Five sketches prompted
on the meme, including MorMor in a hot tub, interrogation room sex, corgi!Holmeses, Mycroft's secret weapon and genderswapped Mystrade.
Given the range of prompts, all not-safe-for-work art is under a spoiler cut just in case. As always, click to see an image full size!
Art below the cut! )
If Lestrade sees that picture he'll either faint or grabs and him to kiss him into oblivion. (Yes, let's say kiss...)
Thank you so much for sharing these! And what a great prompt idea to offer these, fantastic! you take commissions?
<3 <3 <3
Glad you liked the prompts, they were a lot of fun to fill--though I have to admit, I borrowed the idea from another prompter who did something similar a few parts back, so it wasn't original in any way!
As for commissions, I don't at the moment (I'm far from a real artist as I'm completely self-taught and have no idea what I'm doing 90% of the time), but I do take prompts! If you have any ideas, feel free to send them my way and I'll do my best with them. ;)
I did like the prompt and the fills - and you're welcome!
I totally understand about the commsissions. Well, as for prompts and as you said I can throw them at you...
Seeing your amazing Mycroft and knowing there isn't that much Mystrade art out there, I'd love to prompt a Mystrade cuddle or Mystrade almost-kissing or Mystrade staring-in-each-other-eyes or Mystrade Mycroft-presses-Lestrade-on-the-bed scenario.
If you'd feel like it it'd be awesome but I'm already greatful for what you did so far and I love it!
(I can'tr wait to read The Making Of but have to as I'm mixing up WIPs otherwise and this doesn't deserve it and I love OT3s too and saved already all your art for it and did I mention I CAN'T WAIT? *g*)
Also: The Making Of is awesome! I'm so flattered you're enjoying my art for it. I completely understand why people don't read WIPs...luckily I don't think you'll have to wait long for this one to finish! :D I'm working on some more art for it, but I'm out of town this weekend and thus will probably not post until Monday or Tuesday.
I love your art to The Making Of. And good to know I might not have to wait for all too long until I can indulge. Looking forward to this - and to more of your art!
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