The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who, by Paul Cornell and Jimmy Broxton. Ticked all my boxes. Possibly the first Hugo finalist to actually feature the venue where the awards will be made.
Saga, vol 2, by Bryan Vaughan and Fiona Staples. Solid stuff.
3) No Award.
Not voting for:
The Meathouse Man, by George R.R. Martin and Raya Golden. Didn't really push my buttons. But if I give it a lower preference, I am effectively putting it ahead of the other two finalists.
Girl Genius, Volume 13: Agatha Heterodyne & The Sleeping City, by Phil and Kaja Foglio - simply not my thing; I've tried several previous volumes when they were nominated and bounced off them, so I didn't even try this year.
“Time” by Randall Munroe - sat through the first couple of minutes of this a couple of times, waited for something interesting to happen, went and did something else when it didn't. Maybe there is a punchline that I just have to be patient about.
You can vote in this year's Hugos, and the 1939 Retro Hugos, by joining Loncon 3 at
http://www.loncon3.org/memberships .
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Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) |
Best Professional Artist | Best Fan Artist
Best Novel |
Best Novella | Best Novelette | Best Short Story |
Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) |
Best Professional Artist