2 More Days to End of Year 2016

Dec 29, 2016 17:29

This will be a pure English blog entry. It has a been few months since I have last updated and here are some of the tasks/activities done from October till now:

1) Studying progressively for the NSCA (National Strength & Conditioning Association professional title:  CSCS (Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist). Target to complete the exam within the first try by Jan 2017. --> Refer to the official website at https://www.nsca.com/certification/cscs/

2) Used some learning credits to pick up sports coaching from a private sports science academy at http://media.wix.com/ugd/ebc51e_1a4d3f6ac8034f34870aef13263df6c9.pdf  After that, proceeded to use Udemy and Coursera to further study sports coaching area!

3) Completed a few freelance assignments after not working full time few months ago. Work life balance is now much better and less stressful. Aiming to complete a Sports Exercise & Science diploma next year part time as secondary interest.

4) Tried a mystery shopping session and finally know how it was like to get it done. I would say that this is more suitable for retirees/part time/freelance basis instead of seeing it as a permanant sideline.

5)  I am offically a certified POSE Method of Running Technique Specialist (https://www.techniquespecialist.com/map/#!biz/id/57af248cdcdf12781c29a86c) and have my own facebook page (link is at https://www.facebook.com/posecoachneo ) to respect running as a skill sport and to enjoy efficient injury free running again!
Please look for me if you need help in approaching running systematically and been plagued with injuries recently.

6)I aim to be more consistent in blood donation next year onwards since I only managed 2 blood donations this year =X So, aiming for at least 3 blood donations yearly before I am not able to do so. For the record, I started my first blood donation back in year 2005 and never looked back from then!

running, work, investment, finance, thoughts

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