Title: Pompeii Song & Artist: Pompeii by Bastille Fandom(s): 64 total. For a complete list of fandoms used click here Description: "Nothing is what it appears to be" multifandom. Collaboration with lolilie
Just watched this with the sound off at the coffeeshop, because I was so excited to get an initial feel for it. So excited to see what you're doing with those Dollhouse clips, when I get home and can have the sound on! A new vid from you is already such a treat for my Tuesday morning :).
Favorite Moment: 1:49-1:51 - serious death scenes/hero falling scenes . . . and Troy.
This is epic to the nth power, and I adore you + Lori for making it (especially for including Orange is the New Black, my current obsession, because of LADIES).
And you made a Spike on cross in Beneath You = Godric on rooftop analogy, which has me crying my eyes out in Starbucks because PERFECT.
Oh, and my editing class works with Avid, so I may just get Sony Vegas and bug you about teaching me, because it seems that the way I listen to music these days is to try to figure out if I can vid something to the song.
I love you! And I don't know her, but I already love Lori!
And you made a Spike on cross in Beneath You = Godric on rooftop analogy, which has me crying my eyes out in Starbucks because PERFECT
that was a mutual effort, and came solely from Lori's brain. That Spike/Buffy clip was actually the end of one of my sections, so her new section started off the parallel
Comments 8
This is epic to the nth power, and I adore you + Lori for making it (especially for including Orange is the New Black, my current obsession, because of LADIES).
And you made a Spike on cross in Beneath You = Godric on rooftop analogy, which has me crying my eyes out in Starbucks because PERFECT.
Oh, and my editing class works with Avid, so I may just get Sony Vegas and bug you about teaching me, because it seems that the way I listen to music these days is to try to figure out if I can vid something to the song.
I love you! And I don't know her, but I already love Lori!
And you made a Spike on cross in Beneath You = Godric on rooftop analogy, which has me crying my eyes out in Starbucks because PERFECT
that was a mutual effort, and came solely from Lori's brain. That Spike/Buffy clip was actually the end of one of my sections, so her new section started off the parallel
<3 you!!
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