It just gets better and better...

Sep 02, 2010 12:48

It took two days and some very sore shoulders and arms, but the backsplash is done.
Warning! Photo spam under the cut. You have been warned! )

kitchen renovation

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Comments 12

tdu000 September 2 2010, 20:24:15 UTC
That is a very smart kitchen - and so much room too. It must have been a lot of work but I'm sure it's worth it.


nundu_art September 3 2010, 02:07:28 UTC
The kitchen is enormous! That really comes in to play with the flooring. 264 square feet of bamboo!!! I love the big kitchen though. In the opposite end from the cabinets/stove/frig I have a 6 foot long farm table where we eat most of our meals...and the room is not at all crowded. For a fairly small (by American standards) house, over half of it is kitchen and living room, and I like it like that. Giant bedrooms are highly over rated. All you do is sleep in them. I prefer to have more room in my public rooms for entertaining.


megan29 September 2 2010, 20:56:51 UTC
I like the asymmetry in the detail over the stove - it breaks the subway layout. I think doing the small tiles as an accent is better than doing the whole backsplash, even if money wasn't an issues. Very small tiles makes walls look too busy, imho.

Congrats on finally nearing the finish line. I hope you spam us with plenty of photos once the cabinet doors are in, so we can see the full result.


megan29 September 3 2010, 00:23:14 UTC
What is up with those 's'-es at the end of my verbs? I have no idea how they got there! :-)


nundu_art September 3 2010, 02:09:03 UTC
Oh trust me, I shall overload you with pics when the room is finally finished! Hubby and I are both home for the next four days. We hope to get lots done!


mollywheezy September 2 2010, 22:36:50 UTC
That looks great! :D


nundu_art September 3 2010, 02:12:38 UTC
Thanks! I think an upcoming project will be an attempt to replicate those yummy biscuits we had yesterday!

Unfortunately the photo doesn't do the glass tiles justice. They literally sparkle and look deep! Really cool. You'll have to come 'up the mountain' for a look!


genesse September 3 2010, 04:45:58 UTC


mcgonagalls_cat September 3 2010, 05:27:50 UTC
Some of us, not saying who, are very envious of your many and varied talents....

[Just for the sake of argument - Is there anything you do that isn't amazing?]


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