Title: The Pawnee Mystique (1/4)
Pairing: Ben/Leslie
Rating: NC-17
Timeline: Season five - Takes places during Article Two (although I played around with the timing just a bit).
Summary: Written for the kinkmeme prompt: I just realized how badly I want Ben to spank Leslie. (Maybe, since it doesn't seem like something he would do, he does it "accidentally" and they're both kind of surprised or confused and just awkward...)
Oh, I accept your challenge, OP.
Well, maybe Ted has a point, is her first thought after she feels the raw egg drip down her face. The second thought is--crap. She hopes Ann has makeup stashed somewhere at work, because she is going to need a major touch-up and Ben has the car with him today, since they've been trying out carpooling between City Hall and Sweetums. But then later that evening, as she's sprawled out on the sofa next to her husband, the assembled collection of Pawnee's statutes, laws, and regulations open and in front of her, Leslie's just thinking--What the hell? Ted dunking is one thing, but this…?
Seriously, what the hell, Pawnee?
But then she sneaks a peek at Ben in profile, button-up plaid shirt, loosened tie, dark pants, iPad in his hands while he reads something and she thinks--huh.
The laws are still really gross and offensive but…god, he's got such nice hands. Warm, big hands. And wrists…she really loves his wrists. And his fingers. Ugh.
Leslie lets her mind wander a bit more. Sure, in 2013 it's awful, but maybe in 1868? She tries that out. Nope--still really bad.
Maybe if he's not really punishing her? What if it's like foreplay. What if she's into it and he's into it and it's absolutely not a serious punishment and all gross and creepy, like he's trying to hurt her, but like a sexy, hot, consensual punishment that drives her all crazy at how he's doing that thing to her like it's not even her idea at all.
But, Ben--her husband, Ben. Spanking her. There, she went ahead and actually thought it. And as soon as she does she sort of has to rub her thighs together because, oh my god. Ben spanking her. And holy shit, this is actually doing it for her--and honestly, it's much more the Ben part than the husband part.
Crap on a carrot cake, how is this doing it for her? She's a feminist!
It's not like they haven't done a few kinky things before and they definitely role play a lot (they even have a safeword just in case--although neither has ever used it). And there was that night she was Betsy and he was Carl and he was kind of rubbing and patting her butt, while she flirted and distracted him from his forces and the battle. That was…not at all unpleasant.
So, huh.
She goes back a few pages in the book and decides to read through the statutes again and give it a bit more thought.
Part 2 -->