Title: Hovering
Series: Crossfire
Pairing/Characters: Charlie Eppes
Rating: G
Summary: Charlie hovers
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: none
Notes/Warnings: Now if I could just come up with drabbles for the CURRENT prompt!
Crossfire Shot Blood Hospital Hovering between sleep and wakefulness, Charlie couldn’t figure out why his brain was calculating bullet speeds versus the speed of sound. He couldn’t know what kind of gun was involved, what type of bullet, the distance involved. No, wait, he knew the distance. The smiling man was about a hundred yards away. He’d have to get a more accurate measurement. Maybe the doctor would know about the bullet.
The bullet? The pain came back suddenly. He was having trouble breathing. Someone was holding something over his face. He tried to pull away, but he was restrained. Don? Where was Don?