bronx zoo because it is GORGEOUS OUTSIDE TODAY
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hi guys. today im going shopping with amanda and i wont be back until sunday. if i dont write on sunday sorry :(. after that, i wont be back until thursday because im going to wildwood. so i hope everyone has a good week or whatever. see you guys later.