"Party" - prompt #247

Jan 19, 2010 01:05

Title: Party
Part of the Arranged universe.
Author: Keenir
prompt: #247: Fiance.
Characters: Kim Hall, Don & Val Eppes, Alan, Charlie, David.
Summary: Kim Hall arrives in town about a week after the wedding - and throws Don a party to celebrate.
Warnings: AU.
Rating: M
Word Count: 191
Spoilers: 1.07, 2.06, the Arranged series.
Disclaimer: All canon characters are the property of CBS, Heuton & Falacci. All original characters are mine.

"Now this is a feast," David said as he and everyone else followed the newlywed's lead in sitting down.

"This is barbeque," Alan said. "You really didn't have to do this," he said to the woman who'd arranged this cookout for them.

"Oh come on," Kim said; "when I heard that Don was getting married, I came as soon as I could."

"Definately a surprise," Don said into his glass, sitting at the head table with Val.

"Well thanks for throwing such a nice engagement party," Alan told her.

"It's my pleasure," Kim said. "And I didn't do anything fancy, because I know how much the happy couple like to keep things low-key."

"You know Val, too?" Charlie asked.

"We went to the same college," Val said.

"And I probably missed all the bridal showers," Kim said. "So just pretend you're still fiancees, and have fun."

"What's she implying?" Don quietly asked Val as he he tried feeding her a little shredded beef.

With a little smear of BBQ sauce across her lips, Val informed him just as quietly, "You're going down," and fed him a string of spagetti in kind.

The End
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